Is the sensitivity adjustable?
Yes, but what I meant when I said the controls are too stiff is that if feels like you' re moving your arms with a Dpad and not an analog stick. With COD2 you swing your arms much more naturally, in COD3 it feels like you' re a robot. You get used to it and the upside is that you weapon ends up being more accurate. Also as a side note COD3 doesn' t seem to have the hit detection problems that COD2 had.
Are the textures, character models & animations and general onscreen effects better than in CoD2?!
Its strange because I can' t say that one is better then the other. Its really a matter of style. Both COD2 and COD3 are inconsistant a bit with textures, some parts of the game looks better then others. The biggest differences graphically is that COD3 has really nice grass.leaves while COD2 has much better smoke. Explosions and smoke on COD3 are 2d and look cartoony. The character models look more realistic in COD3(except skin generally looks better in COD2).
Do the weapons feel right?!
Depends what you mean. Do they feel like they do in COD2 then no. Do they feel like they should then yes. Weapons are much more distinct in COD3, there are a few new ones and some will not return but even the old ones like the Thompson feel more genuine. The weapons are more challenging to use, more kickback with the machine guns and the sniper rifle I tried was a lot harder to master, it moves around more and you can hold you breath only very briefly. I was a sniper in COD2 but I can' t see myself being one in COD3. Mostly because the crosshair for the sniper I was using (not sure if its universal) was terrible, the croosshar is too think and almost blocks your shot! On the flip side rifles are much better in COD3 when they were almost worthless in COD2. Trenchguns aren' t nearly as good as in COD2. Pistols are also much better. Word of the wise, never bring a rocket launcher in a pistol fight.
Anyways you' ll see what I mean, I like the tactile feel of the guns, but I don' t like the position of the guns when you' re not aiming. When you' re not aiming instead of holding the gun close to your body it looks like the guns are being held far, as if you have meter long arms. The weapons seem more balanced then in COD2 and are much funner to use (except for the sniper and shotgun which now suck,they over compensated).
Is the framerate a solid 60fps?!
Hard to say, but the frame rate IS solid, better then COD2, and I haven' t seen any hint of lag in multiplayer yet, but I also haven' t been in a game with over 16 players. So in terms of frame rate and lag, its what you would hope for, and even before you enter a online match, its like BF where you get to see the quality of the servers among other things.
What do you mean by muddy?!
The colours look muddy, theres a lot of dark colors that bleed together. This goes back to what I said earlier about different styles. COD2 has a brighter cleaner crisper look but COD3 has a grittier dirty style (realistic but ugly). I prefer COD2' s style, but thats just my personal preference. My TV isn' t the best HD TV either so it might look better on yours.
Are the characters hands textured properly?! (odd question i know but i have issues with poorely modelled hands - like those in Raven Softwares games.. )
When I was placing explosives on a turret. I have to say some of the best textures in the game is used on the hands. If you' re obsessed with hand textures the first time you place explosives in single player you will have a smile on your face. The first time I placed an explosive I actually looked at my real hand and was disapointed! lol In the regular game the hands look alright texture wise but they could use a few more polys, and they are too big, they' re freakishly big.
Is the environment destructable?! Or at last things like boxes?!
Some things are like boxes and barrels filled with sime kind of explosive content, not a whole lot. The barrels can be cool in multiplayer

Things that make COD3 different aside from the nerw classes and rank system,vehicles and larger maps. The weapons are more distinctive (I like the change),better weapon balance although I dislike the new snipers (its not that they are hard to use, its that they aren' t fun anymore).
Oh and I was having a blast, I said I like the game as much as COD2, which is my one of my favorite games of this year! I' m being critical of the game because you guys want to know as much as possible. I never really cared about single player but COD2 is better then COD3 in this respect (from my first impressions, I didn' t get very far) It is a different game though, extremely team oriented. Personally this exactely what I want with a few minor annoyances like tanks hand combat and impotent sniper rifles (regualr rifles are actually better in Cod3). Oh and in single player you have an automatic aim with rifles that make one hit kills too easy. However you die just as fast. As I said before the most stiking thing is the pace. In COD2 you had to really drill the fucker with bullets before he' s go down, now its as if everyone has 20% health. Which is largely why the pistols are better and the shotguns are worthless now.
I' m excited to get some clan action, we' re going to have such a huge advantage over all the noobs and casual gamers. We' ve been playing together for a year now and we know eachother on a first name basis in some cases. with my clan I know I' m going to enjoy COD3 more especially with 24 players (which is fucking sick) but playing with strangers COD2 has a slight edge in my books. If you take the time to learn the mechanics of the game and have a good team that does as well with good communication, this game is much better then COD2. More chaos, faster, harder, Pwnage. This one will be an aquired taste for a lot of people getting better with age. If you like Battlefield 2, you' ll love COD3. Because COD3 is a mixture of Battlefield 2 and COD2, sometimes it actually feels more like Battlefield then COD2.
Oh one more gripe I have with the game, theres too much junk everywhere. I actually died a few times both in single and multiplayer because I got caught in some obstacle, like between a few boxes or something (you' ll see what I mean). You actaully have to look where you are going...
If you have any more questions, just ask.
< Message edited by Agent ghost -- 8 Nov 06 11:12:05 >