PS3 Oblivion Delayed

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PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 06:09
Yikes, with NBA Live 2007 cancelled and FEAR, Sonic and this delayed there aren' t going to be many worthy titles at launch.


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RE: PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 06:14
ROFL, I DOn' T carez0r I LiFe In teh plece caled urope N it r0xx0r, S0 teh gemes 1z g0na bi rilisied anywejs, sow fak u, PS3 will rokkz0r!

Seriously though, this shit just keep getting worse. Sony has screwed this console launch up, no question about it.

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RE: PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 06:19
Resistance and Madden are going to be the best selling PS3 titles this quarter.

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RE: PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 06:20
i' m not surprised with this, obviously too few ps3 launch units means its going to be difficult to sell sufficient numbers of software. Theres too much risk. Better wait till theres a large enough user base to guarantee better sales.

There has also been a rumour that Best Buys launch unit allocation has been halved, but let me stress its only a rumour, but it is interesting to note none the less

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RE: PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 06:28
So, if the rumours about Rainbow Six: Vegas also being delayed are true, the PS3 launch lineup looks like (exclusives bolded) this...

Resistance: Fall of Man
Call of Duty 3
Genji 2
Madden 07
Need For Speed: Carbon
Tiger Woods 07
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Full Auto 2
Tony Hawk: Project 8
NBA 2k7
NHL 2k7
Ridge Racer
Blazing Angels
Untold Legends

So it' s not that bad really is it???

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RE: PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 06:28

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RE: PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 06:38

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RE: PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 06:40
Its a good assortment of games, theres no denying that, but the question is can these titles alone justify the US$600 price tag, with killer apps appearing on competing consoles - Zelda for Wii and GoW for 360. IMO i don' t think so, A Wii60 combo should give you better entertainment for your gaming dollar. But thats my opinion.

BTW good find Papado!!!
< Message edited by Terrak -- 9 Nov 06 22:41:40 >

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RE: PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 07:15

wii60 FTW!
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 08:05
yeah, and gamespot just gave Genji a 6.4 rating & in the review for tony hawk they said the game is gimped compared to the 360 version and it' s framerate problems are way worst than 360' s even on the lowest resolution

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RE: PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 08:11

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RE: PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 08:13
Don' t know how to do the link thing sorry

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RE: PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 08:20
lol just copy and past the address and everything is done automatically;action;1

They panned the game. Wow what a shocker!! Repetative and rather boring, and unfinished is the impression i got from the review. Hmm people were worried that Wii would be just a GImmick that won' t last, i think people should be more concerned that ps3 games will be the same old games played the same old way with only a slicker HD coat of paint.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 10 Nov 06 0:51:26 >

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RE: PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 10:10
If by slicker you mean true 1080p & wonky textures. It' s a trade-off I' m not fond of.

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RE: PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 10:34
lol me neither.

No way does this justify the US$600 for a ps3. I guess its up to Resistance FoM to do that.

Another thing to note is the sixaxis implementation in Genji- which gamespot considered a gimmick - is left off by default - so much for innovative use of motion sensing technology. I though sony wasn' t intersted in gimmicks?

Guess that would make them a liar now wouldn' t it!!

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RE: PS3 Oblivion Delayed - Nov 10, 2006 12:28
You dodge by flipping the control forwards...and that' s it. That' s so tacked on it isn' t funny [:' (] Not to mention utterly POINTLESS...

So far, I think Lair' s the only game that really uses the sixaxis to any innovative or effective level, and even their control scheme is kinda wonky (according to hands-on reviews by the 1up and EGM folks, but I think they' ve tweaked it better already).