MASS IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!! 

I found the demo acceptable. It' s not as good as Chaos Theory though, that' s something that should be made clear right now. It' s
easier to play as a spy now which i think is pretty annoying, but it' s also possible to trverse the levels easier and quicker which is good.
Spies can take too much damage for my liking, and maybe it' s just me, but in video' s i watched of the 360 version about a month ago spies could somersault and i haven' t been able to do so in this build.
Playing as a merc is pretty cool but the controls for the drone are really stupid.
It' s been well thought out but i prefered the inbalance found in Chaos Theory. I liked playing as a spy and having to be really good to stand a chance against the mercs. Now it' s too easy.
Graphically it' s nice and there are some cool effects but it doesn' t look as good as the single player game and i' d say that GRAW' s multiplayer component actually look better too.
I' ll be playing it, but as soon as Rainbow Six hits next month i' ll be switching to that and GRAW will have to take a back seat. I can' t see myself playing this regulary, though that could change when i' ve played more of it.