my impression

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my impression - Nov 23, 2006 14:28
I don' t post much, actually I wouldn' t be surprised if none of the currently active members knew who I was lol but anyhow I decided to do a breif summary of my impression of my shiny new wii system. Its kind of weird when you first start using the wii, i mean from the unpackaging to when you first start playing, its so different that its kind of intimidating. But on the other hand the wii makes everything very simplified. From the system menu to the ease of being able to flick your wrist and pull out your sword in Zelda.

After playing Zelda for about 10 hours the controller felt very natural and even when playing something like Tenkaichi 2 the moves are easy to memorize, alot easier then trying to learn different button combinations. Of course the graphics aren' t " next gen" looking but that doesn' t bother me to much, there are some areas in Zelda that wowed me, there is some good lighting and some areas have a real sense of environment that helps you to fall into the Zelda world.

The Sports games are fun as a party game, but ultimately is to me at least a glorified tech demo showing you different ways they can incorporate the new controller into games. In that aspect wii sports does very well. On that note tho i' d like to say for the people out there that think the controller is just gimmicky or wot not need to take a look back at when the DS first came out. Some people said the same thing about that and the first wave of games pretty much were just glorified tech demos but nowadays they' re using it to its full potential and it has some rockin games. I think in another 2 years the wii is going to have some amazing games, showing off what its capable of, and I can' t wait.

Agent Ghost
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RE: my impression - Nov 23, 2006 14:33
I remember you...thx for the mini review. How acurate is the Wiimote anyways? Does the cursor keep up with where you are pointing? Even if you swing it really fast?

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RE: my impression - Nov 24, 2006 03:56
yes, it seems very accurate, the only problems i have had with it is when playing tenkaichi 2 i' d have it pointing up without realizing it and pointing it up = block so i' d be tryin to attack and my char would be blocking lol. So you just have to remember to be concious of how your holding the remote for motion sensitive games like that.

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RE: my impression - Nov 24, 2006 04:27
Nice impressions ' Gamer' ..

After my own 15 min test on ZElda and good fair impressions like yours, Im so looking forward to the UK launch..

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RE: my impression - Nov 24, 2006 22:45
Myself, I' m looking forward to a real online launch. Anyways, good to see you on Kikizo Gamer. Have you tested out Virtual Console yet? Is the browser active yet? Sorry, but the last time I played the Wii, it technically wasn' t out yet, so nothing but Mii Channel and RedSteel worked.

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RE: my impression - Nov 25, 2006 00:16
VC works great for what you do. I downloaded mario 64 and of course I love it. Weather and news aren' t up yet and neither is web browsing. All by late december is the word. I too will vouch for the acuracy of the wiimote. the only game I' ve had problems in is in some monkeyball minigames. At the start of a lot of the games they ask you to point at the screen to " center" your wiimote. What they don' t tell you is that you are centering it in space as well, not just where you are pointing. So for those games any movement of the controller forward, up down, left or right affects things, AS WELL as where you point. So if you accidentally move the controller ahead a foot, then all your pointing and everything else is wonky. But if you keep it still it can work like a dream. The trombone game is a great example of this as you have to slide the wiimote forward and back to simulate sliding a trombone. Took a while to get used to, but when I did it was so much fun.

One other thing I' ve noticed. Sometimes I find myself bitching that my view is too high or something, or that the games not level when SURELY I' m holding the wiimote level. Upon observation of my traitoress hands however I find that I am NOT holding it level and just think I am.

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RE: my impression - Nov 28, 2006 03:15

VC works great for what you do. I downloaded mario 64 and of course I love it.
Great, I' ve been tempted to emulate, but VC has kept me waiting.

It' s a pipedream, but I' m hoping for Legend of the Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon. I know it' ll never happen, but jeez man, that game is awesome!!!