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Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 27, 2006 09:57
Well ive beeing a great soccer fan for quite some time now, and since my home lege sucks (all but Porto and Benfica) i figured maybe someone here would like to talk about any good soccer team, anyone here lives in the UK or Italy???, do you like football, there are a huge lot of hot topics to talk about, im a huge Juventus fan and it breaks my heart whats going on whit them, i love the Barca, the Manchester United and PSV, so here, if u like soccer lets chat, if u dont well, u should learn to love the game, or whats your favorite sport??? BTW anyone here plays texas hold´em, i love that game...
< Message edited by fernandino -- 27 Nov 06 2:09:31 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 27, 2006 11:24
I don' t like sports except when people get seriously injured but i like to play Texas Hold' em. I play it on my 360, although I haven' t for a while. While we' re talking about non-videogame games my game is chess. My Grandfather was a serious player that competed against the best. He tought me how to play, I used to play in College and pwn students in the chess club. They hated me because I wasn' t even in their nerdy club and i was humiliating them. I remember beating the physics professor 8 games in a row, he was trying to stay composed but I knew was fustrated as I come off to people there as a stoner. I haven' t played in a few years and I probably lost my touch. I think I' ll pick it up again and try to sharpen my skills during my month holiday coming up...
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 27, 2006 12:44
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost I don' t like sports except when people get seriously injured How come??? i like to play Texas Hold' em. I play it on my 360, although I haven' t for a while. While we' re talking about non-videogame games my game is chess. Well i play alot, i would like to go to the world series, and someday i will, i dont play in the 360 tho, i wouldnt pay 60 dlls for the game when i can play for free on fulltiltpoker.com u play there Agent??? how good its the game for the 360??? My Grandfather was a serious player that competed against the best. He tought me how to play, I used to play in College and pwn students in the chess club. They hated me because I wasn' t even in their nerdy club and i was humiliating them. I remember beating the physics professor 8 games in a row, he was trying to stay composed but I knew was fustrated as I come off to people there as a stoner. I haven' t played in a few years and I probably lost my touch. I think I' ll pick it up again and try to sharpen my skills during my month holiday coming up... I also used to play alot, i had this very old book i found in myhouse and it was one of my favorite books as a child, i also had a book about dinosaus that was just fantastic, anyways i also played in school tournaments, i was really good in normal games but i just sucked ass on those games where u have a timer and u need to move very fast, i hate that.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 27 Nov 06 4:44:55 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 27, 2006 13:18
How come??? That' s a loaded question. The simple answer is that I think they are stupid but that would be a gross oversimplification. I just hate team sports, it has nothign to do with skill and everyting thing to do with which team has more money. Sports are so comercialized they make me sick. Once you see one game you' ve seen them all, there is a winner and a loser, so what? Individual sports or one on one are a different story though. Like boxing, boxing kicks ass, someone always gets hurt and there is no bullshit team play. Well i play alot, i would like to go to the world series, and someday i will, i dont play in the 360 tho, i wouldnt pay 60 dlls for the game when i can play for free on fulltiltpoker.com u play there Agent??? how good its the game for the 360??? Actually its just an arcade game so its like 5 or 10 bucks and its one of the best Live arcade games. It' s everything it should be, you' re given pretend currency there are ladders etc. very well done. Actually I didn' t even pay for it I got it when they were giving it away for free the first two days it was out. I don' t play online on PC, I' m not that big a poker player I' d rather play poker in person. I might check it out though. I' ve heard playpoker.com is good... http://www.xbox.com/en-us/games/t/texasholdemlivearcadexbox360/default.htm
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 27 Nov 06 5:27:27 >
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 27, 2006 14:26
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Actually its just an arcade game so its like 5 or 10 bucks and its one of the best Live arcade games. It' s everything it should be, you' re given pretend currency there are ladders etc. very well done. Actually I didn' t even pay for it I got it when they were giving it away for free the first two days it was out. I don' t play online on PC, I' m not that big a poker player I' d rather play poker in person. I might check it out though. I' ve heard playpoker.com is good... http://www.xbox.com/en-us/games/t/texasholdemlivearcadexbox360/default.htm hooo i thought u have bought one of those Texas Hold´em featuring Howard Lederer or David Negreanu stuff, i havent seen the game on the market place, im gonna check it out.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 27 Nov 06 6:38:14 >
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 27, 2006 17:15
I played soccer for the first time in an intramural league earlier this year. Our team won the chamipionship! w00t w00t. But I don' t watch it or anything. My roomate is a pro hold ' em player.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 27, 2006 18:34
ORIGINAL: locopuyo I played soccer for the first time in an intramural league earlier this year. Our team won the chamipionship! w00t w00t. But I don' t watch it or anything. My roomate is a pro hold ' em player. I would like to be a texas hold´em pro, that would totally own, i suck in football anyway, soi dont like to play it, just watch it, i wanna go to see a premier leage match, today i saw Manchester United vs. Chealse, it was awesome, great game, to bad Man U couldnt win, where are u guys from, no one here lives in the UK???
< Message edited by fernandino -- 27 Nov 06 10:35:37 >
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 28, 2006 01:24
Sure do. I play football almost every day with my buddies.
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 28, 2006 02:24
Hey! The f*ck you talking about?! The Portuguese League doesn' t suck! Benfica owns everything on Europe! Muahah! Or maybe not, but yeah I' m a football fan, I support Benfica as you may have noticed and even though I don' t like to play it I do enjoy watching the Champions League on TV.
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 28, 2006 05:10
Benfica??? pfffftttt, Porto FTW. But as u may have noticed i said all teams suck but benfica and Porto, are u from portugal as well??? What i said its that it sucks compared to the bundesliga, or the premier leage, or the spanish leage, Hell yeah, Barca for the champions again. SEMPRE BARCA¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Sure do. I play football almost every day with my buddies U live in the UK??? How are the matches, im gonna try to go next year cause i wanna go to the " old traford" to a Manchester United Match, i sure suck playing, i like whatching the game, do u like any particular team???
< Message edited by fernandino -- 27 Nov 06 21:18:07 >
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 28, 2006 06:37
Forget soccer. Hurling is where it' s at!
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 28, 2006 06:37
Yeah, I' m Portuguese. Porto suck' s anyway.
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 28, 2006 07:57
ORIGINAL: Shikashi Yeah, I' m Portuguese. Porto suck' s anyway. Where do u live??? anyhow, are u crazy or u just know nothing about good teams, the Porto its and always be th best Forget soccer. Hurling is where it' s at! and WTF its that???
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 28, 2006 22:22
I' m not crazy for not liking Porto. People only support one Team as far as I know, so it' s perfectly normal that I hold grudges againt other Teams that are not Benfica.
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 29, 2006 01:29
Forget soccer. Hurling is where it' s at! YES! Hurling is an amazing sport. I am surprised there is someone on this forum who likes it never mind heard of it since it is mostly played only here in Ireland! What an excellant sport, so skillful and sooo fast! By the way Eddie, are you Irish? As far as I know there are only two Irish people here on the forum, myself and Silent. It would be brilliant if Hurling was played in more countries and was as popular as soccer all over the world.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 29, 2006 02:17
We still don' t know what Hurling is...
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 29, 2006 05:31
Forget soccer. Hurling is where it' s at! and WTF its that??? WTF IS HURLING?!!?!!!1 YES! Hurling is an amazing sport. I am surprised there is someone on this forum who likes it never mind heard of it since it is mostly played only here in Ireland! What an excellant sport, so skillful and sooo fast! By the way Eddie, are you Irish? As far as I know there are only two Irish people here on the forum, myself and Silent. It would be brilliant if Hurling was played in more countries and was as popular as soccer all over the world.
Am I Irish? Yes and no. Do I live in Ireland, no. but I' m a huge Britt/Welsh/Scott/Irish mutt on one side of the family, the side who' s heritage I' m actually interested in. I can' t tell for sure how much Irish I have in me, because my family tree drops off for about 75 years into nowhere during the mid 1800' s, (my families conclusion is that we were on the wrong side of the law for a while.  ) But anyways, I like Hurling way more than US sports, I can' t stand football/basketball. (US football BTW) It' s way more creative IMO, you can use your entire body, & it' s way faster paced than almost any other type of game.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 28 Nov 06 21:33:19 >
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Nov 30, 2006 00:36
I can' t tell for sure how much Irish I have in me I say you have some since alot of Americans do (You are American aren' t you?). But anyways, I like Hurling way more than US sports, I can' t stand football/basketball. (US football BTW) It' s way more creative IMO, you can use your entire body, & it' s way faster paced than almost any other type of game Yeah Hurling is a very fast game, it is widely regarded as the fastest field game in the world! It also requires ALOT of skill to play compared to alot of sports like soccer which to be honest most people can play (don' t get me wrong I do like soccer also). I was just wondering Eddie, how are you able to watch Hurling matches over in the States? Well you can watch clips on youtube but its not the same. And for those of you who don' t know what Hurling is please watch the videos of Hurling near the bottom of this Wikipedia page under the heading ' Links' . Tell me what you think. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurling
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Dec 01, 2006 04:38
I can' t tell for sure how much Irish I have in me I say you have some since alot of Americans do (You are American aren' t you?).
Yeah I' m American. I know I' ve got more than most people do, but like I said, I don' t know how much. I was just wondering Eddie, how are you able to watch Hurling matches over in the States? Well you can watch clips on youtube but its not the same.
Eughhh! Hurling on Youtube? That violates the Geneva Accords, I actually had to resort to that when I first started watching.[:' (] Nah, I' ve got " connections" in Ireland who send me the games.
Iad umboros
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Dec 01, 2006 09:32
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost We still don' t know what Hurling is... Think of hockey, played with a ball made of brick. Then picture the ball being thrown at your opponent as much as the goal. I think that' s it. I' m not sure if they' re allowed to hit each other with those sticks, but it happens
***flyingsaucersdisguisedasmushrooms*** ***mushroomsinvadingfromouterspace***
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Dec 03, 2006 03:03
The great Manchester United its beating the M´Brough 2-1, awesome, FUCK u Chealse,
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Dec 03, 2006 03:36
FUCK u Chealse, Couldn' t agree more, fuck Chelsea.
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RE: Anyone here likes soccer???
Dec 03, 2006 06:31
The PSV is winning¡¡¡ 1-0 agains the Vitesse, 3 more points as avisitor ORIGINAL: Duffman FUCK u Chealse, Couldn' t agree more, fuck Chelsea. Rigth on mate¡¡¡, thos year the Chealse is not going to win anything.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 2 Dec 06 22:32:06 >