I was never sure about the first, second, third world classifications. Safe to say, we' re closer to first, than third anyway.
Economically, and politically speaking, we' re the most powerful nation in the South-East Asian region (leader of ASEAN and all that...). Geopolitically, we' re in a fairly dangerous position...
I' m thinking more that our population as a whole is too small for any massive PS3 advertising; Xbox' s presence here is most powerful in the media simply because MS partnered with the local telcos and media companies here.
In fact, just last week X06 came to Singapore. Too bad I didn' t have the time to check it out though, All the same stuff, and I doubt there was any additional tidbits.
Plus, the recent World Cyber Games and Asian Cyber Games were hosted here remember?

S' pore' s team got first in the Asian Cyber Games I believe, though not sure in which specific category/platform.