A little Nintendo project of mine

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A little Nintendo project of mine - Nov 03, 2006 23:48

< Message edited by Pelloki -- 3 Nov 06 15:48:18 >

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RE: A little Nintendo project of mine - Nov 03, 2006 23:55
Sweet, you got some skills. I enjoyed readin that. Altough you would need diffrent peoples opinions in a magazine and not only your own.

Vx Chemical
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RE: A little Nintendo project of mine - Nov 04, 2006 00:30
im going to have to tell you to change Avatar Jalle, as that one is Mxpx' s avatar, atleast unoffically, everyone will mistake you for him!
< Message edited by Vx Chemical -- 3 Nov 06 16:41:53 >

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RE: A little Nintendo project of mine - Nov 04, 2006 00:41
I was just reading that post and I was like " I don' t remember posting that!!"

You can keep it if you want, I understand wanting to be associated with my intelect and wit..... Come to think of it, you may just want to change it BECAUSE you' ll be associated with my intelect and wit....
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 3 Nov 06 16:42:18 >

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RE: A little Nintendo project of mine - Nov 04, 2006 00:41
Thats some nice work there Pelloki !

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RE: A little Nintendo project of mine - Nov 04, 2006 01:36
Oh shit, didn' t know anyone had it, well i' ll change it :).

Vx Chemical
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RE: A little Nintendo project of mine - Nov 04, 2006 01:56
thats better Jalle :P

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RE: A little Nintendo project of mine - Nov 04, 2006 02:21
That' s really awesome. You are going to need some others imput though. I' m really impressed though. I was expecting some dumb Mario 64 glitch.

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RE: A little Nintendo project of mine - Nov 04, 2006 05:30
I hope you don' t mind constructive criticism. I mean, it' s a noble cause and i' m impressed, but there are a couple of things that could make it even better, and more professional. Please don' t take offense.

1. You need to work on your photoshop skills as there are artifacts all over the place.

2. There' s no such thing as an e-magazine, the correct term is ' e-zine'

3. Font should be standardized. Headers, sub-titles, column font etc should all be the same o different pages. Using different fonts makes it look very random and amateurish.

4. It' s an e-zine, why have a barcode on the cover/first page? In fact, why would you need a publisher? You don' t need, and shouldn' t have, either.

5. Always keep the correct aspect ratio for images. Squashing them to make them fit looks bad and so either crop them properly or use a different image that looks right.

6. The ' Straight Eye For The Queer Guy' article is hideous. It' s a very interesting piece and would probably be a good read (Kotaku did a similar piece not so long back), but the formatting and colour need changing. Brown might work for print but it' s not easy on the eyes when displayed on a monitor.

7. Your paragraphs shouldn' t be broken up like they are. If they' re no split by a " quote" or sub-title then there should only be an indent and not a


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RE: A little Nintendo project of mine - Nov 04, 2006 06:10
Really nice, great work.
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~ Unknown ~

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RE: A little Nintendo project of mine - Nov 04, 2006 16:02
got alot of time on your hands huh?
< Message edited by C*Dub -- 4 Nov 06 8:03:24 >

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RE: A little Nintendo project of mine - Nov 04, 2006 16:51
I appreciate the criticism although some of them can be answered:

1. You need to work on your photoshop skills as there are artifacts all over the place.

I' m a photoshop n00b (only have elements as well), so what' s an artifact?

2. There' s no such thing as an e-magazine, the correct term is ' e-zine'

No arguement!

3. Font should be standardized. Headers, sub-titles, column font etc should all be the same o different pages. Using different fonts makes it look very random and amateurish.

I do agree that it would look better with a standard font.

4. It' s an e-zine, why have a barcode on the cover/first page? In fact, why would you need a publisher? You don' t need, and shouldn' t have, either.

Because if you' ve ever looked at ONM it' s paying homage to that (was on their forums), so I wanted to stick as close to the style and layout of that mag.

5. Always keep the correct aspect ratio for images. Squashing them to make them fit looks bad and so either crop them properly or use a different image that looks right.

Again spot on.

6. The ' Straight Eye For The Queer Guy' article is hideous. It' s a very interesting piece and would probably be a good read (Kotaku did a similar piece not so long back), but the formatting and colour need changing. Brown might work for print but it' s not easy on the eyes when displayed on a monitor.

During my research I checked out the book of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy on Amazon, and believe it or not the colour scheme of it was exactly that which I used. Don' t shoot the messenger...

7. Your paragraphs shouldn' t be broken up like they are. If they' re no split by a " quote" or sub-title then there should only be an indent and not a


Fair enough, although I did it that way to avoid it all looking overly squashed.