What a nice thread
Here are some of my memories from those consoles
Some things about my Saturn:
-It took ages before I got a memory card, I saved everything on the built in memory. One day the battery died and all the saves where somehow erased. A sad day indeed.
-There was only two people in my whole school who owned the Saturn. I was one of those two.
-When I wanted to buy my Saturn the guy who owned the shop said
" Are you sure you want that one? The other one is much better" , as he pointed at the PS1. " Nobody wants the other one"
" No, I want the black one, it' s made by Sega" I replied.
" Suit yourself kid, don' t blame me if you get disappointed"
I bought it and I
wasn' t disappointed!
Some things about the Dreamcast:
-I played the minigames on the VMU' s alot. It' s too bad the idea wasn' t used more than it was.
-Virtua Fighter 3tb with arcade stick, The House of The Dead 2 with light-gun, Daytona USA with racing wheel, that fishing game (always forget the name

) with that fishing rod, Crazy Taxi. The DC was like having an arcade at home.
-I saw Half-life DC for sale in a store despite some people claiming it was never released. What the hell does that mean?
-HeadHunter made by Swedish developer Amuze was really great. Play it!
Some things about the GCN:
-Nothing has impressed me as much as the GCN controller when it comes to ergonomic design. It was simply fantastic and still is the no1 analog equipped controller to me.
-You can' t live through a generation of consoles without playing Nintendo' s first party titles. If you haven' t played Metroid Prime, Super Smash bros, Zelda Windwaker, F-Zero GX and all the other games, then you haven' t really experienced the past gen.
-GameBoy connectivity: Makes me angry

. I hate it when some games feel less interesting because you don' t have a GBA. I didn' t have one and as such I felt I was missing out on stuff in games like Windwaker, Final Fantasy CC, and Splinter Cell.
Some things about the PS2:
-I never owned one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
However, I played my friend' s PS2' s (leeched) so much that I covered the console anyway
-I' ll never forget the MGS2 demo. One of those games that actually are jawdropping.
-I hoped they would change the d-pad but they didn' t. F***!
-The PS2 OS (menus and stuff at start up), wtf was up with that? It made no sence at all!
-I was disappointed that they removed that cool chime from PS1, you know the beeeeeeeeeeooooowwww,beeeoowwww and that cool orange/yellow twisted logo followed by the mysterious japanese sounds. That' s what I loved the most with the PS1

Some things about the PSP:
-I was so sure I would hate the PSP and love the DS. But then I actually got a PSP instead of a DS (why I don' t know

-The PSP pleasently surprised me, the games were awesome and there were tons of them that I liked!
-I have two dead pixels. Took me a week before I noticed them.
-Without the wristwrap my PSP would be no more
-The speakers are pointing down. Who the hell has ears on the knees?
Some things about the Xbox (yeah I' ll mention that too)
-You didn' t have to buy any damn memory cards to save your game. Halleluja!!!!
-My friend and I got really pissed when we found out you couldn' t play DVD' s without the remote.
-When I played the XBox for the first time I used the small controller but I thought it was the big one, " my God, this controller sure is too big" .
You have no idea how freaked out I was when I later got to play with the real big controller. I thought it was a joke.
Ah, the memories
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 24 Oct 06 19:40:35 >