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Wii - 720p???
Nov 02, 2006 16:14
According to the latest issue of the UK' s Nintendo: The Official Magazine, the Wii will output at the relatively impressive 720p, not the low-end, and still rumored, 480p. The magazine says that " At the time of going to print, Wii games will output in 720i and 720p." Of course this is the same magazine that (incorrectly) said that the Wii' s base was its power brick. If it is true, it could be the " revelation" that Nintendo was hinting at. I have a call into Nintendo for possible explanation, but more likely no comment. [link=]LINK[/] Due to knowing much less about Wii' s technology than PS3 and 360, we can' t work out when it' s technically possible. It' s interesting that it says 720i though, and i' d guess if it were true it would be a scaling method and not a " true" 720p image.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 02, 2006 16:23
Well first of all, there is no such thing as 720i so the author of the original information does not know what he is talking about. This leads me to the following conclusion: Wii = 480p for most games (some will undoubtedly be 480i only, just like the Gamecube Nintendo aka GCN).
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 02, 2006 16:25
I don' t doubt it, but then again I think this is going to be incorrect info.
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 02, 2006 16:27
I know it isn' t a broadcast standard but it' d be possible to have a 720 interlaced image wouldn' t it?
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 02, 2006 16:29
Why not just go with 576p?!
Vx Chemical
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 02, 2006 16:30
It would be good news, whether its fake or not!
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 02, 2006 16:31
because your TV would splode
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 02, 2006 16:40
ORIGINAL: locopuyo because your TV would splode Hahahahaha, ...where have you been lately?!
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 02, 2006 21:11
Nintendo has officially denied this story and has confirmed that 480i and 480p will be the resolutions the wii will support.
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 02, 2006 22:55
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 03, 2006 00:54
I was hoping for 2160p, was I setting my standards too high?
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 03, 2006 02:04
" One who knows nothing can understand nothing"
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 03, 2006 02:23
I was hoping for 2160p, was I setting my standards too high? Can a human eye even see the diffrance?
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 03, 2006 02:36
Due to knowing much less about Wii' s technology than PS3 and 360, we can' t work out when it' s technically possible. It' s interesting that it says 720i though, and i' d guess if it were true it would be a scaling method and not a " true" 720p image. I dont know why they cant though, because there were 720p Xbox games, and the Wii is slightly more powerful than the xbox. Come on Miyamoto, work some magic(no pun intended dragon  )
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Joe Redifer
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 03, 2006 06:15
Can a human eye even see the diffrance? You mean " difference" ? You bet it can.
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 03, 2006 06:24
A few xbox games ran at 720P (one being that snowboarding game?? i forgot)
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 03, 2006 06:59
ORIGINAL: f3hunter A few xbox games ran at 720P (one being that snowboarding game?? i forgot) Amped?
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 03, 2006 07:05
Actually, i wanted to know something... ...if i' m playing in 1080i, and HDTV' s de-interlace the image, ...what is happening to the resolution?
Joe Redifer
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 03, 2006 07:52
Lots of bad stuff if your TV has a native resolution BELOW 1080i or p. More than likely it scales each field individually, so you' ll have a half-frame with the resolution of 1920x540 and that gets scaled to 1280x720 (or some odd-fuck resolution like 1330x768 which doesn' t have the right to exist). It really messes up 1080i sources which most over-the-air television is. As for playing games in 1080i, there wouldn' t be a point to have the Xbox360 scale 720p to 1080i and then have your TV scale it down to 768p (which isn' t an official format, by the way). If you have a 1080i native set, it is still better to let your TV do the scaling vs the Xbox360. Unless, of course, the game itself natively renders in 1080i. In short, HDTV is seriously fucked up. There should be only one format and one format only.... 1080p.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 2 Nov 06 23:55:07 >
Chee Saw
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 03, 2006 08:00
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer In short, HDTV is seriously fucked up. There should be only one format and one format only.... 1080p. Eventually, that' s what will happen, I think. I think they said that SED tvs will only be 1080p, and probably laser tvs will be as well. I believe that the whole 720p thing was like a stop-gap to keep the price of HDTVs low until the component prices came down to where 1080p sets are reasonably priced. I think we' re reaching that point now (except for 1080p projectors, which are still over $5000. It is a lot better than a year ago when you couldn' t get one for under $10k, though).
Joe Redifer
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 03, 2006 09:22
You are probably right, but all 720p and 1080i source material needs to go away as well.
Chee Saw
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 04, 2006 03:38
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer You are probably right, but all 720p and 1080i source material needs to go away as well. You mean besides games, right!? Only the DOA girls breasts should be REQUIRED to be 1080p!
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 04, 2006 04:07
(or some odd-fuck resolution like 1330x768 which doesn' t have the right to exist).
The one they insist on slapping on every HD-CRT?  [:' (]  I' ve been hunting around & half the clerks at these stores are barely aware that they' re not 720 native. I' d invest in another good monitor, but I want something widescreen, & with HDMI.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Wii - 720p???
Nov 04, 2006 15:02
No HD CRT has a resolution of 1330x768. Most HD-CRTs are 1920x1080 interlaced (which is a real HDTV resolution), and many can also run in 480p. LCDs and Plasmas seem to love the 1330x768 res because manufacturers are dumb. You mean besides games, right!? Games would be much better off in 1080p. When you think about it, 720p isn' t leaps and bounds above 480p. It' s definitely better, but it won' t " rock your world" so to speak, comparatively. We' re talking the difference of 240 lines... the resolution of a Super Nintendo. Woooowwwww!!!  But 1080p compared to 720p is 360 more lines than that, and 600 more lines than 480p and that' s quite a bit more noticeable. I understand that systems like Xbox360 and PS3 have to run most games in 720p since they aren' t very powerful. Really, neither system is. We' ll have to wait for the Xbox1080 McTwist and the PS4 to finally get all 1080p + good visuals + smooth framerates.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 4 Nov 06 7:04:36 >