Oomph! I never really liked the GC controller (kid-friendly color scheme, and just feels bizarre to me) but trying to find a controller for it in Singapore? That' ll be tough...
But it looks like you' ll still need the VC controller (the mid one) for TurboGrafx thogh...
I wasn' t fond of the Fischer-Price purple color scheme, & the C-nub drove me up the wall on ported fps' , but other than that, that was definately the most comfortable last-gen controller. (Slap myself twicewise for calling PS2, Cube, Xbox last-gen)
Well this is actually really good news, that " Classic Controller is a total rip-off" they' re going to sell like hotcakes to " The Uninformed Christmas Grandma' s of the World" , but don' t count on me to repurchase a controller, I' m already doing that for N64 games.