Its much simpler to download the ISO than to make it, so I would use that route. For legal reasons... blabla.. (wink, wink). You then ... You can find guides around the net for specifics cough*googleit*cough
It might be simple, but it might have bad consequences, you do leave trails on the internet.
If you ever gets suspected for a crime, you are basically writing your own search warrant, as soon as you enter those websites.
And if you get in court, you will not only have to answer for that particular crime, you will also have to answer for stolen property located on your computer, and it reflects badly on you.
Most likely, if the police suspected anyone named Danny Martin in Virginia, USA for a crime, all they had to do were show the judge this thread, aswell as your profile, and they' d probably be granted access to his house.
So if you can afford the games, it' s abit far to go to shorten the loadtimes.
The games also gets quicker ' Greatest hits' , the more people wich buys them instead of pirate them, and in the long run we get cheaper games.
So telling people how to pirate isn' t really helping anyone.