Wiii Rainbow just shipped

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Vx Chemical
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Wiii Rainbow just shipped - Nov 29, 2006 07:30
Im getting Rainbow Six tomorrow, and i havent even finished GoW yet. Im going to be a busy man, and i got loads of work and im nearly 60 in wow with my priest so i can go raiding, what to do what to do!


Dont mistake title for something nintendo
< Message edited by Vx Chemical -- 28 Nov 06 23:30:52 >

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RE: Wiii Rainbow just shipped - Nov 29, 2006 08:08

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RE: Wiii Rainbow just shipped - Nov 30, 2006 05:02
Bite me.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Wiii Rainbow just shipped - Nov 30, 2006 17:13
I got my game yesterday, i didnt get home till 11pm so i have had no chance to try it yet, but since im not done with GoW yet, i probably wont start it till im done with that, i dont like mixing games!