Animal crossing is the kind of game that you play for 20-40 minutes everyday. It' s not the sort of game that you want to play more than that. I' m not even sure its even a videogame, there is no goal except to acquire whatever you want. The game is kinda twisted, on the suface it looks kiddy but I' ve seen some pretty disturbing things happen in my little town.
Byakko I think I can answer your question about why guys consider " cute" a bad thing. To do so allow me to express what " cute" is. Cute is something that is defenceless and attractive, it is attractive because it is otherwise defenceless. The interesting thing about cuteness is that we instinctively respond to it. It all originates from babies. Human babies are completely dependant on adults for the first few years for immediate survival, they simply cannot fend for themselves.
When we think something is cute, what do we want to do? We want to pick it up and hold it and basically protect it. This is a basic instinct, the very instinct that all mammals have towards their new borns. Its the reason why babies survive in the animal kindom, because they are cute.
To be frank, responding to cuteness is a female thing. Traditionally its the mother that cares for new borns in the Ape family, so it' s only natural that human girls are more responsive to cuteness than guys. Because of this, cuteness has become not only biologically feminin but socially as well.
Us guys don' t want to be cute, we need to be the opposite of cute. We need to be tough, strong and aggressive. Men don' t need to be protected we are the protectors! It' s in our nature. And we sure as fuck don' t want to be caught enjoying a cute videogame. Oh and by the way Sonic is not cute, he' s cool. Only a girl could even perceive Sonic as being cute. In all honesty that thought never even crossed my mind, he was always cool, just cool.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 28 Nov 06 19:51:07 >