If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back?

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If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 06, 2006 23:07
I am a massive fan of all that has sega written on it, and therefor i am very sad to see them without a console for some years now.

I think i know how to put sega back on top.
All they have to do is:
Build a top console with top specs and a hard-disk, and have a 3rd party software developer (bleem perhaps) make a nice piece of software to emulate all consoles of the last few generations.

This piece of software can be installed on the hard-disk, and it automatically detects what kind of disk is in the drive, and then emulate the required console.
It would then be able to play playstation, playstation 2, xbox, gamecube, dreamcast and saturn games plus it' s own line of games

Wouldn' t that be cool?!!!!??

Any other idea' s here?

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 06, 2006 23:10
after the new sonic games.... I hope sega never comes back

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 06, 2006 23:17
Sega is more then just sonic.
And by the way, you propably say that because you think you are to old to play sonic.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 06, 2006 23:29
Sega are too far gone now, The DC was some of their finest work - but they just dont exist in the same context anymore. They introduced me to videogames over home computers, but it' s with a teary eye I state that I think they are gone...

If they were to come back I' d want the megadrive or dreamcast SEGA back. Who fought hard for europe and made the UK a stronghold for the MD against all odds. Funny though, most of those megadrive owners became Sony' s PSX adopters.

They were true genius - stumbling occasionally, but they knew where they wanted to go. Nowadays - they just seem, well, like they are sleeping around for as much $$' s as possible. Don' t get me wrong, other companies do this with flair and taste - high class hookers if you will - like Capcom, but SEGA, my favorite game company in the world are almost robbing us of their heritage and inheritance with their current market stances.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 06, 2006 23:47
SEGA haven' t been the same since Sammy took them over. A new SEGA console would suck.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 07, 2006 00:09

Build a top console with top specs and a hard-disk, and have a 3rd party software developer (bleem perhaps) make a nice piece of software to emulate all consoles of the last few generations.

Ofcourse! You' re right, that' s all they have to do! Why don' t they just make the best console ever =(((((?

And the best sega game EVER is the first House of the Dead game, scared me shitless.. Sonic is overrated, but he was best 2d, I think you all have to agree on that.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 07, 2006 00:41

have a 3rd party software developer (bleem perhaps) make a nice piece of software to emulate all consoles of the last few generations.

Great!!! after they get out of prison for breaking copyright on the other console developers IP' s we can all wonder how it all went so wrong.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 07, 2006 02:54

This piece of software can be installed on the hard-disk, and it automatically detects what kind of disk is in the drive, and then emulate the required console.
It would then be able to play playstation, playstation 2, xbox, gamecube, dreamcast and saturn games plus it' s own line of games

Wouldn' t that be cool?!!!!??

Any other idea' s here?

You' re joking right?

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 07, 2006 03:03

You' re joking right?

Be nice, he' s new to the group.

I think the market is too small to have 4 systems out on the market.

Plus there would be a couple less third party games since Sega would certainly try to buy up a 3rd party game, like Assasin' s Creed.

Generally, I don' t think another major competitor would survive or even help the market out in any, way, shape or form.
...Random Madness, Forward...

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 07, 2006 03:14
I don' t flame, you all know that. So I' ll explain why I posted that towards him if it makes you feel any better.

-You can' t emulate other companies games
-It' s illegal
-Sega has gone downhill since it' s glory days, not just as a hardware/software designer, but as a company itself
-That would mean that they' d cancel any good Sega games that benefit from good graphics/gameplay on the PSThWii60.

Make sense?

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 07, 2006 05:38
Sega just needs to get back to what made them so appreciated in the arcades in the 80s... the fastest, most exhilarating and graphically amazing games.

I' d appreciate it if they' d also just make all their titles available on all consoles. I think they have just made weird choices about what' s exclusive to what.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 07, 2006 16:12
Sega would legally have nothing to do with the software emulating the other consoles, it can be made by a third party and distributed for free over the web.

Did the bleem guys ever serve any time?

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 07, 2006 18:41

ORIGINAL: hector

Sega would legally have nothing to do with the software emulating the other consoles, it can be made by a third party and distributed for free over the web.

Did the bleem guys ever serve any time?

No, instead they got a ton of lawsuits from Sony that eventually forced them out of business. Get the picture? If Sega provided and/or endorsed a means for emulation capabilities on their console, they would be sued into oblivion.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 07, 2006 21:14
You can emulate a dreamcast on the xbox.
This was never microsofts intention, but still you can.

This is because a THIRD PARTY developed the software for the emulation.

I bet it is possible to make an emulator to emulate the psx/1 and ps2 on the xbox360.

If someone did, nobody is gonna sue microsoft.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 07, 2006 21:17
And if they make the console run on open-source software, everyone can make an emulator.
That way sony wouldn' t even know who to sue.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 07, 2006 22:19

Sega is more then just sonic.
And by the way, you propably say that because you think you are to old to play sonic.

No i say that because the sonic series is crap now. I would play Sonic adventure anyday, but sonic heroes? The new sonic game? why sega what did we ever do to you?

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 07, 2006 23:42
Yes you are so right about that, but then again, you try making a new game around an action-figure used a thousand times before.

Movies like the matrix will eventually get boring if there where 8 versions.

Why does nobody make a good 2d game anymore.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 08, 2006 02:30

Why does nobody make a good 2d game anymore.

Because noone would buy it. Face it, the 2d generation is gone and games like Gears Of War and MGS4 are here to prove it! Also, I think it would be nothing short of a sacrilege to try to make a 2d classic as good as the old ones. 2d games like Sonic are sacred and not to be touched, ever again!
< Message edited by JalleNalle -- 7 Nov 06 18:31:21 >

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 08, 2006 02:46

Because noone would buy it. Face it, the 2d generation is gone and games like Gears Of War and MGS4 are here to prove it! Also, I think it would be nothing short of a sacrilege to try to make a 2d classic as good as the old ones. 2d games like Sonic are sacred and not to be touched, ever again!

Amen to that, quit messing with the classics (PacMan, Mario, Sonic)
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 08, 2006 09:21

ORIGINAL: hector

You can emulate a dreamcast on the xbox.
This was never microsofts intention, but still you can.

This is because a THIRD PARTY developed the software for the emulation.

I bet it is possible to make an emulator to emulate the psx/1 and ps2 on the xbox360.

If someone did, nobody is gonna sue microsoft.

ORIGINAL: hector

And if they make the console run on open-source software, everyone can make an emulator.
That way sony wouldn' t even know who to sue.

Homebrew for the Xbox is illegal. You' re circumventing security systems that you' re not allowed to touch (read the EULA) and most of the homebrew is made using a leaked XDK (Xbox development kit) which again is highly illegal. Microsoft in no way endorses Xbox hacking or homebrew and if they could, they' d sue every one who did it.

If Sega made a console that ran open source software, they' d have to monitor it strictly, or else they would be sued because they' re providing a means and place for potentially illegal activities. Just like if I started to provide links for ISO' s of PS2 DVD' s on these forums, and Kikizo did nothing about it, they' d be liable for the lawsuit because they' re providing a place for illegal activities, because they aren' t stopping it.

This means Sega would either have to put security systems in place, or they' d have to monitor what software is made available. This would mean NO emulators for systems other than their own.

Another point is that by including emulation capabilities for every other console in their own, Sega is killing off potential sales for other companies and again would be sued for trademark issues.

Adam Doree
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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 08, 2006 10:31
How about... let' s see... the best Virtua Fighter ever, an all-new Sonic game on next-gen, fresh and critically acclaimed software like Yakuza maybe with a sequel, Monkey Ball entering the next-gen and embracing its possibilities for control, a kick-ass new Phantasy Star, and maybe signing up loads of new IP from external developers to keep things balanced on the bottom line?


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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 08, 2006 22:05
You guys ever heard of Black Rhino linux for the ps2?

Dead Saint
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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 09, 2006 00:28
SEGA died about 4 years ago...no coming back from that seeing as they would rather release pure crap now days.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 09, 2006 02:37

ORIGINAL: Dead Saint

SEGA died about 4 years ago...no coming back from that seeing as they would rather release pure crap now days.

Read Adams post.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 09, 2006 03:35

You guys ever heard of Black Rhino linux for the ps2?
It was blegh.

If sega comes back, I want them to make better games. That' s it, I don' t know how much Sonic has changed from the XBL demo, but unless it' s pretty severe, I' m gonna skip it.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 09, 2006 04:04

That' s it, I don' t know how much Sonic has changed from the XBL demo, but unless it' s pretty severe, I' m gonna skip it.

I agree, I will too. But the changes looks massive and the graphics are great, in my opinion. I hope sega will pull this one off, so they can get back to do what they do best.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 09, 2006 04:11

I agree, I will too. But the changes looks massive and the graphics are great, in my opinion. I hope sega will pull this one off, so they can get back to do what they do best.
Are you talking about changes from prior games, or from the demo. Because the demo was fun, just... not quite what I was expecting.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 09, 2006 04:13

Are you talking about changes from prior games, or from the demo. Because the demo was fun, just... not quite what I was expecting.

The prior games :). I don' t think the Sonic game will be the best Sonic game ever, but maybe it will set the bar high for Sega, atleast that is what I hope.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 09, 2006 04:17
Do you have a 360? If so dl the Sonic Demo, & imagine that with a little better character control, & that' s looking like the final product.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 09, 2006 04:22

Do you have a 360? If so dl the Sonic Demo, & imagine that with a little better character control, & that' s looking like the final product.

I do, but no harddrive :(.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 09, 2006 04:52
That' s not living. Get one soon, you' re missing out.

Terry Bogard
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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 10, 2006 05:37
In order for Sega to successfully return I think a few things would need to happen..

1. 2 of the 3 competitors would need to fall out of the console race.
2. They' d need MUCH better management across the board. NO more in-fighting. They' d need to stop competing with themselves and become completely unified..
3. Advertise-Market their games..
4. Build up their franchises again, and this time put a lot of effort into it. Get the best teams to work on rebuilding their golden franchises..
5. Acquire great 3rd-party support, and prostitute their wives just to get Square Enix onboard!
6. Hire someone who' s sole job is to fine-tune the camera view specifically in Sonic games. Since after all these years Sonic Team still can' t get a good-solid camera implemented in their 3D Sonic games.. Hire someone who' s only focus would be to live and breathe 3D cameras :D
7. Get the person/team that designed the Saturn pad to create the controller for their new system utilizing a variety of innovations... The team that designed the Dreamcast controller, just fire them OR keep them as far away from the project as possible!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 9 Nov 06 21:42:36 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 10, 2006 19:32
I think the Wii is gonna be a greate success.
And the only reason for that success will be PRICE.
The x360 and ps3 are way to expensive.

I think the success of a console is also very much depending on how easy it is to create games for it.
It was to hard to make games for the sega-cd, 32X and especially the saturn.

Sega went down because they lost support from EA.
EA felt that it was to hard to make games for the saturn and pulled out to start supporting the playstation.
This in turn caused sega to sell to little consoles, wich in turn caused other game-developers to abandon the system in favor of the playstation.

Let' s be honest here, if there where at least 30 games available for the saturn when it lounched, it would have been a huge success.

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 10, 2006 22:40
Sega ant coming back Bitch.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 10, 2006 22:54

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

Sega ant coming back Bitch.

Watch your mouth little boy, there are females present!

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 10, 2006 22:57

Watch your mouth little boy, there are females present!

Dont call me a little boy, I may be younger than you true, but I am mature. Second. There are no girls here. tsk, tsk, tsk.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 10, 2006 23:00

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

Watch your mouth little boy, there are females present!

Dont call me a little boy, I may be younger than you true, but I am mature. Second. There are no girls here. tsk, tsk, tsk.

Kids these days...

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 10, 2006 23:02

Kids these days...

Sure thing gramps.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 10, 2006 23:09

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

Kids these days...

Sure thing gramps.

When i was a kid we had to play real games. Board games. Street games. Whatever. Your fancy computer gizmo' s will rot your brain and turn you into antisocial dog rapists. You ask Jack Thompson!

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RE: If sega comes back, how do you want them to come back? - Nov 10, 2006 23:21
Well in terms in years on Kikizo, I am older

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A full year and a bit older infact! if those are correct.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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