Agent Ghost
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Playstations 3 went for 900$ on EBAY
Nov 21, 2006 12:27
not a PS3 but 3 Playstations...ouch, when will people learn? At least he provided free shipping, LMAO. " In what' s sure to be a frontrunner for the " oh snap" moment of the day (or year), a presumably frustrated, delusional, and impatient individual apparently forgot to read the fine print on his latest eBay win. While it' s no secret that PlayStation 3 units have been selling for incredulous prices, snagging one for $900 probably seemed like quite the deal at the time; however, the poor sap failed to realize that he /she just committed almost one thousand dollars to purchasing three original PlayStation consoles. To make matters even worse, no games, controllers, or heartfelt sympathy was to be included, leaving the unsuspecting buyer in quite a bad predicament. No, we don' t actually think (at least we hope not) that this fellow / lady went through with their purchase (although it was snatched up at the " Buy it Now" price), but if they did, we' ve got to look at the bright side -- that free shipping saved him / her a bundle." -Engadget
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 21 Nov 06 4:31:25 >
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RE: Playstations 3 went for 900$ on EBAY
Nov 21, 2006 12:39
Terry Bogard
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RE: Playstations 3 went for 900$ on EBAY
Nov 21, 2006 12:47
LOL... Reminds me of the time after the PlayStation 2 had launched and was a hot commodity, some poor woman won an auction for a PlayStation 2 box for $500.. Another person won an auction for a picture of a game console. That' s why I' m always wary of Ebay auctions with ' grammatical errors/anomalies' in the item listing.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Playstations 3 went for 900$ on EBAY
Nov 21, 2006 14:14
Haha, reminds me of the 360 Water bottle. Someone said in the auction title " OFFICIAL XBOX 360 WATER BOTTLE" : He had two pictures the main was a 360...that water bottle went for like $450
" What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things." ~ Unknown ~
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RE: Playstations 3 went for 900$ on EBAY
Nov 21, 2006 21:25
That' s sad but also rather funny at the same time, am I evil?
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RE: Playstations 3 went for 900$ on EBAY
Nov 21, 2006 23:33
There is no way in heck would i buy a ps3 for $900 you gotta be kidding me lol i' ll stick to my xbox360 thanks
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RE: Playstations 3 went for 900$ on EBAY
Nov 21, 2006 23:35
 None of us woulld. ' Cept perhaps one, though I haven' t seen him around lately.
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RE: Playstations 3 went for 900$ on EBAY
Nov 22, 2006 04:26
Nah, he likes the PS3, & he' s pretty cocky about it, but he isn' t going to pay mega-janked prices for it. Haha, reminds me of the 360 Water bottle. Someone said in the auction title " OFFICIAL XBOX 360 WATER BOTTLE" : He had two pictures the main was a 360...that water bottle went for like $450
Technically, that' s fraudulent advertising, but whatever. This guy knew what he was doing when he put it up for auction. I did something like this once. I sold my friend' s Gamecube box with a starter of $20, & came out with about 88 bucks after expenses. I made sure to let them know it was a box, & the guy who won it was very happy, but you' ve got to wonder.