Evil Man
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Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 01:49
http://www.totalvideogames.com/news/Famitsu_President_Casts_Bleak_Outlook_For_Xbox_360_10781_0_16.htm It seems that the Japanese market continues to be a major sticking point for Microsoft - and the future of the Xbox 360 in the territory won' t get any brighter according to the President of Enterbrain (publisher of the Famitsu range of magazines). Speaking at a seminar in Tokyo, Hirokazu Hamamura delivered what can only be described as a terminal prognosis for Xbox 360, revealing that only 150,000 consoles had been sold in Japan since it launched in December 2005. Hamamura-san did offer a slight improvement in figures, estimating that a further 100,000 units could be sold by the end of 2006 thanks to the release of Blue Dragon. Looking further ahead however, Hamamura guessed that by the end of 2007, only 560,000 Xbox 360 will have been sold in Japan out of a possible 17,460,000 units world-wide. For all their intentions to get even the slightest foot-hold in Japan, it seems that Microsoft may be onto a loser for the second generation running. R.I.P. X360
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 01:53
Rip xbox360 Once again you show how fucked up you' re. He only speculate,and even with that figure its more then xbox sold in its whol life-span. Now go and pre-order a ps3 so we dont have to listen to your bs all day long.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Evil Man
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 01:55
Don' t get mad at me, it' s not my fault MS is incompetent. I don' t run that joke of a company.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 01:55
Now really? i couldnt care less if the Xbox 360 fails in Japan! As long as it has a strong presense in europe and the US, its bound to get multiple titles from most developers even the japaneese ones like Capcom! Now gó play with your PS2, Ken Katuragi!
Evil Man
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 01:57
As a matter of fact I was just about to do that. I have to turn to a 6 year old console for my gaming needs, how pathetic MS is.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 02:45
As a matter of fact I was just about to do that. I have to turn to a 6 year old console for my gaming needs, how pathetic MS is. So what are you going to play on it? Why not play Dead Rising? or GRAW? You spend so much time complaining. And what are you going to play on your PS3 once you get it? In your ignorence you have forgotten the launch failure that the PS2 had, and the PS3 is looking to pull it worth with crap ports and rushed or boring titles. No Evil Man whether you want to believe it or not (ignorance is a bliss though), the PS3 will be no better in its first year than the 360, or maybe even worse since its harder to program for and the RSX sucks ass!
< Message edited by VX Chemical -- 14 Oct 06 18:46:15 >
Evil Man
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 02:58
Because Dead Rising and GRAW sucks. I planned to buy Phantasy Star Universe this month but since it sucks ass, I' ll probably buy Splinter Cell, even though I' m not too fond of the series, just to have something to play on this piece of shit.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 14 Oct 06 18:59:01 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 03:11
Because Dead Rising and GRAW sucks. I planned to buy Phantasy Star Universe this month but since it sucks ass, I' ll probably buy Splinter Cell, even though I' m not too fond of the series, just to have something to play on this piece of shit. You plain ignore the things I ask you and state, you dont want to realize that your precious savior PS3 will be a worthless toaster for the first 1½ year, that the games will be ugly and ports of their superior versions on the 360. You' re a blind man Ken Katuragi!
< Message edited by VX Chemical -- 14 Oct 06 19:11:26 >
Evil Man
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 03:23
Xbox360 has done nothing with it' s 1 year lead, so by this december they' ll be on equal grounds really
Vx Chemical
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 03:27
no the PS3 will do nothing with its first year either, the 360 will be one year a head! besides blu ray is doomed!
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 04:14
Aside from grabbing enough traction to be #1 in the Next-gen race, 360 can fail all it wants in Japan...I still don' t understand why Famitsu is such a " reliable" source for gaming, it seems like their reviews are the equivalent to Ebert and Roeper for games. :/
" What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things." ~ Unknown ~
Agent Ghost
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 04:14
Maybe BR is doomed but in all fairness, so is DVD9. Why can' t we just agree to disagree, Evil we know you prefer PS3 over 360 we don' t care. We just don' t like your attitude.
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 04:43
How does the 360s failure in japan doom it? The US and European markets are just as big/larger. Lets also take into account what it will mean if gaming takes off in India, 360 was recently the first console launched there. As for games I can only think of one PS3 game I want(UT2007. MGS I feel is inferior to SC but thats just my opinion, and DMC isnt as good as God of War which in turn is still only a close second to Ninja Gaiden). I am a FPS and action (I also enjoy western RPGs like KOTOR so Im really looking forward to Mass Effect) gamer, so Evil Man, prove in my eyes that the 360 is useless. Halo 3, Bioshock, GoW, GRAW, RS: Las Vegas, Assassins Creed, SC: DA, the HalfLife2/TeamFortress2/Portal/Ep.1,2 combo. I know most of these dont come out until 2007, but looking at the PS3 2007 titles, I dont see a single thing I want that I cannot get on the 360(with a better controller for FPS games, and IMO better controller overall). Dont get me wrong, I will be buying a PS3, but mostly for UT2007(as long as there is m/kb support) and for the ability to play my old PS/2 games. You just keep saying the 360 sucks, but will not list what the PS3 has that you find so tempting. Blu Ray player? It may or may not be the winning format. Cell? Who cares, its hard to program for and only has 1 general purpose CPU. In the end its all about the content, so quit bashing unless you can prove content superiority. And dont try to make the comeback of calling me a 360 fanboy, because I am not one. I am a fanboy of certain series' (God of War, Halo, Quake except 4, anything Unreal) but in no way have a console preference based on the console itself. I have let too many things slide and been extremely forgiving and even taken your side in a few arguements, but your blatant 360 bashing is becoming intolerable. Yes, people have made jokes at Sony' s expense, some of which were well deserved and some not, but no one has posted an ' OMG 360 is going to fail because Japan says so" thread. You seem to be making it your personal mission to combat anyone who is positive about the 360(and Wii for that matter), but youre being overzealous and attacking people who are not fanboys and then posting blatant Sony propaganda.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 04:47
I still don' t understand why Famitsu is such a " reliable" source for gaming, it seems like their reviews are the equivalent to Ebert and Roeper for games. :/ Both of which I find to be incredibly unreliable review sources.. I haven' t looked up to Famitsu since one of the reviewers lowered their Shenmue score because he/she felt that the story was " too strong" . I can totally understand reviewers dogging the storyline of a game because it' s too cheesy or god-awful, but for the first and only time in my life I saw someone complain about the storyline of a game being too strong! And since that time I' ve seen numerous times where I just had to raise an eyebrow at some of their reviews... As for Siskel and Ebert (past) and Ebert and Roeper (present), I honestly have never put any stock in any of their movie reviews. At least 95% of the time I never agree with them..
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 05:13
Yeah, reviews are generally just opinions...none are reliable.
" What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things." ~ Unknown ~
Gaius IV
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 05:25
I' m plenty happy with my 360! I sold my ps2 recently and I don' t really miss it.
what is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women!
Vx Chemical
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 05:38
The 360 has given me more pleasure than my PS2 ever has! EDIT: Oh wait i sold my PS2 because it was a load of crap even 2 years after its release! its taken Sony 6 years to get good titles out there!
< Message edited by Vx Chemical -- 14 Oct 06 21:39:33 >
Evil Man
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 08:16
Yeah, whatever. Call me when a good X360 game comes out. *Goes back to play Okami*
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 15 Oct 06 0:16:31 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 09:23
Well at least you have the 360 for Halo 3,Gears of War and Huxley.
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 09:28
Original: Evil Man Yeah, whatever. Call me when a good X360 game comes out. *Goes back to play Okami* I' ll be sure to give you a ring in Nov.  And Ill call about 20 times in 07
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 14:45
You can probably call thursday when SC comes out!
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 20:22
Great stuff Evil Man (!)
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 15, 2006 23:27
Um, yeah, I' m pretty sure 360 is going to be something like a failure in Japan. It' s not like it' s news or anything. It' s gonna take more than Blue Dragon to fix them in Japan. The world market however is a different ball-game all together. (Speaking of ball game, Go Tigers! our horrible team has a comeback!) sorry... Let Evil Man chose his consoles, if he doesn' t want to play 360, you don' t have to make him. It' s his choice, and no one elses. It' s a testament to Sony' s good 3rd party support on the PS2 that it' s six years running, and still has great games like Okami. As for Siskel and Ebert (past) and Ebert and Roeper (present), I honestly have never put any stock in any of their movie reviews. At least 95% of the time I never agree with them..
Those guys don' t do much for me either, all you ever hear out of their mouths is two thumbs up. That tells me so much.
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 16, 2006 00:00
the launch failure that the PS2 had I though it was more than okay. RR5, Tekken and SSX. For me the 360 hasn' t come anywhere near giving me the pleasure my PS2 has done in it' s launch period for that matter. It does of course depend on what you want from gaming, so others may think differently. Thankfully the 360 has a much brighter future than the original Xbox which I' m very thankful for. Dead Rising has proved beyond doubt that Japanese software can succeed enough in the west to justify making a huge investment on a system which is failing in the developer' s homeland. While I have no doubt that PS3' s first year will give me more games that I want compared to 360' s first, after that it' s not so clear cut. If 360 does fail to pick up though, I see support being withdrawn from Japanese developers and re-directed at PS3 only games and increased Wii support. Personally, I don' t care one way or the other (almost, hate PS3' s dated pad) as I' ll always own all the consoles so not to miss out on anything. It' s the only way, and anything else would be kind of foolish.
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 16, 2006 00:38
I' ll always own all the consoles so not to miss out on anything. It' s the only way, and anything else would be kind of foolish. Yes it is the only way but that costs too much money! Alot of people are not willing to buy all three consoles especially if one of them costs over 500 quid and then you have to buy games for all three so its alot of money. As I am a student I can' t afford to buy all three consoles, oh the joys of being a student..........
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 16, 2006 01:23
Why react to Evil man' s comments ... He has got Sony' s dick up his ass ... On Xbox 360 doing badly in japan , it just shows their narrow minds ... They can gobble up millions of ps2 at launch with crappy games but not the 360 ... Fuk Japanese gamers !!! 
Evil Man
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 16, 2006 02:36
Guy, your username is 2pac. That is alone reason enough for you to kill yourself.
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 16, 2006 02:39
As I am a student I can' t afford to buy all three consoles, oh the joys of being a student.......... Oh yes (or oh no) I remember those days. Couldn' t afford to get a PS2 until July 2001, a whole eight months after they came out. Still, my Dreamcast kept me going nicely, plus my friend had a Jap PS2 so it wasn' t an issue.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 15 Oct 06 18:40:28 >
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 16, 2006 03:19
jojojo,Evil Man FTW, show them man¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Just Kidding, Evil Man got a piont,the 360 is fking dead in japan and the PS3 its the console, CANT WAITH TO PLAY MOTORSTORM RESISTANCE AND F106
Vx Chemical
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 16, 2006 03:33
Motostorm [:' (] Resistance might be okay! But Halo and GoW might slaughter it completely PS3 is so overhyped
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 16, 2006 03:53
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 16, 2006 04:01
EVERYTHING is overhyped nowadays. The 360, the PS3, the Wii, Gears of War, Halo 3, Resistance, Motorstorm, Twilight Princess, Red Steel, Dual Core processors, Crysis, Kikizo, Evil Man and especially Quezcatol. Quez is so incredibly overhyped! And you' re all falling for him!
Joe Redifer
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 16, 2006 04:11
I am glad to see that I am not hyped. Anyway I want Motorstorm.
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 16, 2006 04:28
Vx Chemical
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 16, 2006 05:10
you are overhyped¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Just the way I like it! Some of you (Fernandino, Evil Man aka Ken K, MikayD, Black Gaiden, etc) believe that the PS3 will equal the second coming of chrÃst (third since im the second) but it wont, it' ll fall just as flat as the 360 has in your eyes, your fanboyism will just not let you realize it. The PS3 wont be great at its launch it will evolve to something good with time, just as the 360 gets better and better.
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 16, 2006 05:24
u are certanly gonna cry when GoW gets 8 or so.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 16, 2006 05:48
u are certanly gonna cry when GoW gets 8 or so. An 8 would be fine in my book! id be dissapointed if it got below that! Hell Doom 3 got 8,3 and its still one of the best FPS games ever created, its all in the eye of the beholder!
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RE: Famitsu president acknowledges X360 is doomed.
Oct 16, 2006 05:54
Again, people still want to play Motorstorm? What is wrong with you?! It' s complete and utter garbage. I' ve played it and it sucks. Using at as a reason to say the PS3 is good is shooting yourself in the foot.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "