All XB1 games are emulated with 360 and the games are actually rendered at 720p and not 480p. When playing them in 480p the 360 downscales them from 720p to 480p, much like it does with 360 games.
All the sprite parts of the graphics such as on screen counters and the like are upscaled to 720p I believe. It' s also why textures don' t appear as clear in 720p mode, whilst all the geometry and effects looks far crisper and nicely anti-aliased without appearing blurry as they are rendered at 720p.
I still didn' t think it would work out because alot of ps2 games use 2D graphics which just don' t upscale well, kind of like what happens when you emulate PS1 games with 2D backgrounds on PCs, like FInal Fantasy 7, or Resident Evil 3, the polygonal graphics look well at any resolution you set them, but the 2D backdrops just get blown up and pixelated and look worse the higher you go in resolution.
A game like disgaea or shadow hearts would look like crap, while games like Jak & Daxter or Shadow of the colossus would look allot better. Granted, I' m sure some technique could be applied to make things look better but it wouldn' t be as simple as with fully 3D games.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 22 Oct 06 20:55:57 >