Lost Planet multiplayer demo

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Lost Planet multiplayer demo - Nov 12, 2006 05:23
Capcom has announced that the multiplayer demo for Lost Planet will be available on November 23rd. I' m really interested in what you 360 owners think of it, particularly the blending of both on-foot combat with mech combat.

While Lost Planet takes place on a frozen planet, the multiplayer demo lets gamers participate in heated online matches in the Pirate Fortress stage with support for up to 16 players. The demo offers a choice of multiple weapons, robotic assault vehicles called Vital Suits, and four play modes: Elimination, Team Elimination, Post Grab, and Fugitive.

Following the demo' s release on the 23rd, November 24 will be deemed " White Friday," as retailers launch a preorder program where early adopters will receive access to a special version of the demo with an additional multiplayer map called Dilapidation.

Nice little arm-twisting gimmick there at the end with the additional map available for people who pre-order.

Gaiden BLACK
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RE: Lost Planet multiplayer demo - Nov 12, 2006 05:55
oooooooooo I cant wait, this is gonna be more than enough reason to go a purchase a Hardrive now.

Thanks for the info Zoy
Rest in PEACE Cetra and GANGSTA you guys will be missed..........

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RE: Lost Planet multiplayer demo - Nov 12, 2006 06:21
A little late dude, there was already a post on this.