EA confirms sony cannot fufil end of year estimate.

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EA confirms sony cannot fufil end of year estimate. - Nov 05, 2006 00:46
I know i have been speculating the low numbers of ps3 for launch end of year, but this report seems to confirm what sony will not officially admit.



Sony' s Jack Tretton saying " Sony Playstation 3 is in full production and our target quantities for North America remain unchanged ... We plan to have more than one million systems in North America by December 31, 2006"

Not so says EA. EA estimates that the North American PS3 shipment will reach 500,000 to 800,000 units by the end of the year, 25% to 50% less than Sony' s official statement.

We don' t know if EA is privy to the real facts, given they are a major supplier of titles to Sony and probably require production numbers to not overproduce games

does this news confirm that report that ps3 will not see Europe/rest of the world on Nov 2007???

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RE: EA confirms sony cannot fufil end of year estimate. - Nov 05, 2006 01:11
EA are Nazi' s. Nazi' s lie. EA Lies.

500,000 - 800,000 units before 31st December seems about right though. I guess we will see.

Does is confirm anything? No. And what does November 2007 have to do with anything? I' m maintaining my estimate of September 2007 for the European launch.

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RE: EA confirms sony cannot fufil end of year estimate. - Nov 05, 2006 01:22
If there will be another delay (and im quite certain of that), this will be one of the biggest scandals in the history of videogaming. At 2005 i was a wild fanboy, I had huge expentations and I could kill for the PS3. Nowadays, I simply can' t trust anything that sony says.

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RE: EA confirms sony cannot fufil end of year estimate. - Nov 05, 2006 06:01
Another delay? No way! That would be totally unexpected, and out of character. I' m starting to question some of the things that Sony says.

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RE: EA confirms sony cannot fufil end of year estimate. - Nov 05, 2006 06:05

I' m starting to question some of the things that Sony says.

You are judging them way too soon.

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RE: EA confirms sony cannot fufil end of year estimate. - Nov 05, 2006 06:18

and out of character.

more like in character! Sony' s lied about everything since the annoucement of PS3

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RE: EA confirms sony cannot fufil end of year estimate. - Nov 05, 2006 07:44

more like in character! Sony' s lied about everything since the annoucement of PS3

So true I cannot even grow a tree to lie about this :P
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RE: EA confirms sony cannot fufil end of year estimate. - Nov 05, 2006 08:04

ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on

EA are Nazi' s. Nazi' s lie. EA Lies.

500,000 - 800,000 units before 31st December seems about right though. I guess we will see.

Does is confirm anything? No. And what does November 2007 have to do with anything? I' m maintaining my estimate of September 2007 for the European launch.

the main point is that this almost confirms that sonys march 2007 European launch is absolute bull$#!t, whether it arrives Sep 07 or Nov 07 the point is EA seems to have caught them in another blatant lie and that the delay is way worse then sony is letting on.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 5 Nov 06 0:06:07 >

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RE: EA confirms sony cannot fufil end of year estimate. - Nov 05, 2006 08:32
EA are guessing dude. It ain' t official. It could be about right but it' s hardly worth getting into a fuss over. Sony cut 20,000 fro their original 100,000 Japanese allocation, it makes sense that the US figure gets cut too. The first 2-3 million worldwide will be pre-sold anyway so as long as they can get their act sorted in the next 6 months or so they won' t be worrying too much.

The EU launch is still on for March and yeah they could very well make it as they do have more production facilities than Nintendo and Microsoft but their problem lies with component shortages. If theres a sudden influx of diodes then they will be able to put out 1M every 4 weeks, but we don' t know how serious the shortages are so we can only guess. My guess was March 2007 initially (early this year) and it turned out to be correct-ish as that' s the current penned month. Now i' m guessing September at the latest, but June-August are off limits anyway so It' s either March/April or September...

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RE: EA confirms sony cannot fufil end of year estimate. - Nov 06, 2006 01:36

more like in character! Sony' s lied about everything since the annoucement of PS3
C' mon, it' s me. I kid, I kid.