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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 07:45
I' m used to being ass-raped by the gaming industry...But they' re still asses saying that we don' t mind. I know i do.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 09:07
Lets end this argument about nationalism. I recommend everybody watch the movie, " Bowling for Columbine" . Its a study on violence in America and has a very well done segment comparing other western-style nations(Britain, Germany, Canada) to the US. In general Canadians are percieved as nicer people, and the few Ive had the chance to meet are extremely polite and would not go out of there way to cause trouble(usually quite the opposite, they want to help however they can).
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 09:50
No country is perfect. America is just the largest and is made out to be the worst. if England was the same size it would probley be worse. As for me, I live in a utopian society.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 8 Oct 06 1:51:02 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 09:51
Whats with all this ' my country is better than your country' bullshit??[:' (]
< Message edited by Duffman -- 8 Oct 06 2:59:36 >
Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 10:13
There is a certain person on this forum that is really starting to piss me off (and you all know who it is). Watch your mouth.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 10:21
Watch your mouth. Maybe you should try that as well Evil Man.
< Message edited by Duffman -- 8 Oct 06 2:24:29 >
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 10:23
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 8 Oct 06 2:36:48 >
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 10:27
Can' t we all just be friends??????? 
< Message edited by Duffman -- 8 Oct 06 2:41:08 >
Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 10:28
ORIGINAL: Duffman Watch your mouth. Maybe you should try that as well Evil Man. I do.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 10:29
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 8 Oct 06 2:37:03 >
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 10:42
Where is all the love on this forum gone?????
< Message edited by Duffman -- 8 Oct 06 2:56:08 >
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 12:13
Original: Duffman Where is all the love on this forum gone????? Dont worry, this isnt the first time this has happened. Many of you werent around for the 70some pages of flame war started by a member named Fathoms. It ended up basically Fathoms(alleged sony fanboy) arguing with many members, including myself and Rampage.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 12:56
Fathoms was a retard.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 13:33
Holy shit I remember Fathoms! I was trying to think of his name a few days ago but I couldn' t... I could only recall his avatar with the skull. You all gotta admit, Fathoms vs Evil Man would totally rock! Maybe throw in some random Emotep (unless he is really Fathoms).
Agent Ghost
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 13:44
" I know it' s nothing to be proud of - europeans are blood thirsty scumbags, nothing they have ever done historically is anything to be proud of." How about colonizing America? As a Canadian born in the capital and raised here my entire life I have to say I feel pretty lucky to be here. I can' t think of any other country that I' d rather live in. Although I wish I was raised in Alberta or Ontario as opposed to Quebec, but you can' t have everything.
Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 14:26
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer Holy shit I remember Fathoms! I was trying to think of his name a few days ago but I couldn' t... I could only recall his avatar with the skull. You all gotta admit, Fathoms vs Evil Man would totally rock! Maybe throw in some random Emotep (unless he is really Fathoms). I owned fathoms like every day when this was gamerweb. I remember the time he claimed Gamecube was about as powerfull as an N64.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 8 Oct 06 6:26:48 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 14:52
He hasn' t posted in well over a year. I wonder if he still lurks.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 15:22
Ironic, wasnt it, that such a blatant Sony fanboy had a Doom 3 avatar? Then again, I have little room to talk as I have a Halo avatar...
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 22:10
I know Microsoft only did global launch to say that Europe also matter to them because in the end they think that Europe is nothing to them....just some extra bucks. But by doing the global launch they indirectly gave importance to Europe which is good for us because now other companies also have to do similar statements. This comment from Sony PR is just like going back to the old days of the gaming industry where Europe was just an extra but like it or not there are many European gamers and a lot of money here for who wins this market. And looks like Sony is throwing money out of the window with stupid statements.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 22:33
I don' t agree with what Sony have said one bit(especially seeing as now we have longer to wait for the console to drop in price). However, I do believe that anticipating over a console(or a super-hyped/delayed game) is one of the most glorious things in gaming history- as at that time we have got so much more to look forward to and are a hell of a lot more excited about it(I probably just contradicted myself, but I don' t give a f*ck).
< Message edited by Marink -- 8 Oct 06 14:34:57 >
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 23:08
I really cant remember those people. Maybe it was before my time, but it probley wasnt.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 09, 2006 06:12
Dont expect a price drop any time this millenium. If sony drops the price they will go broke. If they dont sell, they will go broke. So either way if blue ray fails sony is screwed.
Chee Saw
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 09, 2006 12:21
The fact of the matter is that Europe speaks with its wallet. Like that Sony guy said, they' re gonna buy regardless of when we give it to them. The funny part is that this Christmas Europeans will have only the Wii and 360 to keep them cozy. More marketshare lost, so it' ll be interesting to see how it pans out.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 09, 2006 12:48
I owned fathoms like every day when this was gamerweb This use to be Gamerweb, as in Segaweb and co?
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 09, 2006 13:36
This is so typical of sony these days. So arrogant. I mean its already known that they are going to launch in Europe late, but making a comment like this is like rubbing it in there (European) fans faces. I think the best PR for sony is not giving any sony PR, That might help. Well i personally don' t care (big surprise there!) I' m just glad about Nintendo' s Australian Dec launch date and the rumours that there will be unbelievable availability of Wii' s. Doesn' t matter either way i got it on pre order so i' m happy.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 10, 2006 00:55
This is so typical of sony these days. So arrogant. it' s sad when SONY try to make a shit news like this as a defensive way for what they done. WE DONT LIKE TO WAIT? ARE THEY RETARDED? The only reason we still buy is because we have no other options. Its like saying people dont really mind being without money for food because they get it later.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.