PS3 can' t handle Call of Duty 3

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PS3 can' t handle Call of Duty 3 - Nov 16, 2006 00:36
I' ll start by saying that the PS3 version of CoD3 looks more like the 360 version of CoD2 than the 360 version of CoD3.

The textures and lighting are " worse" than the 360 version and it looks very washed out. I actually kinda like the washed out look though and if the textures were as sharp then i would quite possibly declare the PS3 version " nicer" .

The 360 versions is supposedly " busier" with more going on onscreen in terms of effects and a higher number of NPC' s, but sometimes you feel there is a little too much going on and the focus is lost.

So the 360 can handle more detailed textures. So what?! We know that already and lower resolution textures won' t help CoD3 on PS3 become a good game. It' s a shame PS3 owners will miss out on CoD2 because that has remained the series high point.

Anyway, the PS3 version actually looks better than i had expected and is said to run at a solid 60fps. It should kick ass online, just like the 360 version.

CoD3 (360) > Resistance: fall of Man > CoD3 (PS3) - visually
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 15 Nov 06 18:46:53 >

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RE: CoD3 (360) &gt; Resistance: fall of Man &gt; CoD3 (PS3) - visually - Nov 16, 2006 02:31

There are a couple of visual issues that mar the otherwise great graphics. Key amongst these is the erratic frame rate. It was fast and mostly smooth on the 360, but the game' s extremely choppy on the PlayStation 3. This problem isn' t limited to hectic battle sequences either--it' ll chug in rooms that are completely empty. It never happened to a soldier that was alive, but after you kill them, dead soldiers will occasionally get stuck in walls and even float in midair. It' s also possible to see the sparks from weapons fire through solid walls. Even though most of the textures are quite good, some of them aren' t all that impressive and some of the indoor environments, houses in particular, are repetitive.

so much for the smooth 60 fps thing, why am i spending $600 again, LOL@ps3


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RE: PS3 can' t handle Call of Duty 3 - Nov 16, 2006 02:42
Ok, i take it all back. The PS3 version is retarded. I can' t wait to see how Rainbow Six: Vegas turns out...
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 15 Nov 06 18:47:33 >

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RE: PS3 can' t handle Call of Duty 3 - Nov 16, 2006 03:34
now where is evil man and f3 with their 60 fps PS3 rules comments, they would really be fitting right about now!

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RE: PS3 can' t handle Call of Duty 3 - Nov 16, 2006 03:41
F3 is waiting for Twilight Princess, and Evil is waiting for the PS3...

and I am waiting for Gears of War!!!
There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

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RE: PS3 can' t handle Call of Duty 3 - Nov 16, 2006 03:44

First off, let' s get this out of the way: Resistance ain' t no Gears of War. But it' s actually somewhat unfair to even compare the two directly (though that won' t stop us, nosiree.)

That' s how gamepro started of the review with resistance, i hate that mag, but thought that was pretty funny. they gave the graphics a 3.5 out of 5.

should be interesting to see how they' re gonna convince people that ps3 is the superior system, when their best game looks like ass next to the far supposed inferior system.

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RE: PS3 can' t handle Call of Duty 3 - Nov 16, 2006 03:57
I think that the 2 can be directly compared. Any " but 360 has had an extra year" bullshit simply won' t stick anymore because PS3 is a goddamn year overdue!

There are a lot of games this gen using UE3.0 which gives 360 and instant advantage as it handles the engine much much better than PS3, ...somthing i said would ring true earlier this year when UT2007 was announced for PS3.

There are going to e a lot of PC ports (although i no longer wish to call them ports and see them more as multiplatform titles as many will be releasing simultaneously). That again gives 360 an advantage as the architecture is closely related and the code hardly needs changing.

360 has more available VRAM and a better GPU. That obviously finishes the which will have better grafficks discussion.

What i' m surprised about is hearing that PS3 is also struggling to achieve 60fps, especially in a graphically-downgraded-from-360 game. Perhaps having only 5 SPE' s and running the OS in realtime (meaning both added processor and memory consumption) is having an effect afterall.

That being said, games like DMC4 run at 60fps and look stunning. Engines developed from the ground up like MGS4' s will be able to tap the true potenial of the console and as far as i' m concerned this is more SNES vs Genesis or PlayStation vs Dreamast than it is Xbox vs Playstation 2.

This could be the most exciting generation yet.

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RE: PS3 can' t handle Call of Duty 3 - Nov 16, 2006 04:06
Im glad i own a killa PC to play my FPS' s on as Consles FPS' s suck compared to, ultra high res, ultra smooth and M&K controls PC ones..

It actually makes me feel sick when i try playing consoles ones.. Yuk....

The only Console FPS' s ive ever played was DC quake 3 (with M&K) and Metriod prime 1&2 the only FPS that had a console in mind from the ground up and it shows.. Metriod primes are the daddy of consoles FPS by far.

CANNot wait for the Wii Metriod.. dam.

I really like what Epic did with GOW tho, 3rd person view will do nicley, Only 2 days left.

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RE: PS3 can' t handle Call of Duty 3 - Nov 16, 2006 04:30

This could be the most exciting generation yet.


Ur joking right??

By far been the worst generation of gaming ive ever seen in my life.. If it is wasnt for the DS / Wii, i would of given up on console gaming altogether..

PS3 / 360 might aswell be the same console. both seem to be planning / spitting out the same standard, uninspired titles. 360 is the first console i know of where its had its first true AAA game after nearly a year of release.. thats SOOO shit.

Apart for pushing online play, and visuals, i cant see anything better than last generation.. Infact its worst because dumb fools seem to be buying a game because it has good HDR texturing..

Thank god for Nintendo !!! thats all i can say.. They seem to know the score.

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RE: PS3 can' t handle Call of Duty 3 - Nov 16, 2006 09:10
Ouch thats a little harsh!!

But i second your views on Nintendo!!

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RE: PS3 can' t handle Call of Duty 3 - Nov 16, 2006 09:55
What ???? f3 no defending the ps3 ... IS this even possible .. Oh wait . he cant ... Now that the console is acutally out , there is no room for speculation ... Only the COLD TRUTH ...

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RE: PS3 can' t handle Call of Duty 3 - Nov 16, 2006 10:30
I think Maj is right, this IS one of the most exciting generations. I also see close parity with far early competitions. Anyone who gets lost in the tech specs and makes a point of listening to all the hype will only get let down and negative towards this gen.

The problem is marketing is far greater than ever before, people who say consoles are too similar need only look at the atari ST / Commodore Amiga battles of the mid-late 80' s, a generation which gave birth to many franchises which still continue today, look past the hype and you see 3 very strong machines, and which all have the capability in their respective ways to take emotion and immersion (not just graphics) to a whole new level.

Good games mirror an emotional reality and with better than ever tools the small minority or true craftsmen means we can reach further into our creativity than ever before, you cannot fail to be excited by this.

Unless you are war weary! From getting caought in all the fanboy flack thats been flying, and which will continue to fly. In fact this has always been the case with consoles, and majik hit the nail on the head with the megadrive vs. SNES, forget the hardware, the battle raged from quality of arcade and pc ports through to battles between innovate takes on each others IP. In terms of the core IP battles nothing has changed, and this IS exciting!
< Message edited by musashi -- 16 Nov 06 2:34:15 >

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RE: PS3 can' t handle Call of Duty 3 - Nov 16, 2006 17:06
Perhaps, it' s a lazy port?

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RE: PS3 can' t handle Call of Duty 3 - Nov 16, 2006 22:46

PS3 / 360 might aswell be the same console.

How could you compare ps3 and 360 as the same???????????