Final Fantasy 12 thread

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Evil Man
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 09, 2006 00:51
I thought the same thing about the music, I thought it was odd, when I was on that first mission to kill the evil tomato head thing, the music sounded alot like something you' d hear in a Star Wars game.

The battle system isn' t bad, it' s just really (so far) a copy of KOTOR' s battle system. And that' s not a bad thing I' m just not blown away by it like other people are because I played KOTOR I/II and this is the same shit, maybe later on it gets different but with the star wars music and battle system it' s not hard to tell Square was influenced by KOTOR when they made this.

The graphics are good for a PS2 game, but I don' t think it' s the best looking PS2 game I' ve played. I wish they would' ve waited and released this on PS3, it' s such as waste on PS2. I hope it gets a PC version atleast so I can play this game properly.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 8 Oct 06 16:53:54 >

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 09, 2006 08:59
About 7-8 hours in now and I can' t put the game down, it' s awesome so far. I' ve been playing it all day

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 09, 2006 09:56
maybye cause you' re a little rpg fag?

Get a life.

Btw i played 8 hours wow today,but thats normal.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Evil Man
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 10, 2006 03:51
Atleast I like good RPGs, unlike Mr. Enchanted Arms up here.

I called in sick today to play FFXII.

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 10, 2006 03:54
So if i like KOTOR? im bound to like FFXII?

Evil Man
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 10, 2006 04:01
I' d say so.

I like the battle system they use here more than KOTOR' s, things flow more smoothly. The customization is also a bit better. They pretty much took KOTOR' s combat and tweaked it into something better.

The story is pretty good so far, more mature than the typical FF.

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 10, 2006 04:19
i really start to enjoy the combat system, it' s awesome , sometimes the A.I can be frustrating but generaly it does a good job since you can customize it (Gambits= orders you assign to your allies, for exemple you would assign to an ally a gambit so that if your HP is below 30%, he' ll cast cure (healing), or if a foe element is fire he would cast water and so on.. with the combiniation of many gambits at the same time , you will creat a powerful allies ... basicaly you program them but in a fun way )

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 10, 2006 06:25 slim PS2 isn' t chipped....
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 10, 2006 07:06

ORIGINAL: Bishonen slim PS2 isn' t chipped....

Then you know the solution - chip it' s balls to the max!
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 10, 2006 07:44
... Just wanted to drop a note that I LOVE this game, but also that I HATE the main character. So far I find Penelo and Balt... Balf... The sky pirate dude the most interesting.

Also I noticed you drew resamblences with the battle system, to that of KOTOR (which might be true, I haven' t really played much of it) but I really feel similarities to Vagrant story, which just happens to have the same " Director" as FF12. Oh, and although I didn' t think I would, I love the battle system to.

The story to I find to be very interesting, which releaved me as I had started to loose faith in Square-Enix, with all the less well thought stories all of the " side-games" has had *shrugs at memory of Dirge of Cerberus*

All in all I think this is the BEST game I' ve played, since Ninja Gaiden... Which before you say something, actually wasn' t that long ago, before summer to be precise.

Evil Man
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 10, 2006 07:46
Some of the music and style does remind me of Vagrant Story, but the battle system doesn' t. In vagrant story you attacked things per parts, head, torso, feet, etc. this is nothing like it.

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 10, 2006 07:48


Some of the music and style does remind me of Vagrant Story, but the battle system doesn' t. In vagrant story you attacked things per parts, head, torso, feet, etc. this is nothing like it.

What are the cutscenes like? I mean, how do they compare to Advent Children?

Evil Man
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 10, 2006 07:52
They look more like Final Fantasy X cutscenes. Deffinetely not on par with Advent Chilren.

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 10, 2006 07:56
ONLY the design is similar to vagrant story, the CG quality is really good and they are a lot (compared to other rpg' s) although not on par with advent children quality.

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 10, 2006 09:33
Just remembered the head and torso when you mentioned it, however if my memory serve then it was a similair move around freely and pause while choosing attack, no? It was a long time since I played the game so it is highly possible I remeber incorrectly.

BTW: Although I really, REALLY like this game, I will never understand why it takes so long to level your character. It' s not like it' s hard or a challenge to do it, rather it' s a test of ones patience.

And the cut-scenes look great for being so many... Funny thing, I remember reading somewhere an interview with the director of the (I admit to have forgotten his name) that he wanted to cut down on the cut-scens, yet I believe I have never played a Final Fantasy with so many of ' em... Could be my imagination though.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 10 Oct 06 1:35:34 >

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 10, 2006 09:46
they are definitly more cut scenes thanother rpg' s but this is great because the acting and voices are awesome... i still have issue with the main character because he' s really young and has that soemwhat girly look, but other characters are just awesome, one of the best second characters ever... i love the guys (the pirate and the other two knighs) , the princess is just beautiful and has charisma, panelo is the protective cute girl, and that iforgothename is also interesting...

i' ll never stop mentioneing it, but this game is definitly inspired by star wars, if only an interview could be made with the director to confirm that.

Evil Man
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 10, 2006 09:49
It has alot of in-game cutscenes, few FMVs.

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 10, 2006 14:19

' ll never stop mentioneing it, but this game is definitly inspired by star wars, if only an interview could be made with the director to confirm that.

Well it is preatty apparent, and it has been so since the early when they first started showing pics and trailers. Also everyone that has tested the game over att my place, though haven' t really followed its devoelpoment have all also come to say it has that Star Wars feel. Heck they even have a judge with black armor, speaking with Vader voice.

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 11, 2006 05:11
Nice to hear you guys like it. but.. Better than ffx?

[I suppose I have to wait untill you guys finish it]
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 11, 2006 05:29
A question for all you plaing it atm..

I played the demo and it seemed mission based almost, kinda like ffx-2. So my question is, does this game play with a linear fashion like ffx, or more mission based like ffx-2?

Perhaps somewhere in between, If it is linear like ffx i' d give it a try...
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 11, 2006 05:29
first downside of the combat system, when things get really tough it is really difficult to follow what everybody is doing, and for those who playing the game right now, does it happen to you guys that you forgot what did you assign your ally to do (after taking his control) , there are so many stuff to focus on (and i' m talking about really tough battles like some bosses) things get out of hand and you get some MASSIVE DAMAGE

Evil Man
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 11, 2006 09:09
I got pissed off in the dungeon in Bhejurba or w/e, you have to fight 3 lizard guys that kick your ass, and there wasnt even a save point before them. So I lost like 40 mins worth of playtime, I was like level 11 and had to reload the game back to when I was level 9.

Perhaps somewhere in between, If it is linear like ffx i' d give it a try...

I' m 10 hours in and have done 1 mission, and that was within the first hour of gameplay, the game is nothing like FFX or FFX-2.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 11 Oct 06 1:13:46 >

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 11, 2006 09:18
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 11, 2006 09:44
evil man you should have escaped those three lizards , it' s the story , i knew i couldn' t fight them, i' m in the tomb so far (the wall monster)

Evil Man
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 11, 2006 12:35
I know, I ran from them my 2nd way through, still annoying that they didnt put a save point before them.

I' m in up to the ship the Dreadnought Leviathan.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 11 Oct 06 4:37:22 >

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 11, 2006 18:08
Thanks for the reply evil, i may give it a try, just to see...
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 11, 2006 21:19

i' m in the tomb so far (the wall monster)

Long ahead of ya.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 11 Oct 06 13:35:03 >

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 12, 2006 02:25
Who here is actually playing this game? As in right now? Or at the time of
seeing this post?

Or at the time of seeing this post who owns a copy (legitimate or illegitimate)
of FFXII??
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 12, 2006 02:30
weird question, why should it be right now, i just turned it off ... you know what sucks guys, not enough money to buy those magics and weapons and potions and all that bazzar stuff, i' m always out of money even by selling a lot of loot.

and you know what sucks again, how am i suppose to level up all the characters, i got 2 members with level 18 , one 17 and one 14 and two other in the range of 11 and 12 can' t remember exaclty. (i' m in that warrior village, you know those wearing masks )
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 11 Oct 06 18:34:01 >

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 12, 2006 03:25
Just wanted to know the amount of people that own FFXII...

I' m buying it when it gets release officially here, so about the same time as Metal
Gear Solid 4 comes out.
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 12, 2006 03:43
METAL GEAR WHAT??? are you stoned?

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 12, 2006 03:47
I was saying that it will probably be released in Europe about the same time MGS4
gets released, because they take SO LOONG!

But I' m not impatient, I can wait..

ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane

METAL GEAR WHAT??? are you stoned?

Here' s me thinking I had missed it, and we were on number 5... Damn you for
making me unsure..
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 12, 2006 03:53
your right tiz waiing for it in uk is likely to take a while, as uk usually gets screwed....

I remember the painful wait for legacy of kain definace... like 6 months after the us release, man it was tough... and damn i miss that series...

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Evil Man
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 12, 2006 11:50
I haven' t had much money problems, I use steal on every single thing I fight and the loot sells nicely.

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 20, 2006 02:55
Fuck squareenix, fuck it big time , fuck those stupid ****, motherfucking retards, pieace of shit , AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGHHHHHHT !

how the fuck can they let me play for one hour and half then make a boss show up who would kick your ass if you' re not prepared, how the fuck can they be retarded for not puting a save point before the boss as " usual" ... i' ve wasted a whole hour and half just like that of my life, 180 minutes and it' s like i just didn' t do anything , it' s 100% wasted and all because of those stupid motherfuckers , fuck those developers who don' t know what a good gameplay is.

listen you stupid ****s, if you' re giving me 6 characters , but all that i can have in my party are 3 of them, then your stupid system shold level up the others as well, at least by 25% otherwise i would spend a huge time and booooring time to level up the others as well and that' s fucking bullshit.... why why why you dickheads don' t take the good exemples from the good games, why do you always have the knack to make unnecessery flaws in your games.

tell me why the money is so scarce, i spend time killing monsters , i kill everygoddam monster on sight in my way + some quests , why am i always out of the money, it' s like i always have the money to buy a good weapon for only one character YES ONE CHARACTER and I HAVE FIIIIVE LEFT... don' t you know how to balance your shit. FUCK YOU PUNKS FUCK YOU BIG TIME.

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 20, 2006 03:14
Before I say anything Aba....

Are you being sarcastic???
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 20, 2006 03:20
do i look like being sarcastic? we play both the same game don' t we? you should know better

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 20, 2006 03:22
Oh... I haven' t actually got FFXII. I am waiting for the Uk release..

Is it that unbalanced???!

Don' t tell me I will have to pass up this Final Fantasy as well...

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 20, 2006 03:35
IT IS , i never had THIS KIND OF PROBLEM in previous final fantasy' s or any otehr rpg by that mater... what really got to my nerves today is that i lost to a boss because i was unprepared and i lost all my time , like 1h30 minutes that was just vaporised ... they should have made a save point before the entrance.

and who the hell is using gambits , worthless so far !

for those who play the game, the bsos i' m talking about is " the 5 pumpkins in the cave, right after you open the door with the key"

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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread - Oct 20, 2006 04:48
I haven' t got to the part you were talking about aba, but with concern to the party mechanics...

It is very annoying that your party does not receive exp for battles unless they are in it. What i liked of FFX is you could bring anyone in and out so easily and level them all easily.
I was taking time to level them all but only until level 16 then i just chose 3 characters and am levelling them, currently between lvl 20-22. I hope there wont be a point where i am forced to use a certain character like FFVII did.

As for money, things are expensive, especially the amount of things you have to buy. you have to buy gambits, spells, weapons, armour, items and then to equip amoungst 3 or 6 characters. You have to blanace out your spending taking only what you need, can be annoying.

And for the saving... from what i have seen so far, they don' t like to give saves before bosses, I keep going into boss battles worried because i didn' t have a chance to save it. At one point i lost almost 2 hours of play time because i was silenced on my character, had no items left, and i had to just hold down the " flee command" and run through the rest of the area, with enemies chasing me all the way until i could find a save point... I was left with one character, who if hit once by anything would have died... i was so relieved to save it....
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