RE: Guess who had a bad day last Sunday.
Nov 08, 2006 23:28
There are so many lies and inconsistencies when it comes to Iraq and Saddam, and so many things have been exaggerated by the media and foreign governments that everybody just thinks the guy was little more than a terrorist.
Saddam actually revolutionized Iraq' s economy and started campaigns to educate the population, providing free education and social services to the country. Nothing like that had been done before in the Middle East. He had schools and hospitals built, improved Islamic relations with the west, gave subsidiaries to farmers, built new roads and modernized large parts of the country. He also brought electricity to virtually every Iraqi city and 1000' s of villages.
This is a guy who gave land to peasants to farm on, who put into place a national health care system and worked to modernize Iraq and bring the Middle East into the 20th century proper.
Did he use chemical weapons on the Kurds?! Yes, but then America used napalm in Vietnam and dropped 2 H-bombs on Japanese fishing villages.
Did he kill his way into power?! Kind of. He was in power before he was made president but was then threatened by a political opponent who he eventually got to back down. There was a plot to stop his rise to power and he had 22 people executed for treason.
Did he have 142 people executed from the town of Dujail?! Who knows. The figure varies depending on the source but they had tried to assassinate him and they f**ked up and got caught & executed. The thing is, who are we to determine how the law works within somebody elses country?! These kind of things happen in Africa or Pakistan and nobody bats an eye. It' s simply been used as an excuse to convict Saddam and it' s more than obvious the trial was complete bullshit.
Did Iraq invade Kuwait?! Yes, and that was naughty, but then Kuwait were also very closely allied with Communist Russia and were an enemy of the US and Israel. The US got involved because of oil.
Ronald Reagan funded Iraq' s war with Iran. America sold weapons, talks, aircraft ect to Iraq so they could pummel Iran. By all accounts Ronald Reagan and Saddam actually got along and had a mutual understanding as to where they wanted to take the Middle East. Bush Sr and Bush Jr were/are only interested in the oil rich land and both Iraq wars have been all about the black gold.
I' m sure he' s done bad things but i don' t believe he' s any worse than any other world leader. The trail has been a farce and the public in general believe everything they see on the BBC or CNN. TV will seriously rot your brain y' know.