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Nothing but bad news: The thread
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RE: Nothing but bad news: The thread
Nov 10, 2006 02:54
ORIGINAL: JalleNalle I' m married and I haven' t had sex since April 2004. Holy crap! That' s sad. Maybe you could apply as a priest or something, I mean you are halfway there, the hard part is the " No sex" thing, right? I heard they make alot of cash these days. I' m nowhere near a priest. Trust me, when my wife gets here she' s going to need a wheelchair when I' m done with her. I' m gonna split that girl in half.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Nothing but bad news: The thread
Nov 10, 2006 04:39
I' m gonna split that girl in half. And they say us Kikizo' ers arent charming?
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- Joined: Aug 11, 2006
RE: Nothing but bad news: The thread
Nov 10, 2006 04:45
I' m nowhere near a priest. Trust me, when my wife gets here she' s going to need a wheelchair when I' m done with her. I' m gonna split that girl in half. I' m going to write that one down and save it for later :). But when exactly does your wife get there?
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: Nothing but bad news: The thread
Nov 10, 2006 11:00
ORIGINAL: JalleNalle I' m going to write that one down and save it for later :). But when exactly does your wife get there? That' s in the hands of the US embassy at this point, but i' m hoping the process will be done by Christmas.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Nothing but bad news: The thread
Nov 10, 2006 14:48
That' s in the hands of the US embassy at this point, but i' m hoping the process will be done by Christmas. Maybe you can buy her a wheel chair for Christmas.
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: Nothing but bad news: The thread
Nov 10, 2006 23:25
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RE: Nothing but bad news: The thread
Nov 10, 2006 23:40
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RE: Nothing but bad news: The thread
Nov 11, 2006 08:34
I just think it' s classic that she hit two elderly women in her tirade.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Nothing but bad news: The thread
Nov 17, 2006 08:31
Course selection is done online through an " omnivox" system and I made sure to make the selection early so I don' t get fucked and find that a course I need next semester isn' t full. Of course with my luck, one of my mandatory courses is already full. Fuck! Well that adds another semester to my sentence. All for Western Civilization...That' s what I get for going to an english school in a french province. At this rate, my kids* will graduate before I do. I' m so pissed off about this...Oh well better to be pissed off then pissed on. *I don' t even have any kids yet.
< Message edited by Agent ghost -- 17 Nov 06 2:09:06 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Nothing but bad news: The thread
Nov 17, 2006 09:37
Well, my mom is recovering from an agressive breast cancer. My dad is working at United Airlines, and his boss a few levels up is a serious knob. Hounderdoggen can second that one. To give you an idea, my dad is a Union Steward, and he files grievances depending on the situation. His boss was the one who said that a woman in their office who had fled from an abusive spouse, and was still hiding from him missed work, therefore, she should have diciplinary action filed for not being on time.    My dad does the right thing, whether it gets him a raise or not. And that' s why he' ll never move up in the company. I just found out that I' m failing most of my classes, despite giving up games for almost a week now just to hike them up a mite. Turns out, I missed about 1 100 point project in each course, and it dropped my percentage to about %34. Not cool at all, so I may or may not be on Kikizo for some time, which honestly, sucks worse than the low marks IMO.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Nothing but bad news: The thread
Nov 17, 2006 10:17
I don' t understand that point system, but 1100 points sounds like a lot. Suddenly I don' t feel so bad about my 62% in Anthropology (lowest grade so far). Otherwise I' m doing well with 70s, 80s and 90s. You think you might fail Eddie? If I were you I' d put away my consoles in a box and spend all my free time getting those marks back up. I don' t think you' ll miss much, ' 06 is pretty much maxed out. We' ll have the two other console launches but I doubt we will see any surprises there.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Nothing but bad news: The thread
Nov 18, 2006 06:22
Otherwise I' m doing well with 70s, 80s and 90s. The last time I seen a 90% was my Failure rate.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Nothing but bad news: The thread
Nov 18, 2006 09:32
The last time I seen a 90% was my Failure rate. It' s nothing to brag about, just French and Philosophy. I' m going to an english school and I come from a french family. I' m half french* when every other student in my class is still learning the language. I don' t even go to class i just show up fo the tests. As for Philosophy I just lucked out and have an easy professor. *My dads side speaks English, my moms side speaks french. My first language is english but I' m fluent in french as well. Fucked up eh?
< Message edited by Agent ghost -- 18 Nov 06 1:34:54 >
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