The Fanboy Thread

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The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 03:18
You all want to go on about who' s a fanboy, do it in here.

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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 03:24
Let' s just hope people actually will confine it to here.
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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 04:38
This thread needed to be done, to get people to understand the chaos on the forum. The fanboy panic need to stop. I was new to this forum and when i wrote something, the first thing someone said to me was that I was a fanboy, but what it was based on, he/she didn' t say.

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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 04:55
here is what i know for sure, anybody didn' t own a Playstation 1 or 2 for at least 2 years during its gaming life, his opinion doesn' t mean " much" to me. and anybody who would hate Playstation 1 or 2 for whatever the fuck his reason is, is a true fanboy (i know i sound a fanboy when saying this). some people will flame me , and some will definitly know what i' m talking about ...

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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 05:08
I owned the PS2 for 6 month, and traded it in to get an Xbox instead as there was nothing on it that got me going, ICO and DMC were far off, so i got lured by Halo. My dislike for Sony isnt because of their consoles! I wouldnt say i hate them, i just think they need to learn a lesson!

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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 05:59
I' n my opinion, everyone who can see things from diffrent angles are not fanboys and thoose who can' t, I don' t take seriously. For instance, someone who is only posting things about how great the 360 is, i don' t listen to, but if he had critisised 360 from time to time and wrote something good of Wii ,for exampel, aswell, i would.
< Message edited by JalleNalle -- 1 Nov 06 22:01:27 >

Agent Ghost
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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 07:02

here is what i know for sure, anybody didn' t own a Playstation 1 or 2 for at least 2 years during its gaming life, his opinion doesn' t mean " much" to me.

Thats a bias view that does make you look like a fanboy. I' m sure you haven' t owned every console either. The experience we have from videogames is largely what creates the difference in tastes and opinions. Sony is not special or more important then MS or Nintendo. Thats mearly the way you see it. I' m not calling you a fanboy but someone is much more likely to be one if they only support one company as opposed to avoid only on.

PS one and PS2 are lanmarks in the industry but are not more important with regards to helping you get a complete perspective then any other console of its time. Thats not to say you need to have owned every console in order to not be a fanboy but you need to keep an open mind. A gamer will look at the games, a fanboy will look at the corporate name attached to each machine.

The biggest problem with your logic is that it leaves too many possiblities as to why someone might not have owned a ps1 or 2. Maybe they are new gamers, have a tight budget and cannot afford all the consoles....

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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 07:39
if they are new gamers, tight budget that means they don' t have much experience in gaming, playstation 1&2 included a huuuge library and many AAA EXCLUSIVE titles would be missed if people didn' t own those console. the most important is the first playstation because xbox and gamecube shared many great titles with ps2. During the 32 bit era , playstation one was the main console and many sequals today are coming from that system, that' s why i said it' s really important.

Agent Ghost
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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 07:57
They are important but to say that peoples opinions (of people who didn' t own them) don' t matter to you is extreme and bias.

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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 08:06
NO MAN i didn' t say so, i said it doesn' t matter " much" to me , i put much between quote on my first post to show that.

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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 08:22
...the people' s opinions which don' t matter are the morons who put a company' s business polices above the awesome titles available to play on it' s gaming consoles.... any real gamer gives a flying f*ck about stocks and shares......
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Agent Ghost
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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 08:25

NO MAN i didn' t say so, i said it doesn' t matter " much" to me , i put much between quote on my first post to show that.

Semantics, you still value the opinions of owners of Sony consoles more then anyone else. Regardless I' m not saying you' re a fanboy, even with that bias you' re still one of the more objective members here.

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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 09:10 any real gamer gives a flying f*ck about stocks and shares...

The truest statement said on these forums to date!
" What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things."
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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 09:25
Damn all these fanboys,only me who is fair and balance,btw fox news looking for a gaming columnist?
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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 09:58
I think its quite obvious by now i' m a Nintendo Fan.

I have an never will own a sony console, you couldn' t even force me to own one.
if that seems extreme to you i really don' t care. I hate sony, for many reasons of which i will not go into (although i am not a disgruntled employee if thats what you were thinking). Is it unreasonable? maybe, but i' ve already made up my mind regarding sony, and the stubborn person that i am that will never change (unless they do something that really changes my mind but i' m not counting on it). As a matter of fact i am not a big fan of microsoft either, and don' t intend on owning a xbox console ever.

With the limited time i have for gaming in general i will split between Nintendo console gaming, and my PC (for my FPS and RTS!). For me they provide me all the gaming i need. Sure i might be missing out on lots of good titles on the other consoles simply because of my (IMO justified) prejudices, but i can happily live with that.

If your happy gaming on playstations or xboxs or nintendo consoles or all of the above then thats all that matters.

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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 11:07

Haha, jk.

I will admit, last year, I was a hardcor Microsoft Fanboy. But after like E3 05, where they showed all three councles out, I tried to break my fanboyness and find things I like/dislike about all three councles. (Hopefully, I' m going a good job)

Sure I probably bash the PS3 alot (heck, for a while it seemed popular just to bash it...kind of like what happened to Bush for a while). But like the other day, a fellow " casual" gamer *coughcoughgirlcoughcough* asked about why she should get a PS3 this fall. I think I convinced her to get a Wii instead. I pretty much said the price of the PS3 then she pretty much ignored everything else I said...

But either way, I' m trying to be Fair &, uh, FOX NEWS! Hit me UP!!!

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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 11:11
Good God, this was a ditch attempt to shut people up. I didn' t actually think anybody' d actually warm up to it.

Terry Bogard
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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 11:23
Honestly, I think I' m the only fanboy here, the rest of you are a bunch of posers
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 14:14

Good God, this was a ditch attempt to shut people up. I didn' t actually think anybody' d actually warm up to it.

Best way to shut up people is to get them to talk about a different subject...SO YEAH HOW IS THE WEATHER OVER THERE!?...Yeah, I fail as well.

I do believe Terry is right...I' m a poser Fanboy...damnit.
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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 18:49
Nintendo is defo teh rox0rz. Sonic can go suk of Bill Gay whil w@nk!ng a PS2 controler. Sony and Microsoft have no life and hve 2 steal Nin10dos idaes! 4get every body els get a wii nintendo rox0rs everybody els sux0rz dont by anything ele get nintendo wii nothing else just a wii not nothin wii only noelse!



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RE: The Fanboy Thread - Nov 02, 2006 19:11

Nintendo is defo teh rox0rz. Sonic can go suk of Bill Gay whil w@nk!ng a PS2 controler. Sony and Microsoft have no life and hve 2 steal Nin10dos idaes! 4get every body els get a wii nintendo rox0rs everybody els sux0rz dont by anything ele get nintendo wii nothing else just a wii not nothin wii only noelse!



LOL....nice one marink