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PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
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Vx Chemical
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RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 05:05
You think blu ray is needed because Sony says it does, MS is proving it isnt needed yet!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 05:09
Gaiden, could the cutscenes in MGS4 be improved by using CG?!
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 05:20
You think blu ray is needed because Sony says it does, MS is proving it isnt needed yet! Its not because SONY says ive just looked at it logically and with eyes unclouded by hate. All MS has proven is that they rushed their machine and didnt really think about next generation completely, not saying they have done a bad job. Technology is always growing and therefore blu ray is able to handle that change. I mean i understand that we are not gonna see 360 games on a HD DVD. But that dosent bother me i still like microsoft for what they have done with their console(mainly ONLINE). I mean if Blu ray is successful then what are microsoft gonna do. Release a new console Stick with HD DVD Release another addon When it comes to what SONY says i never listen, i just wait to see for myself and then make a judgement.
Vx Chemical
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Gaiden BLACK
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RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 05:36
Gaiden, could the cutscenes in MGS4 be improved by using CG?! I am sure your gonna tell me regardless of my answer..........SO go ahead.
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RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 05:38
What 360 games use CG? Just DoA4?!
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 05:47
eh? if your trying to make a point MAKE IT ALREADY
< Message edited by Gaiden Black -- 18 Oct 06 21:47:44 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 05:50
I think i' ve already made my point pretty darn clear.
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 05:53
Well it looks like will have to agree to disagree
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 06:00
Look dude, we' re not dogging Blu-Ray. As a movie format it' s a totally valid medium, but it' s not needed for games. It will allow for multiple languages, both text and audio, multiple audio formats and special features like you' d see on a bonus disc, ...but for Sony to start trying to validate using 25GB by having developers use HD CG is just stupid. It' s expensive to produce and CG isn' t needed anymore.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 06:09
It will allow for multiple languages, both text and audio, multiple audio formats and special features like you' d see on a bonus disc, ...but for Sony to start trying to validate using 25GB by having developers use HD CG is just stupid. It' s expensive to produce and CG isn' t needed anymore. You forgot the point that its made by Sony and then by default just super cool! like!
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 06:10
Your opinion I think it is needed for gaming. THE END
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- Joined: Oct 19, 2006
RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 06:13
I just registered to say how retarded you are Gayden BLACK... There is no chance you' re a game developer, you know way too less... I' ll ask you something: what good is 50, or even that 25GB of space which is available now on blu-ray discs if you can' t transfer the data fast enough to the RAM? Infact, the XBOX360' s drive can read & transfer the SAME AMOUNT OF DATA almost 2 times faster than the PS3' s blu-ray... sure the loading times are pretty long now on 360, but wait until you' ll see them on PS3. That' s unfortunately only one of many bottlenecks in sony' s system that will only slow down its " high end" components... which brings us to the point when you know that PS3 will be good for movies, not for games... X360 is exact opposite(well, at least without external HD-DVD drive.) Honestly, at the beginning I thought that 360 was shity, nothing extraordinary... But now when you' re about to get something worse, for a double price and 1 year later you start to realise how smart MS was...
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 06:23
There is no chance you' re a game developer, you know way too less... I never said i was a game developer so i dont know what your taking about. I have no time expressing my opinion to a FANBOY like you. At least majik will listen to what i have said and try and make me understand where he is coming from, which i do i just dont agree with what he said. So the fact that you just joined to tell me something which ive already read a thousand times on forum is quite funny.
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RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 06:23
I just registered to say how retarded you are Gayden BLACK... I don' t agree with Gaiden BLACK, but that' s uncalled for. If the sole purpose for your signing up on a forum is to bash somebody, go somewhere else. There is no chance you' re a game developer, you know way too less...
If you' re going to insult someone' s intelligence, at least make sure you don' t have any grammatical errors in your own post. It' s what we call oxymoronic. which brings us to the point when you know that PS3 will be good for movies, not for games... X360 is exact opposite(well, at least without external HD-DVD drive.)
Okay then, I' ll bring it down to an ultimatum. You either put up, or shut up. Post here, or PM me a picture of you next to the PS3 you have so obviously beta-tested, in and out. If you can' t, you' ve got no buisness saying what the PS3 will be good for. There are definate advantages to the PS3, and there are certainly disadvantages. Cut out the personal insults, start speaking objectively, or stop posting period. I don' t have time to listen to people throw personal insults.
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 06:27
Thank you Eddie   I feel loved ive got BACKUP hehe
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 06:28
ORIGINAL: Hiroshi I just registered to say how retarded you are Gayden BLACK... Hahaha, ...genius. Infact, the XBOX360' s drive can read & transfer the SAME AMOUNT OF DATA almost 2 times faster than the PS3' s blu-ray That' s not actually accurate. 360' s drive can read a DVD5 twice as fast as PS3' s drive will read a Blu-Ray disc, but the difference in read speeds between DVD9 and Blu-Ray are negligible.
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 06:34
DVD5 twice as fast as PS3' s drive will read a Blu-Ray disc Can you link me that information please?
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 06:35
I' ll ask you something: what good is 50, or even that 25GB of space which is available now on blu-ray discs if you can' t transfer the data fast enough to the RAM? I' m no developer but what you' re saying is clearly bullshit, the blu ray loadings might be long (although that hard drive should make them shorter ) but by saying more textures, it doesn' t mean that it should be in the same enviroment but rather creat diffrent enviroment that require those diiffrent textures, so you won' t see too many recycled textures and envirmoment that look alike (AKA: FEAR) . so let me please put it this way and that' s how i understand it a room might look the same on ps3 and xbox360, but a whole level might look richer on textures on ps3 than the 360. (that' s if we suppose it' s not a straight port)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 games already pushing 25GB.. say Sony..
Oct 19, 2006 06:49
Probably. But i' ll explain properly first. 360 uses a 12x CAV drive. PS3 uses a 2x CLV drive. For 360 peak performance will be 12x speed for around 15% of the outer disc but the closer to the inner ring it gets the slower accesses get, with 5x on the inner ring and an average of around 8x. The 12x DVD drive in the 360 only reads dual layer discs at a maximum of 8x speed. DVD5 can be read at 12x but most games these days are on DVD9, so the DVD5 speeds can be dis-regarded. In comparison the 2x Blu-Ray drive performs just fine as a single layer disc can be read as fast as a DVD9. The most interesting point is that a CLV drive like PS3' s doesn' t have any dual layer penalization like DVD9, in that if it can read a DVD5 at 12x is can also read DVD9 at 12x. Right now however the drive found in PS3 reads DVD at 8x, meaning that it' s dual layer read speed is also 8x which is exactly the same as 360. Again, that doesn' t matter as all PS3 games will be pressed on Blu-Ray. Now, if you haven' t learned to listen to what i have to say yet then i will attempt to try and find some " official" source for you.
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