BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign

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BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 02, 2006 05:56
The BBC show VideoGaiden is reporting on their website that for the next 6 weeks they are going to begin an aggressive campaign to demand Shenmue 3 from Sega.

They' re needing the help of Shenmue fans all around the world to aid them in their task and as they are a part of the BBC, they will do all in their power to get an answer from sega.


I figure I' d get in early with this. On videoGaiden we' re doing a thing where I' m trying to get the " internet peoples" to rise up and demand Shenmue III in a major way.

By " major" , I mean...doing lots of photoshops and shit. And making videos. And making protest songs. And painting stuff on themselves. And doing petitions. And marching on Sega' s offices. All of this. Any of this.

The deal is - if we get a big groundswell of activity, I' ll send the episodes of the show to Sega and go " for fuck' s sake, look!" And then I' ll demand a definitive answer. And then we' ll have made Shenmue III happen.


No, seriously SHUT UP!

So will we kick this off? You want Shenmue III? How bad do you want it? You want to be on telly?


I need all this stuff, and info about my campaign, to be stuck on EVERY FORUM ON THE INTERNET.

I need Shenmue fan communities to be ON BOARD.

I need even foreign people on. So if you' re BI (lingual) give it a wee try. Hit the foreign forums.

I need websites told about this EVERYWHERE. I will do interviews, naked, with Shenmue III etched on my hide. ANYTHING.

I need big forums like NeoGaf to be told about this, and hammered with it. I haven' t got an account there, so I can' t post about it. Do you have one there? Please help!


Their official site is here:
< Message edited by B_Ren -- 1 Nov 06 22:06:38 >

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 02, 2006 06:15
Support this noble cause
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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 02, 2006 06:20
Sega shouldn' t leave this series in Hiatus. Too good for that treatment
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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 02, 2006 06:46
I hope this helps to get Shenmue 3 done

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 02, 2006 07:04
Thanks people, I' ll keep you posted when any new info comes in.

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 02, 2006 07:23
We don' t have the numbers to make a difference but you might want to consider dropping this gem in the Playstation Forums. They have a gazzillion members.

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 02, 2006 12:31
Isn' t Shenmue that crappy Dreamcast game that was the hand that pulled the
knife to Dreamcasts throat??

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1. Never tell all you know.

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 02, 2006 13:14

Isn' t Shenmue that crappy Dreamcast game that was the hand that pulled the
knife to Dreamcasts throat??

You' re getting Shenmue confused with Electronic Arts.

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 02, 2006 13:15
Nah, that was Peter Moore I think...

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 02, 2006 22:03
Can SEGA afford making Shenmue 3 even if they wanted to?
Maybe we should start a fund raiser...
but then maybe starving children in 3rd world countries would need the money more.
I don' t know why but I think a Shenmue 3 fund raiser would gather more money than a " save the starving 3rd world children" fund raiser would here at Kikizo....

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 02, 2006 22:59

Can SEGA afford making Shenmue 3 even if they wanted to?

Might be hard, so why oh why did they shovel all that cash on to Yakuza?

Though it might be cheaper than we think as previous gen games aren' t as expensive to produce as current gen (although Shenmue was an expensive one). Might depend on if they decide to refresh all the graphics and rest.

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 03, 2006 03:45

Might be hard, so why oh why did they shovel all that cash on to Yakuza?

Though it might be cheaper than we think as previous gen games aren' t as expensive to produce as current gen (although Shenmue was an expensive one). Might depend on if they decide to refresh all the graphics and rest.

From what I' ve heard, Yakuza has sold pretty well... better than Shenmue II is the impression I' ve got. Does anyone know for sure?

As for the expense in developing Shenmue, it seems pretty outrageous. I just have to wonder... don' t get me wrong, I love Yu Suzuki... but I just wonder how much of the Shenmue budget actually went to Yu Suzuki' s personal Ferrari fund.

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 03, 2006 04:44
...that' s part of the deal man... ...all visionaries HAVE to have such funds......
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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 03, 2006 06:06
It would be a dream come true to me; I really loved the first chapters. Seeing the entire saga on ps3, still under the direction of Yu Suzuki, and with the music of Yuzo Koshiro, would be simply wonderful...

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 03, 2006 09:31
If Shenmue III was announced, no question, I would buy whatever console it was on. That was one of the main deciding factors for me in getting the original Xbox.

But realistically, I can' t get my hopes up about it ever seeing the light of day.

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 04, 2006 06:04
ha ha fools, I was smart and bought Shenmue 2 and DIDNT PLAY IT, so I still have an shenmue experiance waiting for me.

And untill Shenmue 3 looks more likely, it ant getting touched.
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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 06, 2006 05:41
Its good to see some people here still hold a candle for the future of Shenmue. Im surprised Adam Doree has' nt at least acknowledged the existence of the campaign, nor offered up any effort or support for it. Considering, he and a lot of Shenmue fans browse the Kikizo boards id like so see a bit more support for the campaign.

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 06, 2006 09:36
Everytime you say no to Shenmue, another African child finds itself on the streets!

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 06, 2006 22:40
Ive slowly given up on Shenmue ever getting finished. Nothing in what 4/5 years? No ones had the balls to just simply ask if its canned or not.

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 06, 2006 22:44

Everytime you say no to Shenmue, another African child finds itself on the streets!

well, the african children are gonna have a long cold winter

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 06, 2006 23:15
Right, we have to find at least $50 million, thats a stable estimate at what teh DC version cost SEGA plus another couple to re-tool for current gen... although some thigns have moved on substantially since then like mo-cap etc..

Seriously though despite the costs in terms of developement being less back in the day, Shenmue on the DC still looks good today - that would require MASSIVE investment to pull off the same ' reputation' visuals today.

Personally I' d be happy to see the series finished with xbox / dc graphics - just to get the story concluded.

Also Yuzo only wrote a couple of the tracks for Shenmue, although he is my favorite composer next to Uematsu - whose work of late has been stunning, imho better than some fo the FF stuff he has done. Blue dragon & Lost Oddesey have been blessed with his work, in fact he could take shenmue in a whole new direction...

Capcom taking shenmue forward would be interesting, hire Yu Suzuki and headhunt everyone from SEGA they require lol. I' d pay double to get that title in my hands, but I cannot even get close to estimating the team size required to ' next gen' shenmue frmo the beggining, alas - I doubt it will see the light of day any time soon - but if it did.....

Perhaps we should make a thread of crazy things people would have to do if the game was ever released like running naked through the streets etc..etc.. would be quite funny seeing quezdoing something crazy in years to come!

So what would YOU do for Shenmue 3 to be produced?

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 07, 2006 05:04
VideoGaiden had its first episode of the new season last night, and a small part of the show was used to demonstrate just what the Shenmue 3 campaign is. Each week the 2 hosts will demonstrate viewers arguments, videos and letters etc and will gain points on a leaderboard, at the end of which the winner will either jet off to Sega headquarters to get answers on Shenmue 3, or tell Sega to shove Shenmue3.

I urge people one more time to at least consider lending some support to gain answers to Shenmue 3, and hopefully Sega to recognise the fact that there still are Shenmue fans out there and who want to see the conclusion to the epic story. The web addresses are below. Please help the Shenmue 3 campaign! - official site - youtube video support

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RE: BBC Show VideoGaiden Starts Shenmue 3 Campaign - Nov 08, 2006 08:34
The next step!

biglime wrote:
Guys, this is the big one. We need as many people as possible to do this. If you have family, friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, try to get them involved in this. It' s vitally important that Sega sees that there is not only the old audience but a new audience out there ready and waiting, money in hand, for the launch of Shenmue III.

We want everyone to upload a photo with their real name and location and the photo should be a simple head shot with a plaster under the eye and the money for the game in your hand. Let' s push this in a big way.

Thanks for all the help, please visit