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Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 25, 2006 01:07
...all because of Linux. LINK
Terry Bogard
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 25, 2006 01:35
LOL,, damn.. It took them longer to crack the PSP' s firmware (1.5 and up)..
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 24 Nov 06 17:37:09 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 25, 2006 01:42
They certainly don' t waste any time, do they?
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 25, 2006 01:52
And JUSTICE prevails!
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 25, 2006 01:54
This' ll surely help sell the system
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 25, 2006 02:17
 Though not the already poor games sales
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 24 Nov 06 18:17:16 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 25, 2006 02:17
yeah, and bad game sales equals a dead sony!
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 25, 2006 07:52
and a dead sony equals a happier world
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 25, 2006 07:56
Wow...amazing...that was really quick.
" What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things." ~ Unknown ~
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 25, 2006 08:54
This is the kind of thing that I knew would happen if Sony didn' t implement Linux properly. Which is quite a shame as Linux is relatively easy to lock down hard. Looks like Sony was more interested in Tax evasion. Well, now they have an even more expensive problem on their hands. Oh well, sucks for Sony, good for Pirates I guess.
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 25, 2006 09:54
Hurrah! Us pirates win again!
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 25, 2006 19:39
Not like there' s much PS3 games out there that pirates would find worth pirating at all  Resistance, Motorstorm...and...Genji? if the people who BOUGHT a $600/$900 PS3 would really balk at paying $70 for the few games they actually want!
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 26, 2006 01:48
That' s really sad, seems like we will not get homebrew then. I guess the ´Guest OS´ option will disepear, and it won' t be a open platform for long. Fucking pirates just wanna ruin the fun for everyone. :-/
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 27, 2006 06:04
Guess sony ain' t gonna get there 20+ games per console any time soon.
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 27, 2006 06:09
these are very very bad news for sony 70 usd games byakko???
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 27, 2006 10:41
Though not the already poor games sales
Can' t hurt ' em at the moment can it? It' s not that shocking. This is only slightly quicker than what it takes most consoles to get worked around & backdoored. You' ve also got to remember that the only people that can pirate these games are people with BD-R drives on their PCs. Which are of course, de-facto standard right now.  I wouldn' t worry about it for the time being.
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 27, 2006 10:44
They could dump the games in the ps3s hard drive and run it from there right?
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 27, 2006 19:36
they already starting to flash 360 firmwares in morocco and now i' m really considering buying ( that if Magik doesn' t send me his console lol), but i' ll wait for awhile tough, i' ll see how things unfold and how ps3 is doing (regardless of piracy), if ps3 doesn' t convince me (it doesn' t so far) , i' ll go 360 i' ll the way and be onboard with next gen like many of you guys cheeeeeers !!
Chee Saw
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 27, 2006 20:27
ORIGINAL: Terrak They could dump the games in the ps3s hard drive and run it from there right? They' d need a PS3 ISO loader, which isn' t available yet. Also, according to the link above, you can replace the standard PS3 hard drive with a higher capacity 2.5 inch internal drive OR you can use an external 2.5 or 3.5 drive as long as it' s SATA. One guy said he' s installed a 750 gig! Nice! If only that were possible with the 360. Especially with all this downloadable content now.
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 27, 2006 20:48
ORIGINAL: Chee Saw If only that were possible with the 360. Especially with all this downloadable content now. I' d settle for being able to use external usb harddrives. Microsoft needs to do something and releasing a larger drive just won' t be enough.
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 28, 2006 03:09
they already starting to flash 360 firmwares in morocco and now i' m really considering buying ( that if Magik doesn' t send me his console lol), but i' ll wait for awhile tough, i' ll see how things unfold and how ps3 is doing (regardless of piracy), if ps3 doesn' t convince me (it doesn' t so far) , i' ll go 360 i' ll the way and be onboard with next gen like many of you guys cheeeeeers !!
That one' s hit or miss. Flashing BIOS ofc can get you banned from XBL, & I' ve seen it happen twice now. I would just wait for EBAY myself. I' d settle for being able to use external usb harddrives. Microsoft needs to do something and releasing a larger drive just won' t be enough.
Especially at the markup they price most of their 360 hardware at.
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RE: Blu-Ray' s security features beaten, PS3 piracy begins...
Nov 28, 2006 06:46
well i gues that' s the trade of, big trade off indeed but playing games for almost free is ... FANTASTIC. or i might just wait until i can install a chip that is undetectable by microsoft (it exist but not in my country)