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free games (of the free kind)
Oct 09, 2006 00:17
yeah sure, kikizo is giving away free games, but what about free games that are free for the sake of being free? well here are some classics for you to enjoy (and be pleasently surprised) - let' s start with first person shooters. F.E.A.R. Combat is the multiplayer componate of the game F.E.A.R.. There is no catches and this is not a secondrate downgraded version, it' s esencially F.E.A.R. without the single player. America' s Army is the American, tax payer funded, first-person shooter designed as a propaganda tool to get American citizens into the US Army (all jokes aside, that is a damn scary thought - just imagine the people who play these games, then imagine them with the responsibilty of protect the US *is thankful he' s not a yank*). despite all of this, it' s got some of the best weapon systems you' ll find (or it did, there is quite the influx of fps since I' ve play America' s Army so this might have well changed). anyway, if you are a counter-strike geek, or you jsut enjoy fps, this definatly should be in your downlaod queue. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. now before you start, I am well aware how terrible return to castle wolenstein was, but jsut hear me out. they decided to make a sequal to said game but for some reason decided to give the game out free instead of asking money for it. this is a real shame (for them) because, w: et is such a fantastic little game. it' s not a huge resource hog like the last two but it still has fantastic gameplay, great graphics, and it' s just a damn fine fps shooter to play. also, little things like say, if you are connecting to a server and you don' t have a mod, map or otherwise (excluding official release patches) it downloads it for you. Oh, and unlike UT, it does it at whatever speed the server of the source file (the downlaod times in ut I' ve found are just painful). If you are unsure, you are best to start with w: et. if you are downloading you might want to download the latest patches for it also (also, downlaod somehting called the ' patch selector' which comes in handy). well that is my pick for this week, enjoy…
< Message edited by pinothyj -- 8 Oct 06 16:37:02 >
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 09, 2006 01:06
When I read the thread title I was expecting something completely pointless, but I was pleasantly surprised. While some of us (including me) know about these already, this could be a great help for new or casual gamers.
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 09, 2006 02:00
Those games are free because they' re not very good.
Vx Chemical
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 09, 2006 02:14
now before you start, I am well aware how terrible return to castle wolenstein was, but jsut hear me out. they decided to make a sequal to said game but for some reason decided to give the game out free instead of asking money for it. this is a real shame (for them) because, w: et is such a fantastic little game I disagree, the game was far from terrible. I was about to flame instantly but I also was pleasently surprised!
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 09, 2006 11:36
so is that why these games get shining revues then, because they' re all bad aye? tsktsktsk, evil man…
Chee Saw
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 09, 2006 12:30
ORIGINAL: PinothyJ so is that why these games get shining revues then, because they' re all bad aye? tsktsktsk, evil man… PinothyJ, you' d do well to never respond to this person. He' s a flamer, and it just encourages him. Watch how he tells me to " watch my mouth" and then I ignore the hell out of him! Fun times! Fun times! Oh, and I think that the Americas Army game was a shrewd way to try to get the youth of America to enlist. It' s designed to pique their interest, and since a lot of Americas youths play video games... well, there you go. Oh, and welcome!
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 09, 2006 14:52
Oh, and I think that the Americas Army game was a shrewd way to try to get the youth of America to enlist. It' s designed to pique their interest, and since a lot of Americas youths play video games... well, there you go. In Singapore, there are recruitment posters that LITERALLY tell servicemen that the Army (and war) is just-like-playing-a-game. Which is VERY pointless since National Service is already COMPULSORY anyway =/ I guess they' re aiming for some permanent enlisters but... Also, what ' kind' of ' free games' are we talking about? I could easily list things like Gunbound, MapleStory (bigger in Asia than the West) and other stuff, but if you' re talking about PC/Console quality stuff well...not sure about that, honestly. (Some) Flash based games are awesome! Like Alien Hominid back on Newsgrounds before Tom Fulp created Behemoth and began making games for XBL too. AdventureQuest is a decent purely Flash-based online RPG but you have to keep some of your expectations low...
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 09, 2006 15:53
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 09, 2006 17:30
America' s Army and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory are awesome free games. I only played the free Fear MP once and didn' t like it.
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 09, 2006 17:34
Oh, and I think that the Americas Army game was a shrewd way to try to get the youth of America to enlist. It' s designed to pique their interest, and since a lot of Americas youths play video games... well, there you go. Yeah, but they conveniently leave out the part in the game where the right side of your body gets paralyzed because you weren' t provided with proper body armor. And there' s probably not a level where you' re trying to get a doctor' s appointment once you' ve been discharged but you find out that your benefits have been cut by the Bush Administration. Same thing with the money for your college education. What a fun game without all that stuff!
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 09, 2006 17:58
Unless you want to get raped up the ass you should leave your view on politics out of game threads like this.
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 10, 2006 01:20
Don' t forget about Counter Strike.
Terry Bogard
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 10, 2006 01:53
Oh, and I think that the Americas Army game was a shrewd way to try to get the youth of America to enlist. It' s designed to pique their interest, and since a lot of Americas youths play video games... well, there you go. So what you' re really trying to say is that the game contains lots of subliminal messages that will control the minds of the youth of America? The game is nothing more than a government-funded, top secret military project in mind control? 
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 9 Oct 06 17:53:58 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 10, 2006 05:48
Oh, and I think that the Americas Army game was a shrewd way to try to get the youth of America to enlist It wasn' t shrewd. The game is is owned and was designed by and for the US Government in a PR effort to increase the number of new recruits. They even admit it. It' s a great tool to get the average Junior Reserve Officer to enlist when they see " the Army Game" , It' s like the " ARMY OF ONE" ad' s, they show you doing all the cool things that occur in the Army. They don' t show realistic combat, they don' t show you scared soldiers watching people die around them. They don' t show the brutal reality of an IED blowing off an arm, or a leg. I' m sorry if I sound bitter, but I don' t like propaganda, even if it' s for a " good" cause.
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 10, 2006 06:19
Well if you train to be a medic in the game it is quite disturbing. I couldn' t stand watching it. But the actual game isn' t near as gruesome as real war.
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 11, 2006 03:12
Well if you train to be a medic in the game it is quite disturbing. I couldn' t stand watching it. But the actual game isn' t near as gruesome as real war.
I can understand that, but even still, (& yeah, I know war movies are no way to judge real combat) but It seems like the Cinema captures the reality of war better than games.
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 11, 2006 03:34
Also nobody mentioned Warrock which is also a completely free game! Its not the best of games i must admit but it did keep me amused for a few hours! Once you start playing the game you will become very annoyed at it but when you get a bit better its alright! just dont try and be a sniper, its bloody awful!
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RE: free games (of the free kind)
Oct 11, 2006 07:13
Dink Smallwood is one of the best freeware games I' ve come over.. it' s free.. it' s fun.. it' s funny.. Also many mods for it... If you havn' t tried it, I can highly reccomend it... :)