MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER!

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MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 09:28
according to kikizo preview this game will be the first killer app for the ps3, and it shows really the potential of the ps3 of what it can do beyond 360...

this is to all people who says that this game suck , and specialy " look like shit"

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 09:30
... it sucks, it looks like shit

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 09:55
It sucks and looks like shit.

Evil Man
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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 10:10
I' ve played it, it' s garbage.

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 10:15
I saw a 720p 7,5 minute feed, direct from the PS3 marketplace-demo yesterday, and i were grinning the entire time, atleast the first 10 times i watched the video.

The game looks really fast and fun.. :)
< Message edited by KongRudi -- 28 Nov 06 2:15:43 >

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 10:54

Original: Evil Man
I' ve played it, it' s garbage.

Havent seen you in a while Evil, good(or would that be an oxymoron?) to have you back.

To reiterate: it sucks.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 10:57
I played so I didn' t bother reading the Kikizo thing on it.
I think the game is just an average racer. The graphics are decent but they are not good. The gameplay was only average. I wouldn' t even consider buying the game if it was on 360.
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Adam Doree
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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 11:10
Correction, none of you have played it. You have played a demo based on outdated code. I am glad the site' s attempt to explain this and other points about why it' s actually awesome are taken on board in this thread.
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 28 Nov 06 3:13:48 >

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 13:49

Correction, none of you have played it. You have played a demo based on outdated code. I am glad the site' s attempt to explain this and other points about why it' s actually awesome are taken on board in this thread.

Yeah What he said Well I have played the Demo man And I for one love it. Looks great hell

I might have to pick this on up

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 14:18
Haven' t played it, but just by looks it isn' t as much of a killer app as Gears or Zelda. First off, aside from the weapon designs it looks to be a extremely generic shooter.
Secondly from reviews I have seen, all cutscenes are done in a picture-by-picture style, they could have really made the PS3' s power shine if they had done in-game cutscenes as Gears did. As well the enemy designs aren' t very far apart.

The game is obviously good...but great is a debate.
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Agent Ghost
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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 15:23

Haven' t played it, but just by looks it isn' t as much of a killer app as Gears or Zelda. First off, aside from the weapon designs it looks to be a extremely generic shooter.
Secondly from reviews I have seen, all cutscenes are done in a picture-by-picture style, they could have really made the PS3' s power shine if they had done in-game cutscenes as Gears did. As well the enemy designs aren' t very far apart.

The game is obviously good...but great is a debate.

Motorstorm is a racer not a shooter...

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 16:18
hehe alecrein was the best of of you all... i think adam clearly mentioned that this build is way different than the demos in stores you' ve been playing guys, and it does look awesome... enough said.

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 16:21
Lol at you aba,you siad FF12 didn' t desere 9.5/10 that kikizo gaved it,you only go by score that suits you.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Agent Ghost
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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 16:24
I always thought the game looked promissing, they just needed to speed it up. If I was buying a PS3 and only one launch (close enough) game it would probably be Motorstorm.

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 16:31

Correction, none of you have played it. You have played a demo based on outdated code. I am glad the site' s attempt to explain this and other points about why it' s actually awesome are taken on board in this thread.

Adam, i wanted to thanks for the great preview. Not sure If youve read previous threads on the game but i got totally slated by 360 fanboys trying to give me reasons why they think the game is rubbish..

Looking at the lastest trailers (not even sure if they are from the new build you guys have)... I can confidently say (at least), it easily looks visually the best example of True next generation.. the animations and flow to this game, kill games such as GOW (which no matter how much details GOW has, it still moves in a medioka way, unlike Motorstorm).

Well Done!!

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 16:32
Quez you' re an idiot aren' t u, adam said it' s another build, he said hat it' s an awesome game, may be he exagerated but he can' t go all wrong, this game is AT LEAST good period. and yes i don' t agree with final fantasy 12 score in kikizo , i won' t give it a 9.5 i gave it a 9... so it' s in the range.

WHEN ONE (not anyone but a professionel) who played the game , the latest build, says the game is awesome, then somebody who played an early build says it suck, one of them is fucking idiot, and i might know who is...

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 16:34
Kikizo has a near final copy of MotorStorm?! Wierd!

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 16:34
Yeah,how about you' re the fucking idiot.
Adam is one opinion you get that?
And when did you really care or follow Kikizo reviews anyway until now?

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 16:55
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...ok *goes into a corner* I went through the thread thinking we were talking about Resistance...forget my last comment :P
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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 17:05

Adam, i wanted to thanks for the great preview. Not sure If youve read previous threads on the game but i got totally slated by 360 fanboys trying to give me reasons why they think the game is rubbish..

Looking at the lastest trailers (not even sure if they are from the new build you guys have)... I can confidently say (at least),.. it easily looks visually the best example of True next generationthe animations and flow to this game, kill games such as GOW (which no matter how much details GOW has, it still moves in a medioka way, unlike Motorstorm).

Well Done!!


it easily looks visually the best example of True next generation

Your the biggest fanboy here, you just wont admit it!

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 17:22
I played the Sony Store demo over the weekend. I' m curious as to just how different the build Kikizo played is. I' m taking it' s a further revision of the 2 level demo that every other site has previewed?

As to whether it' s a good game or not. I wasn' t impressed by the demo, but that' s more of a visual rather than a gameplay thing. The gameplay is what i expected, it' s loose and fun. The camera turns late which is annoying, but other than that it plays ok.

Graphically the game is a mix of good and bad. Low resolution background textures and aliasing aplenty, and well modeled vehicles, awesome damage modeling, great lighting and particle effects etc.

If i could change one thing i would make the game even faster. They said they would though so with any luck they' ll deliver.

Oh, and comparing MotorStorm to Gears of War it stupid. I think the only thing that could be said is that MotorStorm is certain to play better than the awful driving section in Gears...

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 17:33
The gameplay looks much better after watching the kikizo video and reading the preview but the graphics don' t look much better.
I think this is a good example of PS3' s 256 MB being a big downer. There is way too much of the same textures on those courses. It does look next gen but it doesn' t impress me. I don' t see much in it from an artistic point of view either.

The gameplay looks like a lot of fun ramming each other off the road and such. Still not a game I would buy if it was on 360 but I don' t buy many games. Its one of those games I would hope one of my friends would get. Maybe I could be convinced after playing it but probably not.

Someone compared this game' s graphics to GoW' s..... not even close.
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Vx Chemical
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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 17:35

Oh, and comparing MotorStorm to Gears of War it stupid. I think the only thing that could be said is that MotorStorm is certain to play better than the awful driving section in Gears...

yeah id rahter they had skipped that part and put in a few more walking levels!

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 17:57

Oh, and comparing MotorStorm to Gears of War it stupid. I think the only thing that could be said is that MotorStorm is certain to play better than the awful driving section in Gears...

If you read my second post...I had a " retard" moment....since I went through this thread thinking we were talking about Resistance.

On the note of Motorstorm I haven' t really watched much or even played it so my opinion wouldn' t even be worth 2c.
< Message edited by Alecrein -- 28 Nov 06 9:57:21 >
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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 18:15

ORIGINAL: Alecrein

Oh, and comparing MotorStorm to Gears of War it stupid. I think the only thing that could be said is that MotorStorm is certain to play better than the awful driving section in Gears...

If you read my second post...I had a " retard" moment....since I went through this thread thinking we were talking about Resistance.

On the note of Motorstorm I haven' t really watched much or even played it so my opinion wouldn' t even be worth 2c.

And if you read my post properly you' d see it wasn' t directed at you at all. It was F3 who said...

no matter how much details GOW has, it still moves in a medioka way, unlike Motorstorm

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 21:59
Im one of the few here that dont get fussed by the hype..

Im getting a PS3 mainly for VF5, not cos iits a sony console, i dont give a dam who makes the console, VF5 is mine come release..

And no matter what people try to throw at me, I found GOW overall unimpressive..

I put even old Hl2 on my PC and forgot how good games can really look and run. And seeing VF5 in the flesh.. now thats what i call ' Gorgeous'

< Message edited by f3hunter -- 28 Nov 06 14:01:15 >

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 22:27
VF5 does look awesome, but Gears of war isn' t one of the best reviewed games of all time simply because 98% of reviewers were consumed by the hype that surrounded it' s development and release. It' s an awesome game.

It doesn' t do anything new. We' ve played 3rd person action games like it before and seen a similar style in 100' s of games. What it does do, and has done is perfect every aspect of 3rd person shooters. The story is comparatively weak, but the game improves over the previous greatest 3rd person action game, Resident Evil 4 ten fold.

Gears of War is the perfect example of the graphical superiority that western developers constantly achieve over their Japanese counterparts. At least you can take comfort that those same reviewers are responsible for Twilight Princess becoming (according to Gamerankings) the 2nd best reviewed game of all time...

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 22:57

Quez you' re an idiot aren' t u, adam said it' s another build, he said hat it' s an awesome game, may be he exagerated but he can' t go all wrong, this game is AT LEAST good period. and yes i don' t agree with final fantasy 12 score in kikizo , i won' t give it a 9.5 i gave it a 9... so it' s in the range.

Ohhh my tehh godzerz.... not a half a point off how will i ever trust the kikizo rating scale again

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 23:03
It' s like Evil Man once said. The difference between a score of 2/10 and a 6/10 is practically nothing. Both scores means the game sucks.
But the difference gets bigger and bigger the higher you rate a game.
The difference between 8 and 9 is like 1 and 5. So 9 to 9.5 is bigger than you' d thinkbecause reviewers are usually more fine tuned when they rate games that high.
At least that' s what I normally find reviewers to be.
Anyway, Motorstorm always seemed to be some what fun so if anything of what Adam said is true then at least the game will be worth buying and spend some time with. Not a killer-app perhaps, but still a nice title in the PS3 library.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 28 Nov 06 15:04:55 >

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 23:04

And seeing VF5 in the flesh.. now thats what i call ' Gorgeous'

Even Table Tennis looks better than GoW in my opinion. But try to make table tennis with enviorment' s like in Gow and character that are more than 1+1. Still, as being another one of the few I always feel it' s my responsibility to point out the not so great parts of Gears. I don' t think it' s the best 3rd person action ever and I was honestly more impressed with Max Payne, back in the days. Also, I hadn' t played RE4 until recently (after GoW) and I found that one as well as more impressive than GoW.

And I also don' t think that it would' ve been so well recieved, if it wasn' t for the pretty graphics, because let' s face it... casual gamers love pretty pictures (heck, even I do! And Note: I' m not saying they should be dissapointed by the gameply, when the game is in their hands) . And by all rights, the graphics are the best, most gorgeous one out there, but still I wasn' t impressed. Not because it isn' t beautiful, rather because this is what I had expected of the 360. Also, I can' t help but get distracted by Crysis (eve though it' s lightyears away).

Gears of War isn' t perfect if you' d ask me. There are far to many things I miss in it, to make me crown it as such. But the things that are in the game ARE well made (with the exception of the veichle part). But this is only one ants opinion, and all the other ants in the farm think otherwise. And it' s their rights as ants to do so.

Gears of War is the perfect example of the graphical superiority that western developers constantly achieve over their Japanese counterparts.

Depends on how you mean. In terms of technology and right now, then Gears is probably superior. But thinking of artistry (though that can' t really be rated) and previous generations (technologically), then I believe the Japanese excels.

Btw: i think Motorstorm " looks" good, but I don' t really need a racer/rally game, other than Mario Kart
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 28 Nov 06 15:19:30 >

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 23:07

But thinking of artisttry (though that can' t really be rated) and previous generations, then I believe the Japanese excels.

I agree. Not that I think that western developers are bad, they' re great too, but I usually find japanese games have more impressive art.

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 23:15
Ok, graphically in a purely technical sense.

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 23:25

While races are often incredibly tough to win, practice makes perfect. Using the right paths and driving lines to catch up and overtake is a matter of skill and discipline, and your positioning is based on your driver, not the car, so you can blow up and explode over the finish line, hoping that the explosion throws your driver over the other cars and steals you the win at the last possible second. Clearly, this is the most awesome thing ever.

There' s no question: all the neat touches they had in the questionable E3 2005 target trailer are pretty much present and respectable in some form or another in the real, final game. It' s unbelievable and an absolute told-you-so victory for PS3, with some of the lushest, best-lit visuals we have seen to date.

No matter how close passing objects or scenery are, motion blur is flawless in its execution - much, much better than we witnessed in something like Project Gotham 3, where the motion-blur compensation for framerate looked shaky. Whether that was a software or hardware performance issue, with MotorStorm - and we never thought we' d say it this - high quality, film-like motion blur at 30fps almost seems better than bleeding edge 60fps without it. We' re going to hell for saying that - but this effect just looks lovely.

In conclusion, to be quite honest we' re in love with MotorStorm. When you look at this code with a forward-looking perspective, if there' s one game that really shows off the POTENTIAL of the PS3 beyond Xbox 360 right now, absolutely it' s MotorStorm, and Evolution is to be saluted for putting together such an awesome package.

A truly great hands-on preview, kikizo.... ...five stars....

...oh yeah...

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 23:28

It' s like Evil Man once said. The difference between a score of 2/10 and a 6/10 is practically nothing. Both scores means the game sucks.
But the difference gets bigger and bigger the higher you rate a game.
The difference between 8 and 9 is like 1 and 5. So 9 to 9.5 is bigger than you' d thinkbecause reviewers are usually more fine tuned when they rate games that high.
At least that' s what I normally find reviewers to be.
Anyway, Motorstorm always seemed to be some what fun so if anything of what Adam said is true then at least the game will be worth buying and spend some time with. Not a killer-app perhaps, but still a nice title in the PS3 library.

you damn said it right, for me a 9.5 is an AAA title , a 9 is an AA title, i think ginjirou sumed it up pretty good.
i saw the same trailer like most of you guys and i was lalready impressed by some aspects, the game definitly looked next gen, and I LOVE the sense of scale, (shadow of the colossus - ico) this really makes you belong to the world somehow.

i' m pretty sure motorstorm will be at least a nice title, i' ve already mentioned that some reviewers (1up is one of them) said the game gets close to the e3 2005 video, if it is close then it means it looks at least good.
Adam said that the latest build look better or much better than the earlier builds ( in the stores demo), i might add this from him:

It' s possibly even better looking that the infamous, stunning target video trailer shown 18 months ago and it plays even better than it looks.

thus it might easily lead us to believe that this build is very close if not on par (in some aspects ) with that target video ====> A Gorgeous looking game.

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 28, 2006 23:43

< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 28 Nov 06 16:11:46 >

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 29, 2006 00:49
nice screen..

Its ashame cos everytime i see a screenshot or video of the game, i keep thinking a SEGA sign will prop up like in their AM-arcade games..

Motorstorm = The sequel to Enduro Racer..

WTF is SEGA doing, they should be delivering some awesome Arcade racing experiences with the 360/PS3 technology:(..

I want the old SEGA back god dmmit..!!!!!!!!

(sorry for going on and totally changing the subject lol)

< Message edited by f3hunter -- 28 Nov 06 16:56:46 >

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 29, 2006 01:38

I want the old SEGA back god dmmit..!!!!!!!!

Don' t we all. **shudders at the thought of playing 3d Sonic games**

Adam Doree
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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 29, 2006 01:58
I agree with that man - it' s all about VF5 ;-)
And the PS3 version looks as sensational as the Lindbergh one in motion.
Oh and the PS3 arcade stick from Sega is the best ever.

Terry Bogard
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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 29, 2006 02:24

you damn said it right, for me a 9.5 is an AAA title , a 9 is an AA title, i think ginjirou sumed it up pretty good.

Do you consider a game like Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (and Subsistence) to be a AAA title or AA?
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: MotorStorm PS3 A WINNER! - Nov 29, 2006 02:26

Correction, none of you have played it. You have played a demo based on outdated code. I am glad the site' s attempt to explain this and other points about why it' s actually awesome are taken on board in this thread.
Really? I' m not doubting the quality of Kikizo' s reviews or anything, but can a game jump from rubbish to AAA in a few months of revision? I' d like to think so, but I' m still a little wary.

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