PS3 will ship without component cables...

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PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 12, 2006 16:49





As of right now this applies only to Japan but seeing how HDTV' s are hugely popular over there it' s possible this will follow through to other territories.

Agent Ghost
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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 12, 2006 18:24
Well if they aren' t shipping with HDMI why should they ship with component?

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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 12, 2006 18:45

ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost

Well if they aren' t shipping with HDMI why should they ship with component?

Because with composite you' re stuck with 480i. Not all HDTV' s have HDMI anyway, but the vast majority do have component in. Shipping without HDMI is one thing but shipping without component is another because if you have an SD or ED TV you can still play in progressive scan.

Have you ever tried using composite cables on a HDTV?!

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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 12, 2006 22:48
If Sony really doesn' t include composite cables then they are in deep shit!!! They also show the awful economical state they are now in.

" How can we make more money out of PS3??

That' s easy!!!! Just don' t include the componenets and charge them as if they are made of gold!!!!"

BS!!!![:' (][:' (][:' (]
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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 13, 2006 00:32
Mmmm but you get a toaster and blu ray player for free, oh boy oh boy the 360 is in trouble!

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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 13, 2006 00:39
Still buying it, and nothing will stop me except for killer apps on a different console

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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 13, 2006 02:33
That doesn' t make any sense to me whatsoever. " Buy this shit hot ' true-HD' TM console for megabucks....but you can' t use it for that out of the box.." So now how much is it gonna cost in total to play HD games? I' m not even bothering to work it out...

I predict their next announcement will be that they are to sell cell and blu-ray functionality separately via ' micro' -transactions. [:' (]

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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 13, 2006 03:07
That' s absolutely pathetic. Yup, clearly this is worth the $2000 price tag on ebay. Do they honestly try to screw up like this?

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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 13, 2006 04:09

Do they honestly try to screw up like this?

Honestly??? YES!!!!
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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 13, 2006 04:41
it sucks but according to joystiq, you can use your ps2 component cable if you got one.

That, if true, is something... i guess... I' m almost suprised sony are even including any components in the shell of ps3. I can see it now...

£425/$599 thank you very much. Now please buy cell, blu-ray player, rsx seperately... $150 each.... Thank you very much.
< Message edited by uumai -- 12 Oct 06 20:42:52 >
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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 13, 2006 06:32
So much Sony bashing, its so hard to not join after how angry they' ve made me. Heres to hoping GoW(God of War) can by some act of divine intervention can jump ship to the 360...
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

Gaiden BLACK
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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 13, 2006 06:35

Heres to hoping GoW(God of War) can by some act of divine intervention can jump ship to the 360...

Wishfull thinking mate.................but thats never gonna happen, i would rather put my money on Majik winning a match againist me in GRAW.
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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 13, 2006 06:40


Wishfull thinking mate.................but thats never gonna happen, i would rather put my money on Majik winning a match againist me in GRAW.

Will Majik make you his bitch? ...

< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 12 Oct 06 22:41:49 >

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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 13, 2006 10:05

I know this won' t really affect the loyal sony boys (i mean those that will buy a turd stamped sony), but to the average consumer that just spent over US$600 to get the ' latest' High Definition Machine open the box plug the machine in and see its graphics are no better then the Wii (composite doesn' t do 1080p right?).

On ps3 games you are seeing - Gran Turismo HD, game content sold seperately!!

Now on the ps3 console box you see, The only True HD console, True HD capability sold seperately.


Its funny that people will say its to reduce the cost of the ps3, hey heres a thought - CUT OUT THE BLU RAY $#!t!!!!!!!!!!!!!


its a phony!! i mean sony!!!

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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 13, 2006 19:53

Nice one Terrak
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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 14, 2006 03:11

its a phony!! i mean sony!!!

Well, they haven' t released their US sloagan yet so...

Evil Man
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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 14, 2006 12:39
So you use your PS2 component cables.

If you don' t own a PS2, you' re a retard. If you don' t have component cables for PS2, you don' t have an HDTV so it doesn' t matter.

Pick one option:

A) You' re a retard that never owned a PS2.
B) You dont have an HDTV anyway.
C) All of the above.

You choose.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 14 Oct 06 4:46:48 >

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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 14, 2006 23:11

So you use your PS2 component cables.

If you don' t own a PS2, you' re a retard. If you don' t have component cables for PS2, you don' t have an HDTV so it doesn' t matter.

What if you' re running stuff through a monitor without component? That' s still HD.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 14 Oct 06 15:12:10 >

Evil Man
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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 15, 2006 00:42
PS2 only supports composite, S-Video, and component.

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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 15, 2006 04:45

Wishfull thinking mate.................but thats never gonna happen, i would rather put my money on Majik winning a match againist me in GRAW.

I know that, hence the ' by some act of divine intervention' .
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 15, 2006 10:15
Did the 360 come with component cable? I don' t think it did.

You know, these companies lose money on every console, but they try to make it back in game and accessory sales. You all know this, so why all the surprise?

Evil Man
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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 15, 2006 10:23
Xbox360 comes with component cables you nimwad.

I' m willing to bet Sony will re-release their PS2 component cables and add more rubber to make them look fatter, call them higher quality and sell em for $80, I know thats what monster is for, but still.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 15 Oct 06 2:25:09 >

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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 16, 2006 06:59

Did the 360 come with component cable? I don' t think it did.

You know, these companies lose money on every console, but they try to make it back in game and accessory sales. You all know this, so why all the surprise?

Didn' t the core unit only come with composite? I had to buy a vga cable anyway with my premium one.

It' s tight to make the very thing PS3 stands for (True HD TM) an accessory though. I thought it was tight of them to make you buy memory cards separately when PS first came out!

Heh, my friend played the whole of Midgar City in FF7 (like most of disc 1) about ten times before finally getting a memory card so he could save his progress, instead of leaving the PS on all week!

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RE: PS3 will ship without component cables... - Oct 16, 2006 09:18


So you use your PS2 component cables.

If you don' t own a PS2, you' re a retard. If you don' t have component cables for PS2, you don' t have an HDTV so it doesn' t matter.

Pick one option:

A) You' re a retard that never owned a PS2.
B) You dont have an HDTV anyway.
C) All of the above.

You choose.

As i said the hardcore gamer this will be a non issue, but lets be real the hardcore gamers don' t make up the 10s of millions of users sony wants to sell the ps3 to. Its made up by your lower then average techophile that was when looking for the so called latest ' True High Definition' machine. I guess its only right that the customer should get this right out of the box, or at the very least have on the box that you are Required to make another purchase to achieve this.

Its nice that ps2 cables can be used for ps3, but does the average consumer know this? Is it printed clearly on the box that to fully appreciate a ps3s power you must have this accessory or must buy it seperately? If not then its a sham.

so if you don' t have a ps2 you' re a retard aye? Hmm there is like 2 Billion people in the world and only 100million ps2s??? so by your definition 1.9 Billion people are retarded?? Ok what ever gets you to sleep at night.