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Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 05:39
PS3 > Wii > 360
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 05:44
Who has that collection of consoles, & where do I shoot them?
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 08:56
Whats so special about ps3 case? I suppose The Wii and 360 cases are debatable to which one is better looking
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 09:14
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw Whats so special about ps3 case? It' s smaller and looks more expensive. I got a look as some Blu-Ray cases the other day in HMV and they just look nicer. As long as the cover art is the same or similar, the PS3 games are going to look nicer on the shelf than the 360 games. Ofcourse, that' s just my humble opinion. I suppose The Wii and 360 cases are debatable to which one is better looking Wii' s. They look more elegant. It must be the white...   Verdict? 360' s cases are old gen yo!
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 09:16
It' s smaller and looks more expensive. I got a look as some Blu-Ray cases the other day in HMV and they just look nicer. As long as the cover art is the same or similar, the PS3 games are going to look nicer on the shelf than the 360 games. Ofcourse, that' s just my humble opinion. Okay? i dont see how making a case smaller makes it any different from its previous cases. but my opinion is Wii>360>PS3
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 09:21
Clearly the Blue ray is going to win if Movies like Nacho Libre are coming out on Hd-dvd. with the blue gets Balck Hawk Down.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 12 Nov 06 1:40:43 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 09:23
Why does 360 > PS3?! I can understand that somebody would prefer Wii' s cases over he other two, but 360' s over PS3' s?! 360' s is a standard DVD case. Years ago when the move was made from Playstation/Dreamcast cases to plastic DVD cases (i say plastic because Saturn cases here were similar but made out of cardboard) the they were cool, but now they' re just boring. If it' s a shelf/rack/whatever thing then you can' t apply it to what look nicest. Blu-Ray and HD-DVD use next-gen cases baby, ...i want Microsoft to adopt the HD-DVD case and make it transparent green.
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 09:23
Clearly the Blue ray is going to win if Movies loike Nacho Libre are coming out on Hd-dvd. with the blue gets Balck Hawk Down. HD-DVD has a bigger library... plus HD has Tokyo Drift so.... But I could care less about BD and HD.
...Random Madness, Forward...
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 09:29
Why does 360 > PS3?! I can understand that somebody would prefer Wii' s cases over he other two, but 360' s over PS3' s?! 360' s is a standard DVD case. Years ago when the move was made from Playstation/Dreamcast cases to plastic DVD cases (i say plastic because Saturn cases here were similar but made out of cardboard) the they were cool, but now they' re just boring. If it' s a shelf/rack/whatever thing then you can' t apply it to what look nicest. Blu-Ray and HD-DVD use next-gen cases baby, ...i want Microsoft to adopt the HD-DVD case and make it transparent green. I agree that 360 does need to change cases, i just dont like the way sony made theirs smaller, because if i did break down and buy it, it wouldnt fit right with the rest of my games on my shelf. And yeah i think they should make it transparent green
Terry Bogard
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 09:44
I like the PS3 game cases more than the others simply because they' re smaller.. Personally I' d prefer for games to revert back to using CD jewel case sized packaging like they did during the 32-bit era.. Sometimes smaller is better
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 14:30
These days I couldn' t really give a damn what my console case size/look is. They only ever contain a disc and maybe a half assed manual/control sheet. Not worth a second glance really. ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard Sometimes smaller is better Back in the good ol' days of PC gaming there used to be big boxes, roughly the size of flat shoeboxes. They always used to contain a CD case, chunky 100-200 page manual, other forms of comprehensive documentation/game lore and sometimes a big cloth map of the game world. All of it would be neatly contained in a fold-out box with beautiful artwork on it. This was packaging that you wanted to keep. Nowdays you never see this, if you do it' s a rare occasion. Even most of the " limited edition" versions you can get pale in comparison to what the standard used to be. Everything' s gone to cost cutting and mass production. Heck my HL2 game came in a flimsy small box that contained next to no documentation and the 5 CD' s came in paper sleeves! This isn' t the only game I' ve gotten that' s given me a 1c paper sleeve to protect my investment. Manuals are being converted to PDF' s but what good is a manual if you can' t pull it out while you' re playing the game? It' s sad to see the game box turn into something of a lost art. In a lot of ways, I think bigger is better.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 18:43
Im sorry i get PSone flashback when seeing the playstation cases, i like the green and white of the 360 more, sure i might be a bit biased, but i really really dont like how the PS3, Bluray and HD-DVD cases look! I mean that the *uck is up changing the cases...... again? People are going to have fit getting new racks and stuff that fits the new cases. Whats up with the word next gen cases? its a load of crap. But what the hell. this might be the last gen we even get cases.
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 18:59
I kind of prefer the 360 cases the most at the mo. The biggest issue I have with the PS3 cases is not the design, though I think they should be as tall as DVD' s, but the actual colour of the case it self. The transparent clear just doesn' t work in my opinion. I was expecting them to use blue like on BD movies or black. I do like the console packaging for the 60GB PS3 though.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 12 Nov 06 11:00:30 >
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 21:14
X : " hey man... i just bought GoW. Y : oh yeah? i just bought PS3´s Genji. X: and...? Y: has a new format case. X: ...
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 21:19
The only thing I don' t like about the PS3' s covers is the Blu-Ray Logo on the Top, waste of space imo. They could very well use that blank space with the rest of the case.
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 21:42
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 22:17
IMO DS has the nicest cases.
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 22:47
 ... And I agree
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 22:59
The transparent clear just doesn' t work in my opinion. I was expecting them to use blue like on BD movies or black. I do like the console packaging for the 60GB PS3 though.
It' s not transparent clear as far as I know. They' re smoke grey. I couldn' t care less though. The space conservation is a nice feature, but i' d be an idiot if I said that was an advantage.
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 12, 2006 23:52
I really love the Wii cases and i utterly love the cases of the DS 
< Message edited by OneWingedAngel -- 12 Nov 06 15:53:35 >
" One who knows nothing can understand nothing"
Terry Bogard
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 13, 2006 03:00
It' s sad to see the game box turn into something of a lost art. In a lot of ways, I think bigger is better. Personally, the ONLY time I think that' s true, where game cases are concerned, is when there are some limited edition goodies to be had with the games. I don' t mind bulkier CD jewel cases in those cases, and Japanese Dreamcast games were awesome examples of beautiful box art and compact design.. DVD game cases on the other hand, I honestly don' t like them or see the point to them given the more compact alternative. The absolute worst had to be the U.S. Sega Saturn game boxes. Those things were bulky as hell and a sharp contract to the slim, compact Japanese Saturn game cases!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 12 Nov 06 19:02:58 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 13, 2006 03:18
I hated those 32 bit era plastic excuses for game cases, the dvd cases dont break aftyer two days and are much nicer to look at in my humble opinion.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 12 Nov 06 19:18:47 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 13, 2006 06:14
I hated those 32 bit era plastic excuses for game cases, the dvd cases dont break aftyer two days and are much nicer to look at in my humble opinion. exactly
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 13, 2006 06:39
I like the blu-ray box, i don' t see why sony went with a clear coloured cases and an empty top, looks kinda bad... I' d prefer it blue at least like the blu-ray films. I agree though, the smaller the better, generally once my games collection gets to a certain size, i just put the cases away somewhere and use a cd wallet - have done since dreamcast. Lets face it to have a selection of consoles and large selection of games for them takes too much space. I guess for me, this is the best advantage of digital distribution.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 13, 2006 07:03
Lets face it to have a selection of consoles and large selection of games for them takes too much space. Exact-a-mundo.. Not only were the CD jewel cases much more aesthetically pleasing to me but they took up a lot less shelf space. My import Saturn and Dreamcast game collection take up a lot less shelf space than my PS2, Xbox, GameCube, and U.S. Saturn games. And while the CD jewel cases breaking/cracking were a tad bit annoying at times, fortunately those things were a dime a dozen and could easily be replaced by other unused jewel cases I used for spare parts, so no harm no foul there.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 12 Nov 06 23:05:44 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Game Case Comparison
Nov 13, 2006 08:38
The US Sega CD game cases were the BEST EVAR! They were giant, huge, and enormous... all at the same time! Musician Spencer Nilsen designed them (I assume this is true because the first Sega CD game to come in those cases was Ecco the Dolphin, which Spencer did the music for). Even better were the Sega CD game cases before those. OH WOW they were so awesome! A giant paper box (Sega of America loved paper boxes because paper KICKS ASS) with a blank CD jewel case inside containing the game with monotone disc labels and the instruction manual just dropped inside of the paper box, and it wouldn' t fit inside the CD jewel case. No wonder Sega failed.