This morning, my alarm wakes me up. I look over and it reads 5:30am. Right on time, I think. I drag myself out of bed, meet my brother, go grab a bite to eat, and begin the drive to Wal-Mart...
This is
Black Friday. Starting off towards Wal-Mart, I realise I can' t see a thing. Look out the window & notice the eerie fog. I couldn' t make this up if I tried guys.

It was relatively foggy yesterday night. There were some pretty rapid temperature changes so the fog was just rolling-off towards us. Visibility was like 15 meters, tops. Everything after that was totally engulfed in fog. Really, really, cool actually.
So we finally arrive at Wal-Mart, and there are 3 spots left at the end of the lot. Not close at all to the store, but I can' t complain, no waiting. We get in there, & the first thing I notice is the lack of crowds, I don' t see too many people, we walk around the checkout line, & the 50 yard line that pops out at me was obscured by the checkout lines.

My first reaction is the usual " Dude no freaking way" . & we weave our way through the gallons of milk, 15 or so crappy HP computers and some guy dragging a plasma across the floor by the heavy plastic cabling towards the line. Quite surreal.
We get to the electronics section, & pull out the circular, some off brand jump-drives & some SD memory. All I was looking for, not that hard right? right???
riiiiiigggghhht. Inside the electronics section, I' m confronted again by the " Christmas Grandmas of Michigan" , they' re everywhere. Everything from asking if you can " pay to add-on HD later" to " Waitaminute waitaminute waitaminute!? I thought HD-DVD & Blu-Ray were the same!" I look around for almost 45 minutes, don' t find the pendrives or the memory, & I reconcile with the world by playing their kiosk PS3, which looked terrible through component on an LCD BTW.
I finally grab 2 pendrives & 2 SD cards to see if I can get a substitution, but when I get up to the counter, after 15 minutes of waiting in line to show the good looking clerk the circular, she pulls them out from under the counter, & mentions that they were on request only. Which it didn' t say on the circular.

Anybody else hit the shops? C' mon, share the suffering.