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Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
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RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 27, 2006 10:35
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on Gears uses ingame assets for it' s FMV sequences and the RAM usage is high, that' s one of the reasons the framerate is lower than during actual gameplay. Resistance uses FMV and will simply stream the movies on the disc, it' s more efficient but obviously require more space. I would rather Gears had used a similar method than what it actually uses. Can' t really comment on this because i don' t have GoW, however i find it hard to believe that prescripted in game graphics cut scenes require more RAM and system resources then actually playing but if thats true so be it. All this bullshit about we don' t need Blu-Ray needs to stop. Blue Dragon will ship on 3 fucking discs because of FMV!!! Thats one game amongst several hundred. Interms of significance it doesn' t even register one percent so having one game isn' t currently the most convincing reason to upgrade to blu ray yet. I could also point out Oblivion & GoW which was a huge game but still fit comfortably in a DVD9. Secondly if you read my comments i never said blu ray was unneccesary. i said blu ray necessary for games? Maybe but NOT for Resistance.
. Please stop reading out of context. sony claimed that Resistance FoM was proof positive that blu ray is currently needed, when as i have shown it could have been easily place on a DVD9 (without FMV). If a game didn' t use FMV and didn' t have multiple languages and audio streams then it' s highly likely it' d fit on a DVD9. Start using HD FMV and the size bloats. Use some common sense before posting retarded bullshit like this. I' m guessing here people are forgeting what FMV was supposed to do. It was a more appealing way to tell the games story. FMV was used (think ps1) because the graphics at the time were not capable of delivering realistic and life like graphics that could effectively deliver the emotional impact of the story. That was then, nowdays consoles can delivery incredibly realistic graphics pretty much dispensing with the need for FMV. What now ps3s in game graphics not good enough for cut scenes?? The whole point i was making was - Sony claimed that the game Resistance fall of MAn was proof that blu ray was necessary - thus justifying delays shortages and high price of ps3 Now its found that the Resistance (8.36GBs) game could fit within a DVD9, with half the blu ray disk filled with FMV(7.0GBs) and ' padding (1.9GBs). Has sonys claims been justified???? I don' t f**' n think so. I Never once claimed blu ray ITSELF was unnecessary, just that it was unncecessary for Resistance.
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 27, 2006 11:38
Unless I' m mistaken, Majik isn' t " Getting ' em" for you or anything. He' s based his own opinions off of facts, & not brand loyalty, you should try it. No shit sherlock As Much as I like to hate Mr. Majik He always seems to be on top of his shit. Hell make an great game developer type or what ever you want to call it . That' s All I Meant By that Apology accepted. Lol Try that Sometime
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RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 27, 2006 11:52
PS3' s 2nd wave of games will close the huge gap set by Gears of War. So with already a 6 month delay (from ps3s promised spring 2006 launch date) playstation fans have to wait even longer (6-12 months) to get games with graphics comparable to what 360 is getting now? With a US$100-200 premium? Thats considering 360 games don' t improve during that time. No thanks.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 27 Nov 06 4:02:09 >
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RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 27, 2006 12:34
ORIGINAL: Terrak PS3' s 2nd wave of games will close the huge gap set by Gears of War. So with already a 6 month delay (from ps3s promised spring 2006 launch date) playstation fans have to wait even longer (6-12 months) to get games with graphics comparable to what 360 is getting now? With a US$100-200 premium? Thats considering 360 games don' t improve during that time. No thanks. so that was ur point all the along??? u should have saved yourself all the trouble and just post: WII60 RULZZZZ, PS3 Sucks... BTW i am what u would call a PlayStation fan and im very happy whit what SONY its doing, im happy about the delays (well not happy but god forbid another Genji 2 or Dark Kingdom, if they need time ill gladly give them time) many people may complain about the price and i understand that, maybe they complain about it because they cant use the bluray playability, i can so to me its a very good deal.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 27 Nov 06 4:52:07 >
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RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 27, 2006 12:57
ORIGINAL: fernandino so that was ur point all the along??? u should have saved yourself all the trouble and just post: WII60 RULZZZZ, PS3 Sucks... LOL, that would have been alot easier but not as effective. sony bragged that (about a year ago) ps3 was twice as powerful as the 360 and joked that the 360 was simply xbox 1.5. Launching a year later with supposedly the most powerful system consumers must wait even longer for ps3 to compare favourably with 360? WTF? sony ain' t boasting about its supposed 2x advantage now the ps3s released are they? Maybe the ps3 will show its full potential several years for now, but as of now they are playing catch up to 360, that to me doesn' t justify the US$100-200 price premium.
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 27, 2006 14:18
Yeah man, SONY has a lot trouble and alot of flaws, but it also does things very well, i trust SONY because they back up their consoles, i know when i buy a PS3 im getting alot of things im not getting anywhere else, i got EXCLUSI GAMES, not time exclusive or console exclusive, im getting really exclusive games, im getting all my PS1/PS2 games, SONY its a huge game developer, SONY´s first party resources are those of MS and Nintendo combined, and they are delivering great games for their 3 consoles, MS just has to focus on the 360 and Nintendo doesnt even care about GC anymore, while SONY its going to publish the following games PS2: Rouge Galaxy God of War II SOCOM US Navy Seals: Cobined Assault Eye Toy 3. PSP: Ratchet: Size Matters SOCOM: Fire Team Bravo Joane´d Arc Killzone: Liberations ATV Offroad Fury Pro PS3: Resistance: FoM Lair Heavenly Sword The Getaway GT HD White Knigth MotorStorm Warhawk Eigth Days F1 07 Killzone And so many others since are over 100 SONY published games for the PS3 between full and arcade games. MS pretty much build a new ship whit the 360 and then sunk its xbox, then they nicely ask all of its marooned fans to " jump in" the brand new ship, really when they released their slogan i was like WTF??? are they taunting us??? and the thing cant even play all the xbox games, because they couldnt do it??? no, because they whant u to buy 360 games, even tho sometimes the xbox version ofthe same game its even better than the nextgen version, the GC was done almost 1 year ago, hell one of the reasons that MS has already sold 6 million 360´s its that the xbox and GC are dead by all propuse, they needed a new console, u know how many PS2 users own a 360??? 16% of the total 360 userbase, why??? because the PS2 still fills the gamers demands whit several AAA games just released and some killer aps on their way. BTW, whit twice the powerfull depends what are u talking about, procesing power then yes, the PS3 its more powerfull than the 360 u can see that in Resistance, when u play 40 player multiplayer, resistance has some of the most intense on-screen accion in videogame history and it handles it whitout a frame drop, Lair can handle 10,000 characters on screen simulatin the light, AI, Physics, direction 16 miles scenarios and so on, Octo-Cam also relys heavely on the cell processing power. So SONY does good alot of things, better than anyone else, thats why there are so many SONY hard supporters, i doubted the PS1, then i doubted the PS2, i would be a total fool if i doubt the PS3 or SONY.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 27 Nov 06 8:40:23 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 27, 2006 14:36
Mmmm sony has alot more 3rd party exclusives than first party, which are few and far between, the 3rd party ones are going to the 360 as well alot of them! If ónly Sqaure would make FF for the 360, things would pretty much be settled! Oh and someone could make jet another Jak clone for the 360 so people can play crap like that as well
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 27, 2006 16:21
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Unless I' m mistaken, Majik isn' t " Getting ' em" for you or anything. He' s based his own opinions off of facts, & not brand loyalty, you should try it. Uh huh, and i' m going to let these two sad and pathetic (Terrak + mikayd2) individuals argue like know nothing fanboys and make fools of themselves. I' ve said my piece.
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RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 27, 2006 20:24
Lol @ fernanindo,xbox released earlier then the GC,and has been out almost as long as the GC,and still you claim XBOX was sinked? What has GC been then? This might come as a shock to you,but most of the xbox owners,really dont wanna stay at the xbox,but to go to 360. 5 years is a long time and there is many titles out there,i could care less if ps2 still deliver games my pc games looks 10000 times better,i wanna move on. Yes,rogue galaxy and ff12 isnät out in europe yet and i wandt them,but just because companies delay games doesnt mean we should stick in the old gen. It' s gone 5 years ffs since xbox was born,i change pc every third year,i wanna move on so does everyone else. Most of the xbox owners where people who already had a ps2,or wanted to try out the console gaming but have the most powerful console,ofc the titles that then released made people realise xbox was a great console,and MS did a good thing making themself a trusty name with the xbox. Btw,fernanindo,why do you think ps2 still has such a big gamer base? CAUSE you cant find a freaking ps3 and its overpriced like hell. Wake up @ you. My bro still has a ps2 but would have sold it as soon as possible and skip all ps2 titles if he could get a ps3,but thats not happening until.. ahum well since march is the first month,i would guess April-may 2007. lol. You use argument that MS rush stuff,when you should wake up and relaise sony delay cause of bluray fucking up,and its overpriced making sony first want the most loyal fans to pay a extra fee to cover up some loses from the TV industry loses at sony ^^
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RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 27, 2006 20:28
Uh huh, and i' m going to let these two sad and pathetic (Terrak + mikayd2) individuals argue like know nothing fanboys and make fools of themselves. I' ve said my piece. I Have said My peace I Will Say no more
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RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 27, 2006 20:41
MIkayd made a scene last week.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 27, 2006 20:45
ORIGINAL: mikayd2 Uh huh, and i' m going to let these two sad and pathetic (Terrak + mikayd2) individuals argue like know nothing fanboys and make fools of themselves. I' ve said my piece. I Have said My peace I Will Say no more In that case i retract my comments about you being sad and pathetic. I' m impressed dude.
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RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 28, 2006 01:15
Orig. Fernando or some male pornstar name like that Yeah man, SONY has a lot trouble and alot of flaws, but it also does things very well, i trust SONY because they back up their consoles, i know when i buy a PS3 im getting alot of things im not getting anywhere else, i got EXCLUSI GAMES, not time exclusive or console exclusive, im getting really exclusive games, im getting all my PS1/PS2 games, SONY its a huge game developer, SONY´s first party resources are those of MS and Nintendo combined, and they are delivering great games for their 3 consoles, MS just has to focus on the 360 and Nintendo doesnt even care about GC anymore, while SONY its going to publish the following games Yeah they back up their consoles, thats why a sony developed game isnt one of their top 3 selling games on the PS2, thats why when your PS2 messes up Sony doesnt fix it. They back it up. You are the only person dumb enough in history to compare Sony' s first party to Nintendos (or MS' s for that matter). Orig by: Quez Btw,fernanindo,why do you think ps2 still has such a big gamer base? Because people had to buy another one when the first one broke. Orig: Mikay" illiterate" D I Have said My peace I Will Say no more I do believe the word youre looking for is piece, not peace.
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- Joined: Oct 04, 2006
RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 28, 2006 01:58
The PS3 is not overpriced...Blu-Ray players cost around 1000€ or something, so you' re basically buying a 1000€ Blu-Ray player and a Videogames Machines, it' s actually cheap. You may argue that Blu-Ray isn' t needed but the PS3 is not overpriced Quez. @Terrak: Hey, need I remind you that the 360 has been for over one year on the Market? And that Developers have been working with the machine for a very long time? That' s why only the second wave of PS3 will look like Gears, it' s quite impressive if you ask me. GoW is the best looking game on the 360 and PS3' s 2nd wave games to look like that is amazing. About the Topic itself, you seem to think that Sony, or in this case Insomniac, is filling the BD' s with crap and that is not true.
Adam Doree
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RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 28, 2006 02:20
Here' s a PS3 preproduction game on BRD. As you can see not much of the BRD is used.
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RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 28, 2006 02:32
Shikasi,mayby you missed how ps3 was delayed half a year,thus having half a year more in dev time,and these who wait until early 2007 had 1 year also in time to mess with hardware,no epic didnt deliver a game before GoW. Also, GOW is the best looking game out there,and make mgs4 looks pale in comparsin atm. ofc mgs4 comes 2007-2008,but hey then GoW 2 is coming
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RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 28, 2006 02:43
Yeah, you also may have missed the fact that the 360 has been with Developers for longer than the PS3.
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RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 28, 2006 02:43
i trust SONY because they back up their consoles, i know when i buy a PS3 im getting alot of things im not getting anywhere else, i got EXCLUSI GAMES, not time exclusive or console exclusive, im getting really exclusive games,
Untill they get a simultaneous 360 release. Major brands for Sony have jumped ship left and right. Don' t even try to say that PS3 is going to have the solid 3rd party support PS2 did, their well oiled machine is breaking down. im getting all my PS1/PS2 games
No you' re not, Sony promised full backwards compatibility, & it didn' t provide.  Get your facts in order, then I' ll begin to take you seriously. As a side note, I' ve got to ask. Have you even played the PS3, that is, more than 10 minutes at your local TARGET??? ORIGINAL: mikayd2 quote: Uh huh, and i' m going to let these two sad and pathetic (Terrak + mikayd2) individuals argue like know nothing fanboys and make fools of themselves. I' ve said my piece. I Have said My peace I Will Say no more In that case i retract my comments about you being sad and pathetic. I' m impressed dude.
Wow, I second that. The PS3 is not overpriced...Blu-Ray players cost around 1000€ or something, so you' re basically buying a 1000€ Blu-Ray player and a Videogames Machines, it' s actually cheap. You may argue that Blu-Ray isn' t needed but the PS3 is not overpriced Quez.
The PS3 is an overpriced games console and an underpriced Blu-Ray player. Unless you' ve got a high end 1080p HDTV that can take advantage of the movie playback, that extra 200 dollars of drive is nearly worthless in the first two or so years. About the Topic itself, you seem to think that Sony, or in this case Insomniac, is filling the BD' s with crap and that is not true.
Can you back that up?
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 27 Nov 06 18:50:49 >
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- Joined: Oct 04, 2006
RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 28, 2006 02:46
Well, if they are putting other Languages in the BD then that' s not crap, imo.
< Message edited by Shikashi -- 27 Nov 06 18:48:15 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Resistance FoM Needs blu ray - BULL$#!T
Nov 28, 2006 02:53
Well, if they are putting other Languages in the BD then that' s not crap, imo.
That' s a great application for movies, but when you' re passing the 200 dollars of drive cost on to your devoted gaming customers, it' s not great for us. If it sticks, it' ll be awesome for Sony, but for the most part, we' re going to get the blunt end of the deal.
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