Vx Chemical
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360 games you completed
Oct 11, 2006 22:25
Id like to know what games you guys played and played through, just to get a picture of the styles you like, i would name another console but the lists would be too long. Here are mine, hopefully in the right order. Perfect Dark Zero Condemned King Kong Kameo Quake 4 Dead or Alive 4 (not all costumes) Ghost Recon Oblivion Tomb Raider Prey Dead Rising I have a nice habit of playing a game till i finish it before starting a new one, if i dont i tend to get distracted and have a million unfinishsed games, it also means that i sit through some rubbish sometimes, which aint to bad as long as im entertained generally. I feel like iv missed Hitman: Bloodmoney, and Lego Starwars II, those are on my list of games to get!
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 11, 2006 22:40
Played through the solo modes to completion or achieved 1000/1000 achievement points? If it' s games i' ve " completed" as in seen the ending then: GRAW Fight Night Round 3 (though it doesn' t have a proper end) Call of Duty 2 Dead or Alive 4 Condemned Kameo Prey Perfect dark Zero Tomb raider: Legend Need For Speed Most Wanted I own: GRAW Fight Night Round 3 Oblivion Burnout Revenge DEAD RISING MotoGP 06 PGR 3 Hitman: Blood Money Battlefield 2: MC Call of Duty 2 DEAD OR ALIVE 4 Condemned Ninety-Nine Nights Top Spin 2 Amped 3 Kameo Rockstar Table Tennis Prey Quake 4 NFS Most Wanted Tomb Raider:Legend Ridge Racer 6 And i have owned Far Cry Instincts Predator, King Kong and Perfect Dark Zero but gave them away because they suck. EDIT: somehow i managed to miss GRAW off my " i own" list. It had to be me didn' t it!
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 11 Oct 06 14:46:03 >
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 11, 2006 23:20
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 11, 2006 23:37
PDZ (though it didn' t give me the achievement which really pisses me off) Qyake 4 Hexic Oblivion Need for Speed: Most Wanted NBA 2K6 Condemned Tomb Raider: Legend Call of Duty 2 Prey DOA4 GRAW Fight Night Round 3
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 11, 2006 23:57
Wrestle Kingdom Project Sylpheed Dead or Alive 4 Fight Night Round 3 Senko no Ronde XX I tend to play through various games instead of focusing on completing one before moving onto another.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Vx Chemical
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 00:35
I dont quite get why people say King Kong sucks so bad, its clearly not a great title, and im glad i didnt spend money on it, but it was worth the play through. And it gives the easiest 1000 achievement points ever!
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 00:37
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical I dont quite get why people say King Kong sucks so bad, its clearly not a great title, and im glad i didnt spend money on it, but it was worth the play through. And it gives the easiest 1000 achievement points ever! Dodgy control, dogdy character models, awful game mechanics, way too dark, way too repetative. The dinosaurs and Kong were really well modelled though. If the game had just been about Kong then it could have been so much better, but playing as Jack was awful!
Vx Chemical
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 00:49
Mmm i disagree the Kong parts really sucked it was just on rails! It was too dark though playing it in HD solved that! The controls were better than PDZ. I liked that ammo had to be preserved. I totally agree with the reviews its gotten, pitching it as a decent game!
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 00:54
I thought it was awful and certainly not worth £50.
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 11 Oct 06 16:54:29 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 00:56
Yeah we are all different in that way :) You were quick to get rid of it though  after the first level
< Message edited by Vx Chemical -- 11 Oct 06 17:00:04 >
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 01:01
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Yeah we are all different in that way :) You were quick to get rid of it though after the first level I don' t like playing rubbish games.
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 01:11
majik can you please send my room mate some decent games? The 360 is really getting underused.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 01:12
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber majik can you please send my room mate some decent games? The 360 is really getting underused. Anything specific?
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 01:46
Halo 2.
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Vx Chemical
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 01:47
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 02:20
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Bitch Slap!   Ok, I haven' t actually completed many... Ninety-Nine Nights Dead or Alive 4 Kameo That' s as many as I can think of! I own loads of games.... Damn, I need to get to playing!
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
Iad umboros
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 02:21
Not including Arcade titles; Completed: Call of Duty 2 Saints Row DOA4 Prey (will trade in) Chromehounds (traded in) Condemned (might trade, passing it round friends now) Quake 4 (traded in) Owned but not completed, still playing now and again or multiplayer: R* Table Tennis Oblivion (can you actually complete this?) PGR3 Enchanted Arms (still playing) Dead Rising (still playing) FIFA RTWC (complete cack) Traded in: LOTR:BFMEII GRAW
***flyingsaucersdisguisedasmushrooms*** ***mushroomsinvadingfromouterspace***
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 02:23
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
Vx Chemical
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 02:45
Oblivion (can you actually complete this?) Yeah you can, there is a main quest, and you can complete the main quest lines for the Guilds as well, though after that there are many hours of gameplay left. I just completed all the quests for the guilds, so i have all the 1000 achievement points from the game
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 02:55
I' ve completed almost nothing. I actually only own CoD:2, cause me be po' .[:' (] but & played the following (2 or 3 hours) GRAW PGR3 Kameo Condemned BF2:MC Hitman: Blood Money The Outfit N3 DOA4 Oblivion LOTR:BFME2
Iad umboros
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 02:57
Yeah, I' ve done 3 of the quild quest, I never took brother martin to cloud temple, and I think Jaufre died or something. Can' t get into cloud temple now, but Brother Martin is a good party member to have! Tiz, I did try playing GRAW again but couldn' t get back into it. It' s so close to GoW time now I felt I could live without it until then
***flyingsaucersdisguisedasmushrooms*** ***mushroomsinvadingfromouterspace***
Vx Chemical
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 03:01
I dont think you can do anything so the main quest fails!
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 03:19
What if you go into an Oblivion Gate and never come out??? I like to make my own little side stories, it adds substance to it, like when you eat a hamburger up to half way and then break it into smaller sections to make it last longer, or when you crush the crisp packet halfway and empty the crumbs into your mouth. Kinda like that...
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Vx Chemical
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 03:26
Well ofcourse if you die and dont load, the games is finished :P
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 03:40
Of course, but why is there no game over screen?? Also, does Oblivion have a " bad-ending" alternate?
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Vx Chemical
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 03:41
Well there is only one ending!! Spoiler!! Martin dies in the end!
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 03:42
Well, I haven' t completed it, and why do you do that? ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Well there is only one ending!! Spoiler!! Martin dies in the end! There is no way I am NOT going to look!!
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 08:44
Hmm, let me try and list to the best of my knowledge. Saints Row Lego Star Wars 2 Oblivion Samurai Warriors 2 Dynasty Warriors 5: Empires King Kong Call of Duty 2 Condemned Kameo Quake 4 Just Cause (finishing it up) Perfect Dark Zero Prey Tomb Raider Dead Rising I have also finished quite a bit of the Arcade games, but they are too short to be worth mention. Edit: Forgot PDZ, Prey, and Tomb Raider Edit Edit: Forgot Dead Rising, unless I see it I can never seem to recall a list off the top of my head.
< Message edited by Alecrein -- 12 Oct 06 0:46:09 >
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 09:32
Anything specific? any thing better than Saints Row..
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 11:26
In order: PDZ - beat it co-op PGR3 - beat it COD2 - beat it and got all acheivement points DOA4 - beat it a bunch of times Oblivion - beat it and got all acheivement points Marble Blast Ultra - beat it Hexic HD - got all achievment points besides 100 games completed other games I have: Uno Texas Hold ' em Geometry Wars Doom I don' t actually own DOA4 or Oblivion, my roomates have it. They also have Condemned, Amped 3, Table Tennis and Kameo but I don' t like those games. oh yeah and Dead Rising, not sure why I don' t play that.
< Message edited by locopuyo -- 12 Oct 06 3:27:10 >
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 12, 2006 11:48
Haven' t beat any x360 games.
Vx Chemical
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 14, 2006 23:59
Perfect Dark Zero Condemned King Kong Kameo Quake 4 Dead or Alive 4 (not all costumes) Ghost Recon Oblivion Tomb Raider Prey Dead Rising Doom (man thy flesh consumed is hard on ultraviolence) New added game to the list!
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 15, 2006 10:28
I own: DOA 4 PDZ Oblivion Project Gotham Rumble Roses XX Tomb Raider** GRAW Condemned Prey** Battlefield 2 Dead Rising Saint' s Row ** = completed I know, I know. I don' t play all the way through a lot of games. I did also finish Advent rising while I' ve owned a 360, so there was some time spent there. ORIGINAL: Iad umboros Condemned (might trade, passing it round friends now) Y' know, that' s a very share-able game! Mine' s been passed around to at least two of my friends. I think it showcases the 360' s next gen graphics very well (not to mention the surround sound! Oh, I guess I just did! Doh!)
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 15, 2006 11:20
Completed: PDZ Saints Row...tho I had the fuckn thunderstorm cheat on and got no other achievements past the first 3 Amped 3 (its so damn wierd) Oblivion Dead Rising Call of Duty 2 I dont often complete a game in single player if it has multiplayer. Ive restarted GRAW several times already.
Agent Ghost
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 15, 2006 11:35
Unless it has a really compelling story I usually don' t bother finishing a game.
Vx Chemical
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RE: 360 games you completed
Oct 15, 2006 14:35
if i dont finish a game iv paid for i feel iv wasted my money, unless i go crazy in the multiplayer!