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PS3 - Nov 06, 2006 05:06
It' s almost here, and while it may have a shady launch lineup it' s also ALMOST HERE!!!!!!!!!

Ok, so i' m overreacting slightly, but i get excited every time a console launches. I won' t have one at launch. My import pre-order was cancelled and so i now have to wait. But i' m still excited and can' t wait to read about other peoples early adopter experiences.

On that note, Kotaku has their PS3 and have posted a couple of videos which show some cool (non-important but still cool) stuff. But first, check out the best console ad ever...

PS3 solves a Rubiks Cube - Rubiks Cube EXPLODES!


Ok, on to the more important stuff. We' ll start (because they have only posted this and a video of some dumb kid playing Need for Speed: Carbon with the Sixaxis so far) with the touch sensitive power and eject butons and the noises the console makes!

PS3 Touch-Sensitive Power and Eject Buttons, and some beeps!

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RE: PS3 - Nov 06, 2006 05:43
I thought you hate PS3 and it' s fans majik

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RE: PS3 - Nov 06, 2006 06:05

ORIGINAL: JalleNalle

I thought you hate PS3 and it' s fans majik

That' s what all the Sony fans like to think. All of us that are being labelled MS fanboys don' t really fit the bill of that title.

Anyway, yeah, I' m getting excited. I' m more excited for Gears but I' m getting ready to pull an alnighter for the PS3. I' ll be lining up at my local Best Buy 12-14 hours in advance. I' ll be selling that one on EBay though sinply because it' s the samrtest thing to do. Not only will I pay off the cosole I just bought but I' ll likely have enough money for two more just in profit.

Btw, I hate the PS3 commercial. They that' s either a huge Rubiks cube or they used an effect to make the PS3 look small because there is no way a standard size Rubiks cube is that big in comparrison. Sony' s trying to make their giant look small...
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" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: PS3 - Nov 06, 2006 06:13
LOL, those reader comments on kotaku were hiliarious

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RE: PS3 - Nov 06, 2006 06:17

ORIGINAL: JalleNalle

I thought you hate PS3 and it' s fans majik

Like Rampage said, that' s what people like to think/claim. I' m impartial, just as Rampage, Eddie, Tiz, Mass etc are all impartial. There are couple of stout Microsoft supporters here and i' m closely allied with them, but thats more to do with those guys being cool as f**k than anything else.

When any of the companies f**k up, i jump on them. Simple.

Anyway, everybody should know by now that Majik is rooting for Nintendo! Hell, i think the N64 Japanese launch lineup (Super Mario 64 & Pilotwings 64) was better than what PS3 will have...

BUT, the console is almost here and i can' t wait!

Btw, I hate the PS3 commercial. They that' s either a huge Rubiks cube or they used an effect to make the PS3 look small because there is no way a standard size Rubiks cube is that big in comparrison. Sony' s trying to make their giant look small...

I didn' t think of it like that. IGN says the console gets very hot too. Big and hot = bad, but they do say it' s very quiet. I guess that' s good.

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RE: PS3 - Nov 06, 2006 06:20

That' s what all the Sony fans like to think. All of us that are being labelled MS fanboys don' t really fit the bill of that title.

Im sorry if my post would seem as if i was calling him a fanboy. I don' t think he is a fanboy. Although when I wrote something postive about PS3 people got really angry at me, and I still don' t see why. Anyways, I was kidding and I' m sorry if I offended Majik.

Btw... I haven' t called anyone being a fanboy.

Edit: I' m not a sony fan. I' m a gamer, I love all consoles.
< Message edited by JalleNalle -- 5 Nov 06 22:21:00 >

Agent Ghost
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RE: PS3 - Nov 06, 2006 14:45
Once you know the solution, Rubiks cubes are not hard at all. If you can memorize a 7 digit number you have the mental capacity to solve that puzzle. A PS3 can prabably solve a few million Rubiks cubes per second if there was a good program written for it.

If you look up rubics cube you can find the solution and techniques, it took me a few minutes to learn, and look like a genius in front of my friends.
< Message edited by Agent ghost -- 6 Nov 06 6:52:40 >

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RE: PS3 - Nov 06, 2006 14:46
It' s strange. There' s nothing much on the PS3 here in Singapore. No adverts in any form, no pre-order announcements, nada. Considering the majority of the gamers here have to import the US version of the PS3 (there' s no official South-east Asian region, unlike Xbox' s NTSC/J where an English standard is added for this region).

I' m guessing, there won' t be more than 20 PS3s in Singapore after launch

A shame, I want to see how it plays so I can choose to wait out between the two powerhouse consoles (I' m definitely getting a everyone *cough*)

Which reminds me. Funny how kinda everyone, from Sony or MS or neither' s camp, unanimously agrees (without saying anything even) that Wii would be a success Kudos to Nintendo for making their victory undisputed.

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RE: PS3 - Nov 06, 2006 14:48
Isn' t singapore a second world nation, its no surprise that the PS3 doesn' t have a presence there. I wouldn' t even send 10 PS3s there if I wanted to be fair to global demand.

Yeah the Wii is going to be huge, Nintendo is really impressing me with it from a business perspective. I expect it to outsell the 360 and PS3.
< Message edited by Agent ghost -- 6 Nov 06 6:50:12 >

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RE: PS3 - Nov 06, 2006 14:54
I was never sure about the first, second, third world classifications. Safe to say, we' re closer to first, than third anyway.

Economically, and politically speaking, we' re the most powerful nation in the South-East Asian region (leader of ASEAN and all that...). Geopolitically, we' re in a fairly dangerous position...

I' m thinking more that our population as a whole is too small for any massive PS3 advertising; Xbox' s presence here is most powerful in the media simply because MS partnered with the local telcos and media companies here.

In fact, just last week X06 came to Singapore. Too bad I didn' t have the time to check it out though, All the same stuff, and I doubt there was any additional tidbits.

Plus, the recent World Cyber Games and Asian Cyber Games were hosted here remember? S' pore' s team got first in the Asian Cyber Games I believe, though not sure in which specific category/platform.

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RE: PS3 - Nov 07, 2006 05:08
And PS3 will launch with:

November 7, 2006...... Call of Duty 3
November 7, 2006...... Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
November 7, 2006...... Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
November 7, 2006...... Tony Hawk' s Project 8
November 14, 2006.... Madden NFL 07
November 14, 2006.... NBA 2K7
November 14, 2006.... Full Auto 2: Battlelines
November 14, 2006.... Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
November 14, 2006.... Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
November 14, 2006.... Sonic the Hedgehog
November 14, 2006.... NHL 2K7
November 17, 2006.... Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire
November 17, 2006.... NBA ' 07
November 17, 2006.... Ridge Racer 7
November 17, 2006.... Resistance: Fall of Man
November 17, 2006.... Genji: Days of the Blade

^^^ Multiplatform titles bolded.

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RE: PS3 - Nov 07, 2006 05:12
I hope Full Auto 2 is a big improvement on the first one. I loves me some automotive combat.

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RE: PS3 - Nov 07, 2006 05:18

I hope Full Auto 2 is a big improvement on the first one. I loves me some automotive combat.

I have yet to see a game like this thats really fun! Carmageddon was fun, but it wasnt like fullauto! I wonder why the sequal is released on the PS3 and not the xbox? maybe the xbox players wont be fooled again and they try it out on another new console!

Gaiden BLACK
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RE: PS3 - Nov 07, 2006 05:24
I loved Carmageddon that game was sweet, i still think twisted metal is the Daddy when it comes to that type of gameplay.
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RE: PS3 - Nov 07, 2006 05:43


I loved Carmageddon that game was sweet, i still think twisted metal is the Daddy when it comes to that type of gameplay.

World Tour!

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RE: PS3 - Nov 07, 2006 05:52

I have yet to see a game like this thats really fun! Carmageddon was fun, but it wasnt like fullauto! I wonder why the sequal is released on the PS3 and not the xbox? maybe the xbox players wont be fooled again and they try it out on another new console!

Did you ever play Interstate ' 76 on the PC? That was the king of automotive combat. Very deep system of assigning varying degrees of armor to each part of your car, customizable weapons systems etc. It took a lot of inspiration from the Steve Jackson Games RPG/action board game Car Wars.

The Vigilante 8 series on consoles was a watered-down, arcade-ified version that took place in the same alternate universe but had neither the strategic depth nor the immersive storyline. Interstate ' 76 wasn' t racing-style combat, though... more similar to aerial dogfights.

Edit: As for Full Auto 2 on PS3, I expect it' s just a timed-exclusive and will end up on 360 in a few months.
< Message edited by Zoy -- 6 Nov 06 21:54:53 >

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RE: PS3 - Nov 07, 2006 06:52

ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on


I loved Carmageddon that game was sweet, i still think twisted metal is the Daddy when it comes to that type of gameplay.

World Tour!

Yes Majik i see you know about that game.........i cant wait to download that on my ps3 i cant find it anywhere in the shops.

Outlaw 2 is the BEST!!!!!!!!
Rest in PEACE Cetra and GANGSTA you guys will be missed..........

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RE: PS3 - Nov 07, 2006 09:58

Like Rampage said, that' s what people like to think/claim. I' m impartial, just as Rampage, Eddie, Tiz, Mass etc are all impartial. There are couple of stout Microsoft supporters here and i' m closely allied with them, but thats more to do with those guys being cool as f**k than anything else.

Thanks. And yes, those folks are as Majik said, cool as f**k.

I' m excited for the PS3, but it' s reserved. It' s the way I always get when there' s a console that looks interesting, but I can' t get. I' ll be getting a free one in January, so I' m reserving my excitement ' till then.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 7 Nov 06 2:02:50 >

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RE: PS3 - Nov 07, 2006 15:30
Its gonna be funny as hell for the overnight crew over at the Target I work at...We got all the ads up for the PS3 (and we are already selling Wii gear ie cases skins etc) but Im trying to find out if we are gonna even get a single ps3 and if so when it will be in.

My overnight teams gots some cruel ideas that we are tyring to get past our manager. Im gonna ask my girlfriend what they plan on doing for the release if anything at all over at Circuit City. Both of our stores are located in the bigger parts of Minnesota so one of us is bound to see or get somthing. Tho since she works at circuit city she probably has the better chance then me.

Anyhow id like to get one just to resell online but I doubt thats gonna happen.Mmm the profits would be so fuckn hot! But a a year or 2 down I' ll probably be playng one.

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RE: PS3 - Nov 09, 2006 05:29
Y' know, i got to thinking and if im paying $600+ for a damn video game console, it better be able to solve a rubiks cube

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RE: PS3 - Nov 09, 2006 05:46
Ps3 Super Quiet!

never mind the stupid loading, its just a gay game. I love quiet consoles!
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RE: PS3 - Nov 09, 2006 05:51

Ps3 Super Quiet!

never mind the stupid loading, its just a gay game. I love quiet consoles!

Sweet, i never would have thought they pull that one off.

Agent Ghost
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RE: PS3 - Nov 09, 2006 05:55
I want t PS3 just to crack it open and see what it looks like inside, I can' t wait for online pics of the PS3s insides.

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RE: PS3 - Nov 09, 2006 05:59

Anyway, everybody should know by now that Majik is rooting for Nintendo! Hell, i think the N64 Japanese launch lineup (Super Mario 64 & Pilotwings 64) was better than what PS3 will have...

Lol.. of course it was, Mario 64 was like the game defined the way you play games in 3D.. infact i cant think of a launch title that had such an impact on the industry on a whole. That game was like OMFG.. youl never get close to that again.

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RE: PS3 - Nov 09, 2006 06:29
...Mario 64 sucked low-polygon 3D a$$......
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RE: PS3 - Nov 09, 2006 08:57

I loved Carmageddon that game was sweet, i still think twisted metal is the Daddy when it comes to that type of gameplay.

I am A Twisted Metal Champ Love that game Tw2 Was the best of the 4

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RE: PS3 - Nov 09, 2006 09:23

...Mario 64 sucked low-polygon 3D a$$....

An opinion with little merit :)

I am A Twisted Metal Champ Love that game Tw2 Was the best of the 4

There were 5 of them, I loved #2, but storywise #5 (Or Black) was the best.
< Message edited by Alecrein -- 9 Nov 06 1:29:21 >
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RE: PS3 - Nov 09, 2006 20:51
too bad two sub par games are getting the boot . Hopefully Sonic will improve with this time,

Sonic Expectaions where like this for me -Low [another sonic]- Medium/high [hey, good news about this game, maybe it might bring the series back] - low [The demo came out and you guys hated it, I never played it] - and Now, I dont really care.
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RE: PS3 - Nov 09, 2006 23:01
....damm, a cancelled EA Basketball game.... ....oh the harshness of life.......
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RE: PS3 - Nov 10, 2006 07:11
yea I know what a bs excuse too like we want to focus on their street title. I mean I expect its gonna be an exact port except for some bs six axis tilt stuff that probably won' t be that practical.

Sorry I' m venting.

So no fifa or nba live until next year; thats a rough ticket.