28 days later sequel announced

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28 days later sequel announced - Jun 30, 2004 09:08
Dunno if you all have seen this horror movie, it got a limited US release. A sequel haas been announced for it that is supposed to take place 28 weeks after the events of the first movie.

Thought the original was one of the best horror flicks I' ve seen in years, great film for the small budget. Directed by Danny Boyle of Trainspotting fame who unfortunately won' t be taking the helm for the second film.
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RE: 28 days later sequel announced - Jun 30, 2004 11:46
I watched 28 days later a couple of times and liked it.
I did find that things progressed kinda slow and for that reason some people may have found it boring
I had no idea that they were even planning a sequel and I liked the first one enough to get excited about the second

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RE: 28 days later sequel announced - Jun 30, 2004 13:31
to be honest, i wasnt as ' crazy' about the first one as everyone else seemed to be...but i' ll give it a shot anyway.

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RE: 28 days later sequel announced - Jun 30, 2004 17:26
Cant wait. Ijust hope they don' t somehow ruin the 1st.

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RE: 28 days later sequel announced - Jun 30, 2004 21:55
HATED the first one, but it is a good kind of hate, because it scared the bejeebes out of me. I don' t know how they can make a sequel to it, it seemed to be pretty well wrapped up in the first one. I don' t think I would watch a sequel to it anyway.

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RE: 28 days later sequel announced - Jul 26, 2004 12:37
28 Days Later is the only movie I' ve ever seen thats had me on the edge of my seat terrafied and wondering just exactly what was going to happen next. I bought it on DVD and it' s one of my favourite movies.

I' m unsure of a sequal though. Like Rikka said, they seemed to have the movie pretty wrapped up at the end of the first one and I' d be worried about them screwing up the second. Especially if Danny Boyle isn' t directing it.

28 Weeks Later? ...mmm.

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RE: 28 days later sequel announced - Jul 27, 2004 00:09
I hope they shoot it on film instead of video this time.

Video blown up to film looks like ass!

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RE: 28 days later sequel announced - Jul 27, 2004 03:33
You know, I' ve watched this movie for approx. 10 min. then turned it off --- it was sooooo boring. But, since most seem to think this movie is actually pretty good, I' ll give it a second go and watch it again ' cause I don' t want to miss out on a good horror flick ---- in other words, maybe I didin' t give it a chance.

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RE: 28 days later sequel announced - Jul 27, 2004 05:18
Sharon, it does pick up a lot. Once the coma guy meets other people. Scared tha pants off me, I' ll tell you that much. (though a few of the scenes were my nightmares come to life, so that didn' t help in the fear department. - that and i am easily scared)