Of course I wouldn' t be saying any of this if they had admitted that their
launch games may be a bit sucky...
When all you guys were saying " Red Steel will be the best" and
" Wii controls= Amazing"
Hmm, when NOW you suddenly change your tune, and using " Damage control"
as a defence:
The fact of the matter is that this control method is new and there is a way to go before the control is perfected.
I' ll strike that one and let it be, because I consider you to be one of the smarter
people here on this forum.
When developers properly get a handle of Wii' s control method and properly execute them then we can talk, as for now its still work in progress and with a pretty good average score for most launch titles (especially Zelda) i think that thats a good start.
Zelda has been coming out for almost three years now, I remember talking about
TP coming out a few months after my GCSE' s and how I was going to play it then..
That was about 2-3 years ago, and wow, they finally released and it is now the
most successful Wii launch game... Too darn right it should be, considering how
bloody long it has been delayed for.
I don' t even consider TP to be a Wii game, it will be a Gamecube game to me
Nintendo don' t really have any killer apps for the Wii launch except the Twighlight
Princess, (Waits for someone to give him a whopping great big list of other
supposed amazing titles).
The same goes for PS3, and 360, they both had/have sucky titles on release, so
don' t think I am being specific here, the dire PS3 titles go without saying.
Red Steel is the first game to go down as a bit of a disappointment, some people
don' t want to take back their statements so much that they are like " Meh, I am
buying it still."
Zelda was always going to be a killer app, but I have said it once and I' ll say it
again, I believe that only Nintendo' s IP will succeed this generation and that is
also featured heavily in your statement as well Terrak, but it also means that
again, the majority of the Wii' s games will be sucky as the third party developer
can produce more games (as a mass) than the first party developer.
It' s not Nintendo' s fault, it' s the third parties I don' t believe in. They are making
the Wii seem like a fad.