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Just a little something for SEGA fans
Nov 25, 2006 03:13
Just watch it, it' s kinda fun: Video Ps3 comercials doesn' t stand a chans against Segata " Saturn" Sanshirou I' ve been desperate to get to try Panzer Dragoon Saga as of late, but no matter what I try it seems to be impossible to get my hands on it, wheter it be legal or not. *sigh*  I bet someone here at Kikizo has played or even have the game, so go on, tell me how great it is, so I can go on living in despair, knowing I will never get to test its " incredibleness" Edit: Oh, and found the video as a result of my SEGA reminisence
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 24 Nov 06 19:23:35 >
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RE: Just a little something for SEGA fans
Nov 25, 2006 03:40
Well after playing the first disk via sega saturn magazine (the demo i still have btw) i decided to borrow the game from a friend of mine and played through it about 100% Fantastic game, whilst people were raving about ffvii i was raving about this, loved some of the things they did for the game. Did you not even play the first disc? Are you in UK? Don' t know how the condition of the demo is, probably still works fine, but if your in uk, i' d probably be able to send it to you
< Message edited by uumai -- 24 Nov 06 19:42:34 >
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RE: Just a little something for SEGA fans
Nov 25, 2006 05:26
I saw a european version of Panzer Dragoon Saga at www.tradera.se a couple of years ago. The final bid was just above 8000 kronor =1124 US$.
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RE: Just a little something for SEGA fans
Nov 25, 2006 05:40
Awesome! I had read a little bit about Segata Sanshiro but couldn' t really understand what he was all about. Now I understand. I understand that if I don' t want to get exploded, I gotta play my video games with more focus and discipline!!
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RE: Just a little something for SEGA fans
Nov 25, 2006 19:46
I' ve been desperate to get to try Panzer Dragoon Saga as of late, but no matter what I try it seems to be impossible to get my hands on it, wheter it be legal or not. *sigh* Try www.emuparadise.org I' m trying to get a couple of PS1 classics myself. Anyway, I' ve been wanting to play it for ages! But NO Sega Saturn emulator BLOODY WORKS!
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RE: Just a little something for SEGA fans
Nov 25, 2006 21:23
Did you not even play the first disc? Are you in UK? Don' t know how the condition of the demo is, probably still works fine, but if your in uk, i' d probably be able to send it to you Unfortunately (and not just with this) I live in Sweden... *sigh* The final bid was just above 8000 kronor =1124 US$. Oh, my f*cking GOD! Awesome! Not even Segata' s sacrifice could save Saturn Anyway, I' ve been wanting to play it for ages! But NO Sega Saturn emulator BLOODY WORKS! Yeah, I also resulted to illegal means, but haven' t either found a Saturn emulator that works. Actually I have the emulator, but need Saturn bios to make it work...
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 25 Nov 06 13:29:42 >
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RE: Just a little something for SEGA fans
Nov 26, 2006 05:30
Is your saturn switched to play games from all regions? I mean it is a PAL demo, i dunno if it would just straight up work on your system. Mine is switched to play foreign games and it has pal/ntsu-u/ntsc-j. I assume your in a pal region, so maybe it would work?
< Message edited by uumai -- 25 Nov 06 21:31:43 >
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RE: Just a little something for SEGA fans
Nov 26, 2006 09:25
Dyonisius and Byakko...i have an emulator of sega saturn and in emule you can find the panzer dragoon saga discs....i was really happy to find one emulator that really worked since now i get the chance to end shinning force 3. If you wanna know more just send me a private message. By the way thanks for the Segata Sanshiro video link
< Message edited by hidemoto -- 26 Nov 06 1:26:11 >
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RE: Just a little something for SEGA fans
Nov 26, 2006 10:27
Yeah, Panzer Dragoon Saga is one of the greatest RPG' s(if not the greatest)I ever played! A very underrated game, just like the one in your avatar Dionysius However, I was unable to finish this gem... I got a multinorm Saturn that plays games from all regions and has a 50/60 Hz switch but I don' t have the modchip. so I need to swap the discs in order to play backups... (before you' ll say that I' m a cheapskate you shall know that I' d really love to have the original but it' s so damn expensive and hard to get!)... Anyways, I' ll get straight to the point: the game jumps to the console' s menu after finishing the last boss and you can' t see the ending!! It makes one sooo angry!! So the best way to play it is to have a modchiped Saturn or the original copy... I' m saying this only to warn you and save the moments of frustration
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RE: Just a little something for SEGA fans
Nov 27, 2006 08:06
Thanks for offering Uumai, but it' s already taken care of. And thanks for that Hidemoto. Edit: A very underrated game, just like the one in your avatar Dionysiu Yeah, tell me about it!
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 27 Nov 06 0:15:01 >