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Joe Redifer
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What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 19, 2004 07:48
So what are some of the most recent games you have purchased? Did the game live up to your expectations? Be sure to update whenever you get a new game. Or if you think this is lame, you can flame me. Some of the games I have purchased fairly recently (in reverse chronilogical order) are: Toca Race Driver 2 (for the Xbox™ videogame system. Available at your favorite retailer. And Best Buy.) I got this because of the reviews and general good word of mouth on this site, and because it was cheap. This game loosely reminds me of the awesome LeMans 24 Hours for the Sega® Dreamcast™ video entertainment system. Of course this game seems to have unfinished programming concerning the controls. Most of the time you can make the controls work for you and have fun, but other times it is very frustrating since it feels like you are trying to steer with a rusty anvil. The graphics are pretty good, but a far cry from Rallisport Challenge 2' s graphics. A tweak in the controls would make this a 1st class game. Sega Arcade Gallery (for the Nintendo™ GameBoy Advance™ portable handheld videogame system, available in 2,000 different colors, including invisible) I snagged this one because I love Sega Arcade games. But mostly because Super Hang-On is on it. The game was $20 (as all GBA games should be, except for the Classics series, which should be 1/4 that). The translation of After Burner pretty much sucks. The translation of Space Harrier is kind of weird. Definitely slower than the arcade. Out Run is done really well, surprisingly. And Super Hang-On is marginally better than the Genesis version (and no, there is little to no scaling implemented. Redrawn chunky graphics are used instead). For some reason, the Beginner track is by far the hardest track in the game. The Expert mode can be easily beaten, but not Beginner. Of course the GBA does not have the power or resolution to translate these games 100%, so many concessions were made. The music isn' t too bad. But like all GBA sound, it is kind of scratchy and rough. This game is for the GameBoy Advance, but also somehow manages to work with the GameBoy Advance SP, miraculously. (This is me poking fun at the media treating the GBA and the GBA SP as if they were two separate platforms). Rallisport Challenge 2 (for the Xbox™ videogame system. Operators are standing by.) Oh hell yeah! I picked this one up because I loved the first one so much. This one improves on it in every way, and features by FAR the most realistic looking graphics in any videogame ever. Nothing can compete in graphic realism at this time. Much of the time it' s like looking at a real picure or video. Seriously, it looks that good. And it plays great as well, moving along at a constant 60 frames per second. Control is perfect, and the difficulty really starts getting intense after about your 500th race (this game has a career mode which features seemingly over 6 million races). Online is OK. It is your typical online experience. You have people cussing a lot and pretending that their existence is somehow justified. Lots of really cool people out there in online land. It' s the new ghetto. Anyway when racing a rally in online mode, you tend to want to follow the car in front of you. If he makes a mistake, you might go the same direction he/she did if you forgot to turn your brain on. Next purchase on my radar: Unknown. No that is not a game called " Unknown" , it means I have no idea when something good comes out next.
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 19, 2004 13:02
just bought xbox+ ninja gaiden. on the 6th level boss!
A fate brings its will back to the original place and awakens the first conscience engraved on the deep valley of memory. This is what drives Ikaruga...
Terry Bogard
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 19, 2004 14:11
My most recent purchases will arrive on Monday, hehe. They are- 1. Espgaluda: Cave' s recently released vertically scrolling shooter. 2. Takahashi Meijin no Adventure Island: It' s basically Hudson' s Adventure Island remake for the GameCube. 3. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes: Played the original Playstation version once and got pretty far but never finished it cause neither the game or console belonged to me and both had to go back. Always been meaning to pick the game up cheap ever since I got a PS2 but the damm thing refused to leave the $20 price area and go down to $15, and once Twin Snakes was announced that was the end of that wait for a cheaper PSone version. -------------- The last game that I bought that I actually have in my possession is Sega Ages 2500: Outrun.
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 19, 2004 14:48
Here are what I' ve recently picked up: Red Dead Revolver - PS2 Picked this up a few days ago and I must say so far it is absolutely awesome. I love the spaghetti westerns of the 1960' s and this is undoubtedly the closest any game has come to recreating them. Graphically it recreates the look of those westerns with a lovely sparse washed out look and the soundtrack is full of songs ripped from those westerns. The game is very arcadey which for me is a good thing as I' m fed up to my tits with having to sneak around stealthily, the controls are great and there are some brilliant set pieces. Quite simply this is superb. Jet Force Gemini -N64 Picked up this up used a few days ago. I' m yet to play it.
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 19, 2004 16:42
Last time I bought any games was about a month ago. I picked up Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits, SSX 3 and Xenosaga Haven' t played any of them except SSX 3 yet
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 19, 2004 17:01
My most recent purchases were Ninja Gaiden on Xbox and Half-Life on PS2.
Russian Mobster
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 19, 2004 18:24
my newest purchase was Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (XBOX). My friend jacked it, so i bought it for only $20
XBL Gamertag:RUSSIAN mobster XBL Games:Splinter Cell:PT,PGR2,Mech Assault, Crimson Skies, MM3, DDR, Rainbow Six 3, Unreal Championship, NFL2k3, Moto GP, Tetris,RalliSport Challenge 2,HALO 2.
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 19, 2004 19:19
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay- seeing as how many of you guys hated the movie, I probably should have kept this to my self. But I enjoyed it, even though it should have had MP. SC: Pandora Tommorow: Great, but I do nothing but play the MP, so I doubt I will beat it anytime soon. PSI OPs- PS2: I loved it.
< Message edited by immortaldanmx -- 6/19/2004 7:20:48 PM >
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 19, 2004 20:00
The last game I got was TOCA Race Driver 2. It' s definetly a good game so far but it seams a little on the short side... good thing there' s online play.
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 19, 2004 20:03
Chronicles of Riddick: Real good game...definately better than the decent movie.
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 19, 2004 23:32
The Chronicles of Riddick (Xbox) One of the best games of the year; maybe even better than SC: PT, Champions of Norrath, Ninja Gaiden, and Onimusha 3. I' m VERY glad I bought it, and even though it' s a short game and it cost $50, I think it' s worth every penny (especially considering the fact that it will get played more than once. Smugglers Run (PS2) Just picked this up again for only $5 used, and I' m glad I have it for my collection. It' s definitely a fun game, and I remember thinking that it was VERY under-appreciated when it came out, even though it was pretty well-received by the critics. Joyridin' is oddy addictive. Upcoming titles I need to get Top Spin (Xbox) Amplitude (PS2) NFS: Underground (either) 007: Everything or Nothing (either)
Mass X
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 20, 2004 07:01
I just bought Psi-Ops today...and it is ***n awsome!!! Gameplay very fun, using psichich abilities in many unique and strategic ways. Not only does it have fun gameplay the graphics are very nice, the story is ok, and the AI is very nice. Also this game is jam packed with extras. 10+ minigames, making of featurette,concept art gallery, music video, play as other characters (15+unlockable), and a few other things here and there. Lastly, it has the havoks engine, which in this game is used to the max with very interactable enviroment and body physics. Other games I picked up April to today - Hitman:Contracts(Awsome!) ToCA:Race Driver 2 (Good) Amped 2 (Very Good) Top Spin (Very Good) NBA Ballers (Good) Virtua Tennis(dreamcast -$1) Wario mini game thing (forgot title) (Good if you have friends over) NHL Rivals (Good) Games awaiting purchase before months end: Driv3r (kikizo) Spider-Man 2 CoR:Escape from Butcher Bay That' ll wrap me up for a month or so.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 6/20/2004 7:08:46 AM >
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 25, 2004 07:06
just bought top spin and i have to say it' s great. i think it' s the only sports sim i enjoy playing.
A fate brings its will back to the original place and awakens the first conscience engraved on the deep valley of memory. This is what drives Ikaruga...
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 25, 2004 18:22
Two that I' m really happy with, one older, one newer...both FPS: Shadow Ops: Red Mercury - really fun single player with great sound, especially when hooked up to a nice stereo system. it has online gameplay which is def fun, but ive found the single player to be better. Call of Duty - we all know of this one. lot of fun, but feels like its lacking some authenticity in some way. the historical accuracy and solid gameplay make it amazing, but falls just short of seeming " real"
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 25, 2004 19:43
I recently purchased a bunch of used games b/c they had a buy 2 get 1 free at my local game store so I ended up with 6 new games. All games for the Xbox... Top Spin Tennis: [A-] Best character creator ever. Great control. Risk shots add a whole new aspect. World Series Baseball 2K3: [A] Best damn sports game I' ve played in a long, long time-- not to mention best baseball game ever. Wolfenstein: [C] It' s ok I suppose, but too fast paced for my liking. Brute Force: [B+] by yourself, [A] with a friend, [A+] with multiple friends and linked with 4 player coop options and different styles of deathmatch, team deathmatch, and team squad deathmatch. Medal of Honor: Frontline: [Rating Pending] Haven' t played yet. Crimson Sea: [A] <--this has to be the sleeper hit of [insert year it came out here]
< Message edited by skurf -- 6/25/2004 7:44:26 PM >
Russian Mobster
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 26, 2004 00:19
Just Got DRIV3R for XBOX today.Really good game.
XBL Gamertag:RUSSIAN mobster XBL Games:Splinter Cell:PT,PGR2,Mech Assault, Crimson Skies, MM3, DDR, Rainbow Six 3, Unreal Championship, NFL2k3, Moto GP, Tetris,RalliSport Challenge 2,HALO 2.
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 28, 2004 03:47
I just got full spectrum warrior, really good. Excellant graphics, really good RTS, challenging and worth 50$ for sure.
Terry Bogard
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 28, 2004 14:16
Oops, Is there a way to delete ones' posts? I furget how.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 6/28/2004 2:19:12 PM >
Joe Redifer
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 28, 2004 18:15
Yes, but it involves taking over the world.
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 28, 2004 18:23
I just bought Phantasy Star Collection from Game after seeing it mispriced in their Reward Card Sale at £4.99. BARGIN! Since getting it I have finished Phantasy Star 1 & 2. Only Phantasy Star 3 left now! I should be finishing PS3 within the next two weeks, then I can' t wait to play the whole thing AGAIN once the Phantasy Star Trilogy is released on the PS2 later this year. The PS2 version will contain the original games with new uptodate graphics. I hope it can stand upto the original. I love the Phantasy Star Series to much, Bring on Phantasy Star Universe.
Mass X
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 28, 2004 19:03
Over the weekend I got Chronicals of Riddik: Escape from Butcher Bay new for $30. I already beat the game but it was great none the less. I' m still looking for all the lil extra things tho. Hopefully Splinter Cell:PT will arrive soon...
Joe Redifer
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 28, 2004 19:13
I love Phantasy Star as well, except for that online rubbish. As for the PS2, don' t look for Phantasy Star 3 to be remade... they' ll do Phantasy Star 4 instead, which really goes back to the roots of PS1 and 2. I can' t wait to play PS2 on my PS2!
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 29, 2004 08:56
TMNT on the PS2 for the retro really sux but I got a quality deal on it Picked up Tiger Woods 2004 for next to nothing Socom 1 also, still have to play that though
Terry Bogard
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 29, 2004 18:11
Recieved Today: 1. F-Zero (GBA) 2. Columns (GBA) 3. Tekken Advance (GBA) 4. Famicom Mini - Star Soldier (GBA) 5. Famicom Mini - Adventure Island (GBA)
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 29, 2004 21:10
Let me preface by saying I' m happy with ALL of these! - Call of Duty (PC) - DBZ: Supersonic Warriors (GBA) - Chronicles of Riddick (XBox) - Driv3r (Xbox) woot!
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 30, 2004 14:24
On amazon,yesterday, I ordered suikoden 3 for 30$(I heard it was a good rpg), devil may cry for 9$ (I played the demo way back, a really good action game), and I also got star wars: clone wars for 8$, I saw it was 8$ and it was online, so I just got it.
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jun 30, 2004 14:25
The fact that you haven' t played DMC yet, the best action game of this generation along with NG, is enough to make me believe you hate games or something. ;) And yes, Suikoden III is indeed one of the best RPG' s out there; I place it second behind FF X this gen., although Xenosaga is right there with it.
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jul 01, 2004 00:10
I preordered and Paid for Boktai 2. I also ordered Donkey Konga vol2 which was released today  Donkey Konga has been shipped and should arrive anyday now!
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jul 01, 2004 15:59
I' ve just ordered the following: Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC) - US Soul Calibur II (GC) - US Initial D: Special Stage (PS2) - JAP Kingdom Hearts (PS2) - US I should have them by this time next week.
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jul 02, 2004 04:29
i bought- Phantasy Star Online ep.1 and 2 for GC it was 20 bucks thought i would pick it up Zelda, the classic one for GBA Metal Gear Solid for GB 5 bucks and its MGS and i preordered Metal Gear Solid 3..o yea
< Message edited by Solidy_Snake -- 7/2/2004 4:30:41 AM >
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jul 02, 2004 04:35
I picked up Maximo: Ghosts to Glory and Jak & Daxter Trying to find a cheap copy of Devil May cry since I also haven' t played it yet
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jul 03, 2004 02:03
In the mail today I got clone wars and tetris combo game. All I can say is wow! star wars online is really fun, and tetris, I was playing for like an hour and a half and I completely lost track of time, it was that fun! Yes i know it is tetris, you can play it on a calculator, but it was a total blast online. It was totaly worth 8$
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jul 03, 2004 04:17
when i bought my xbox, i was supposed to get the star wars/tetris combo for free, but the store didn' t have anymore!!!
A fate brings its will back to the original place and awakens the first conscience engraved on the deep valley of memory. This is what drives Ikaruga...
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jul 03, 2004 17:37
I just picked up Unlimited Saga for $10 US I' ve spent a little less than $30 US on 3 games but most of the cost comes from shipping Without shipping Maximo was $6.50, Jak & Daxter was $4.24 and unlimited saga would have been only $6 (all in US dollars)
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jul 03, 2004 19:20
got halo last week, and now i' m on the 9th level on legendary.
A fate brings its will back to the original place and awakens the first conscience engraved on the deep valley of memory. This is what drives Ikaruga...
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jul 03, 2004 21:11
Panzer, welcome to the life changing experience of Halo. If you would like to join Haloism you can find info at the forums of
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jul 04, 2004 03:46
kill.switch - For the PS2. Average (6.5/10) Kill.switch is a very neat game, but it is way too short. And it has no multiplayer. And it is very linear. And it has no replay value. But, if they make a kill.switch 2, it should be awesome. Planning to get: Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy Full Spectrum Warrior
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jul 04, 2004 17:08
I also picked up NFL Street for $19 US All of my games should be coming in the mail I hope they get here soon......
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jul 05, 2004 03:59
Update For my final ebay game (for awhile) I picked up Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner for $25 US
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RE: What Games did You Buy Recently?
Jul 05, 2004 12:11
I recently picked up the GTA Double Pack, Crimson Skies, and Morrowind: Game of the Year Edition. All of them were on sale. It was well worth it.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "