All this is reminding me how ripped off I got buying the xbox 360 last year. But I did find a store with a core system and a " bundle" which wasn' t sold out before christmas, and I had money at the time...........
I had a theory a while back (to console myself at being ripped off) that a console costs about £100 a year. PS2 was around 300 quid when first released, maybe a bit more. It got about £75 cheaper per year for a couple of years until about now, which is about as cheap as it will get.
Now this won' t apply to all of you, but bear in mind my flatmate got an original xbox a year before me and paid about 100 more. I got mine a year later, so mine was £200. 2 years later, the next gen came out.
I bought my xbox360 last year and much to my surprise the core version has only dropped by £10. I have friends who are happy to buy the xbox360 but are waiting on PS3 to come out so the price will drop. They hope the price will drop by £100, which means I have had 1 year+ of Xbox 360 for £100 compared to them.
Of course this assumes it doesn' t pack in after 18months

But I' m on 360 #2 and haven' t had any problems with it (so far).
Anyway, that' s the theory.. If I can get 3 years out the xbox360 it' s about a £100 a year. I think that' s fair. Anything after 3 years is a bonus. You can pick plenty of holes in this theory depending on your circumstances, but my PS2 was 200 quid and packed in after 2 years, so basically the pricing is good.
Ninetendo wins on a value for money/unbreakable console front though. I have never had any nintendo break down on me
Aside from the time my mate plugged a game in upside down to an import adaptor and fried my SNES.

but he had to buy me a new one