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Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 08, 2006 16:50
Who didnt see this comming!? Makes for interesting reading though, I didnt realise Itagaki had been demoted either! Could his slide into perveted middle age be the reason? Will tecmo stump up the 10 Million yen? Does this have any implications on his other non-doa games? (code chronos etc..) Is this a first for an " industry figure" I think so. Hahaha, gotta love him
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 08, 2006 18:09
Hah! I would have thought that Itagaki was too obsessed with his DOA girls and programming Boob Engineâ„¢ 2.0 to notice anything else. I hope it doesn' t affect any of his other projects though.
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 08, 2006 18:10
franckly i don' t like that man, he' s a pervert first and foremost, WHO THE HELL WOULD PUT A DOMINATRICE IN A NINJA GAME... what' s gotten into him, i was seriously offended, it' s like we' re animals, his game could still be awesome without that stupid outfit for rachel. that guy is definitly a perv. and what' s up with ubisoft in prince warrior within... you know what i' m talking about
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 08, 2006 18:11
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane franckly i don' t like that man, he' s a pervert first and foremost, WHO THE HELL WOULD PUT A DOMINATRICE IN A NINJA GAME... what' s gotten into him, i was seriously offended, it' s like we' re animals, his game could still be awesome without that stupid outfit for rachel. that guy is definitly a perv. Nothing' s gotten into him. That is 100% normal for Japanese society.
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 08, 2006 18:25
well i have this idea that jap are pervs , but sometimes i think it' s just a stereotype, but when you see those kind of actions in development, when you find out that dating games are big sellers in japan + he hentai and what have you... it seems it' s true, there are a lot of pervs in JAP, i don' t care much they just have to respect this industry as it' s more mature than ever. when they decide something in developmenbt they should take it seriously , not throw some a dominatrice chick in a ninja game, this is one of the most retarded thing i' ve ever seen... but again may be business wise, it helps them... don' t know who to blame, developers or stupid consumers.
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 08, 2006 20:59
Hehehe..... Imagine that?
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Gaiden BLACK
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 08, 2006 21:11
LOL this article dosent surprise me...........he is definetly that type of guy. But i dont blame him for chatting up Jessica Chobot and agreeing to put her in the next DOA.
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 08, 2006 21:13
well i have this idea that jap are pervs , but sometimes i think it' s just a stereotype, I wouldn' t call ' em perverted, but they' re definitely more liberal culturally. Honestly, when a people' s myth and lore tells of how a goddess did A STRIP SHOW to make the other gods get riled up and hence make the Sun Goddess Amaturesu curious and get out off a cave she hole herself in; hence solving a solar eclipse which is why that particular goddess came up with the idea for a STRIP SHOW - you kinda think the Japanese people are fairly least compared against other cultures. Personally, I love their attitude to homosexuals (some samurai in the past kept their apprentices as gay lovers as in a fight, it' s advantageous to have one around to help them in a tight spot), but when I read how a Japanese judge let a gang of four boys go after they admitted to rape, because he felt it showed them being ' healthy and normal active boys' ; you CANNOT keep from the fact their society can seriously screw up, just like any other society. For the sake of political correctedness, I' d like to point out I' m half-Japanese so this entire post is not really biased or should be affected by bias.
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 08, 2006 22:32
ORIGINAL: Byakko I' d like to point out I' m half-Japanese... Hey baby!
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 09, 2006 04:06
I love their attitude to homosexuals (some samurai in the past kept their apprentices as gay lovers as in a fight, it' s advantageous to have one around to help them in a tight spot),
I... Ah... Buh... Nevermind. As far as I' ve seen, Japan has a more contained, if a little more extreme sense of sexuality. You may not see it on the streets at once, but every anime store, look in the upstairs/back room.
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 09, 2006 04:11
As far as I' ve seen, Japan has a more contained, if a little more extreme sense of sexuality. You may not see it on the streets at once, but every anime store, look in the upstairs/back room. That' s true, in the sexstores there is dolls with tits like playmates and faces like little 5 year old girls . And their kind of porn to... Hentai? It' s sick and twisted. The x-rated television show there are also really f*cked up, but that is what we love about japanese erotica isn' t it ;)? [:' (]
< Message edited by JalleNalle -- 8 Nov 06 20:12:00 >
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 09, 2006 04:14
As far as I' ve seen, Japan has a more contained, if a little more extreme sense of sexuality. You may not see it on the streets at once, but every anime store, look in the upstairs/back room. That' s true, in the sexstores there is dolls with tits like playmates and faces like little 5 year old girls . And their kind of porn to... Hentai? It' s sick and twisted. The x-rated television show there are also really f*cked up, but that is what we love about japanese erotica isn' t it ;)?
Not really. The JP' s (Japaneese Police) are pretty hard on most things, but it seems like their culture is more accepting of deviant sexual behavior, & methinks it has something to do with some of the hentai that comes out of there.
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 09, 2006 04:21
Not really. The JP' s (Japaneese Police) are pretty hard on most things, but it seems like their culture is more accepting of deviant sexual behavior, & methinks it has something to do with some of the hentai that comes out of there. I have been inside one of those sexshops (mostly for gags), and it was pretty sick. Not kinky stuff but on the verge of being a pedofilparadise (I' m sure i missspelt pedofil). Maybe I just walked into the wierdest place of them all, and the cops didn' t know what was in there, but it was grotesque. And what' s up with the pissing on eachother? And eating poop? Uck... I hope my post haven' t been to vulgar, please tell me if they are.
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 09, 2006 04:28
It' s not so much the disgusting stuff. It' s the underage stuff, & the rape situation stuff that really gets me ticked. Although, I guess it' s not really underage. Age of consent is 12 I believe.
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 09, 2006 04:31
Both gets me ticked. [:' (]
< Message edited by JalleNalle -- 8 Nov 06 20:32:09 >
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 09, 2006 05:16
...isn' t Itagaki-san married to some ultra hot Japanese Supermodel?.... ...and i know he' s got young kids... this woman doing the accusing had better be something else physically, or i' d say it' s total money-grabbing BS.....  ....
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 09, 2006 05:23
Japan more sexually liberal? Aren' t they the country that censors all of their porn?
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 09, 2006 05:25
Japan has a strickt law that geneitals can' t be shown from real humans,thats why hentai was made. Anyway,Itagaki' s DOAX2 is a pervertyed game,i told you all. However i have faith in Itagaki.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 09, 2006 05:32
Japan more sexually liberal? Aren' t they the country that censors all of their porn? Yeah, even the kids shows get censored
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 09, 2006 05:34
well i have this idea that jap are pervs , but sometimes i think it' s just a stereotype, ummm yeah, aba acutally your the one being stereotypical right now
Joe Redifer
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 09, 2006 07:52
Japan has a strickt law that geneitals can' t be shown from real humans,thats why hentai was made. That must be why hentai is censored as well. Many times they don' t even bother to draw the genitals. Other times it is mosaicked out. Point: Japan censors all of their porn, real or fake. If it' s uncensored, it wasn' t done in Japan and certainly isn' t for sale/display there.
Evil Man
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 09, 2006 14:42
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer hentai is censored as well. Many times they don' t even bother to draw the genitals. Other times it is mosaicked out.
' Censorship laws have nothing to do with how culturally liberal they are when it comes to sex. They are more liberal because they aren' t influenced by Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judasim, Islam, etc.). In those religions as you know sex is viewed as a sin and all that, and it reflects on a country' s culture. People in Japan are mostly budhist, shinto, confusianists, etc. and they dont teach their young girls and boys that they will burn in hell for all eternity for having sex before marriage, as such that reflects in their culture and are more liberal when it comes to sex. Even though the US is so sexually opressed they still have higher rates of teen pregnancy among developed countries, so it doesn' t matter how liberal or not a country is, everyone likes sex. I' m not fond of abrahamic religions for this reason, the anti-sex obsession is retarded, makes about as much sense as telling people not to eat, they' re humans, they' re going to eat, and they' re going to fuck, it' s what we do to survive as a species.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 9 Nov 06 7:11:16 >
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 10, 2006 05:55
Censorship laws have nothing to do with how culturally liberal they are when it comes to sex. They are more liberal because they aren' t influenced by Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judasim, Islam, etc.). In those religions as you know sex is viewed as a sin and all that, and it reflects on a country' s culture. People in Japan are mostly budhist, shinto, confusianists, etc. and they dont teach their young girls and boys that they will burn in hell for all eternity for having sex before marriage, as such that reflects in their culture and are more liberal when it comes to sex. Even though the US is so sexually opressed they still have higher rates of teen pregnancy among developed countries, so it doesn' t matter how liberal or not a country is, everyone likes sex. I' m not fond of abrahamic religions for this reason, the anti-sex obsession is retarded, makes about as much sense as telling people not to eat, they' re humans, they' re going to eat, and they' re going to fuck, it' s what we do to survive as a species. first, sex is not a sin, it is part of life. they say lust is a sin. second, you dont go to hell for having premarital sex (Im not gonna get in to my Christian beliefs and make everyone mad) third, The US has a higher rate of teens under 18 getting pregnant. Finally, everything you say has nothing to do with them being liberal dumb ass get your facts straight
< Message edited by mastachefbkw -- 9 Nov 06 21:55:58 >
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 10, 2006 13:20
Point: Japan censors all of their porn, real or fake. If it' s uncensored, it wasn' t done in Japan and certainly isn' t for sale/display there. Technically, no. It ultimately depends on the rating; and uncensored pornographic hentai are available from Japan. Some I know of are ' The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse' , or ' Legend of the Blue Wolves' depending on the translation/localization; and the ' New Angel' series. It' s just that uncensored porn in Japan is rare. And their ' censoring' can just be this little strip of black that blocks out the genitals barely, instead of the more intrusive mosiac. Manga hentai/doujinshi face the strongest censors, prolly cos they' re too easily available to underage kids... Oh, and don' t ask about how I know about the uncensored hentai. I have Internet, that' s reason enough...
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 10, 2006 18:41
With all the attention he puts on Women in every one of his games, this news hardly comes as a shock.
< Message edited by Calintz -- 10 Nov 06 10:41:46 >
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 10, 2006 19:20
Oh, and don' t ask about how I know about the uncensored hentai. I have Internet, that' s reason enough.. Stop support rape hentai byakko.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 10, 2006 19:21
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Oh, and don' t ask about how I know about the uncensored hentai. I have Internet, that' s reason enough.. Stop support rape hentai byakko. She likes rape hentai?
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 10, 2006 19:23
uncensored hentai is like 90% rape hentai,i know all about those hentai,its fucking retarded.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 10, 2006 19:30
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL uncensored hentai is like 90% rape hentai,i know all about those hentai,its fucking retarded. Why do you know all about it though? I figured if anybody it' d be Bishonen who was into hentai...
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 10, 2006 19:32
I don' t hang at cartoon porn sites,or wii sites,like other liberal people do.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 10, 2006 19:45
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL I don' t hang at cartoon porn sites,or wii sites,like other liberal people do. So Wii is as bad as rape hentai?!
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 10, 2006 19:46
wii is a codename for " weed" .
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 10, 2006 19:48
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL wii is a codename for " weed" . Huh?! Nintendo are a bunch of skeevy stoners?!
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 10, 2006 19:51
yes,far-left wing hippies-
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 10, 2006 20:06
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL yes,far-left wing hippies- Bah! Whatever dude, Twilight Princess > Blue Dragon
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 11, 2006 02:26
Why do you know all about it though? I figured if anybody it' d be Bishonen who was into hentai... ....i think ure getting' me confused with a certain red baseball cap wearing, Dural loving kikizo staff member...
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 11, 2006 02:57
Japan more sexually liberal? Aren' t they the country that censors all of their porn? Yeah, even the kids shows get censored
LOL. I shouldn' t be laughing.
Evil Man
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 11, 2006 06:47
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw Finally, everything you say has nothing to do with them being liberal dumb ass get your facts straight It has everything to do with it dumb fuck. Dont argue with me on something you know nothing of. third, The US has a higher rate of teens under 18 getting pregnant. Um, that' s what I said. Can you read? Don' t they teach you little christian fucks how to read in your all-boy schools or are you to busy getting fist-fucked by priests & preachers to learn anything? Im not gonna get in to my Christian beliefs and make everyone mad Don' t bother, it' s pretty difficult to explain a relgion who' s main book tells you " thou shall not kill" in one chapter, and in the other you' re reading about the glory of going to war and killing thousands in god' s name.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 10 Nov 06 22:57:44 >
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 11, 2006 06:52
Liberal is often against censur,and morale. Now i dont wanna hear about bush as a right winger,and all left as democrats,im talking in general,im a right wing liberal,and i would never vote for the rep,or the democrats they both sux. f
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Evil Man
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RE: Itagaki faces trial for sexal harrassment
Nov 11, 2006 06:59
And again that type of censorship doesn' t have anything to do with being liberal. I' m ok with most censoring - It doesn' t mean I' m some dumbass christian who was abused by a priest during his child hood, it just means I dont wanna see a guys penis and asshole accross my screen in some kind of men' s underwear commercial while I' m in my living room eating and trying to relax.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 10 Nov 06 23:03:45 >