Dunno if its playable yet as I only saw a demonstration of all things the wii can do running.
Betcha' money it is. My brother (Die_Hounderdoggen) & I had the distinct pleasure of being the first customers to try the one out in my local EB. They asked for a Govt. ID of some kind. (Social Security/Drivers Liscence) & I traded that in for a Wiimote. When I was done, I traded it back.
My first impressions with the Wii:
First off, it' s a little strange being one of the first people to actually try out the Wii on the forums, just thought I' d get that out of the way.
The Wiimote: I' d heard complaints about it being a little too heavy, but I thought the size/weight was absolutely perfect. I don' t have huge hands & it accomidated me nicely. The rumble was actually better than I thought, I' ll touch more on this later. I found
NO PROBLEMS I' ll say that again,
NO PROBLEMS With lighting & the sensor bar/Wiimote. My brother & I both shone bright LED flashlights into the sensor bar at the same time, & we still had almost no problems.

Rumour debunked.
The Wii Console: The Wii was suprisingly quite quiet. I expected the fans to have to compensate pretty badly for the space issues, but it was pretty dang quiet. The interface was smooth & easy to navigate once I toned down the sensitivity. You' d have to be on serious amounts of dope to not jitter with the default settings. Mii channel was working & I have to say, I' m pretty impressed, I spent as much time on the little character creator as I did Excite Truck.
Excite Truck: I started up the Wii & got my first taste of the new control scheme. My first reaction was to overexaggerate every single movement, but I found myself spinning out of control, into trees, & off of cliffs. It requred only subtle wrist movements to control my truck. The visuals had their ups & downs. The actual earth portion was quite nice, & the textures were crisp. But the tree' s branches in the Dublin map were X-shaped. You don' t notice it from the ground, but it looks kinda ugly from the air. Running through one icon gave you a huge speed boost, & running into another shot a huge mound of dirt up from the ground for you to jump over. The single player was entertaining, but it was the multiplayer that really shone.
That' s all I can think of at the moment. I' m heading back there a little later today.