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Dark Sector
Nov 06, 2006 17:31
Agent Ghost
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 06, 2006 17:45
It does look good...I almost forgot about this one.
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 06, 2006 21:21
Is this game exclusive to any console? There is some rumors going on that the game is for PS3 only, but they are kinda old. Anyone know?
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 06, 2006 22:02
ORIGINAL: JalleNalle Is this game exclusive to any console? There is some rumors going on that the game is for PS3 only, but they are kinda old. Anyone know? It' s always been multiplatform. Perhaps youre thinking of Wardevil?
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 06, 2006 22:26
YEah, I' ve known about the change for a couple weeks now. I can' t say I' m all that happy. I really liked the first trailers and was really anticipating the game. This has been one of my mosted wanted games since it was first announced. The new theme looks cool and I' m very impressed with the visuals but to be honest I would have prefered the one that was originally shown.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 06, 2006 22:59
It' s always been multiplatform. Perhaps youre thinking of Wardevil? Yeah perphaps I am. Btw, there has been nothing new about Wardevil nowadays.. The new theme looks cool and I' m very impressed with the visuals but to be honest I would have prefered the one that was originally shown I agree. When I saw these pics, I got confused. I thought the game was going to be a Action/Stealth game (like MGS) with Sci-Fi elements. I was kinda creeped out by that church, and now I think the game as a Action/Horror game without any Sci-Fi. I really looked forward to a sci-fi stealth game, maybe as good as MGS2. But I have to see more pics and vids to be sure..
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 06, 2006 23:56
Last i heard they were having trouble with the technology behind Wardevil. Since it' s more like interactive CG than an actual game engine i highly suspect it was a little too ambitious and we' ll see it early next year in a different form. But that' s just me... I agree. When I saw these pics, I got confused. I thought the game was going to be a Action/Stealth game (like MGS) with Sci-Fi elements. I was kinda creeped out by that church, and now I think the game as a Action/Horror game without any Sci-Fi. I really looked forward to a sci-fi stealth game, maybe as good as MGS2. But I have to see more pics and vids to be sure.. His suit seems to have gone organic. I guess it' s more of a modern gothic action horror than sci-fi stealth but as long as the core mechanics have been carried over then it' s all good. The new style looks badass! I' d actually like to know what Bishonen thinks of it...
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 04:13
I never saw it in its first form, so this looks really nice to me with no comparison.
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 04:55
Yes! The main character for this (based on the old trailers) should be voiced by Christian Bale, he looks like him enough anyway. This was the first next-gen title announced, and I could not believe it when I saw the trailer, I didn' t believe it was in-game, but after the 2 years or so of Dark Sector conveniently MIA, I am so surprised that it has managed to withstand the test of time.
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 05:29
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 06:49
It was the first next-gen title announced, had an AWESOME trailer and then dropped completely out of sight. It has, once again (for the 2nd time) undergone a big change in direction. Majik you really made me laugh, that game looked like crap in comparaison to next gen, well i know i know i understand you , it made my jaw drop back then but having a look again at those same pics from 2004 (pics on top of course) shows that the game as they claimed to be next gen was rather far from next gen, may be a console a bit more powerful than the xbox could handle it... just thought it was funny to show you guys this, we don' t really remember graphics , we only remember the impression we had.
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 06:50
Just in!!! Michel Ancel' s next game, to be titled " The Darkening" , will be made using revolutionary " True DArk" tm technology, and will indeed be a game so dark, you will barely be able to see the action on screen. Wussy gamers however can access a secret cheat by using the brightness settings on their TVs to actually see what' s going on! But seriousely though, this game seems to just be RE4 with a glossy layer of paint slapped on, and at that I am sort of dissapointed. But on the other hand, the graphics do look incredible, and I just reminds me of the initial promises made for next gen graphics, and how almost all studios have failed to deliver on them; and while I know that we are only at the begining of the new generation (do you remember the games in the PS2' s first year?!), I still can' t help but feel slightly dissapointed. Oh and thanks for mentioning WarDevil; now I' m even sadder!
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 07:03
It was also the first next-gen game shown. I mean, It looked nicer than RE4, Chaos Theory and Ninja Gaiden, was " next-gen" I know where you' re coming from, and the game as it is now looks 100 x better than what was originally shown but i have to admit that the 8 minute trailer still impresses me. I mean, if you stop it and look at the textures, they' re very Doom 3-ish but even Doom 3 still looks great. What Dark Sector promised was more than an attractive sneak-em-up though, it was what Starcraft Ghost was supposed to be - a badass sci-fi stealth action game with cool as hell gameplay sequences than were only hinted at in the trailers. The locations and art design are still very cool and while i prefer the direction it' s ended up going in i' ll still wonder what the original concept would have been like. Also, lets bear in mind that what we saw was only pre-alpha. It would have surely gotten better, just as Gears has improved 1000% over what was originally shown off.
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 07:03
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane It was the first next-gen title announced, had an AWESOME trailer and then dropped completely out of sight. It has, once again (for the 2nd time) undergone a big change in direction. Majik you really made me laugh, that game looked like crap in comparaison to next gen, well i know i know i understand you , it made my jaw drop back then but having a look again at those same pics from 2004 (pics on top of course) shows that the game as they claimed to be next gen was rather far from next gen, may be a console a bit more powerful than the xbox could handle it... just thought it was funny to show you guys this, we don' t really remember graphics , we only remember the impression we had. Dude... wtf are you talking about? The original version of Dark Sector still looks better than most next gen games shown.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 07:06
dude look at the pictures on the link i posted they are on top , WTF are u talking about!!!
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 07:09
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane dude look at the pictures on the link i posted they are on top , WTF are u talking about!!! They' re captures from a 320 x 240 video. Why don' t you go watch the HD trailer on Gametrailers.
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 07:12
i can' t have a link, but i do remember i was impressed by those graphics, but i' m sure today it' s not that impressive at all, hey majic if you get to find the video, please give me the link thanks in advance. by the way, may be the pics are taken from a low res video, but it' s clear that textures and specialy the poly count are low.
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 6 Nov 06 23:13:22 >
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 07:27
Granted it' s nothing like Gears of War, but it easily could have been. The tectures weren' t anything special even at the time, but if you watch the trailer then you cant not be impressed. LINK The one you want is the one called ' Trailer 2 HD' Watch the E3 2005 trailer too to see the complete version in SD.
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 08:53
Game looked incredible, no question about it. I have all of the original trailers for the game and I still watch them once or twice a month. The game looked superb! Now I have to see this new version in motion.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 09:07
I find this a little disappointing. I was looking forward to the Space/Sci-fi setting that they originally planned for. I still have the trailer of it on my PC and it definitely was a stunner back then and still is impressive today.
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 09:29
ok i watched the trailer you got for me majik and yeah i admit it' s much beter than those low res but still, some people say it' s still impressive today, what' s so impressive about it? there is aliasing, the lighthing/shadow are nothing new (FEAR, DOOM 3) , quake 4 robots are nicer in quality and the textures are just plain DOOM 3 and all those games i just mentioned are NOT NEXT GEN... yes it was so much impressive back then, but absolutly not today, just ask yourself a question if that game was released today on 360 with that graphic quality, would you be happy or disapointed... i for myself know that if i own a ps3 or 360, i' ll be very disapointed today... and you own a 360 not me may be you should know better...
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 09:48
Dude, you' re missing the point. It wouldn' t have been released like that, it was nowhere near complete and we' d probably be looking at it being launched around now if you think about it. So, since the engine hasn' t changed, it would have looked like this... ...but in space. What we are saying is that we preferred the sci-fi style, although i personally actually really like the new direction more than how it was originally. As it is, because the changed the game it' s still got a fair amount of development time left and will probably look even better than in these new screens.
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 10:25
The main character for this (based on the old trailers) should be voiced by Christian Bale, he looks like him enough anyway. That' s a little spooky.
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RE: Dark Sector
Nov 07, 2006 18:25
all right i see, but i guess that this art direction is more original than the cliché hybrib cyborg ninja, in fact the whole direction has changed, they changed the game completly , i hope this will turn out a great game.