Disapointed by Gears of War

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Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 05, 2006 18:48
Was anyone else? I mean after the X06 demo, I have developed several gripes with the game, some minor and some more important:
_1 The way they animate the enemies' deaths is a little riddiculous. Not everyone does a cartwheel when they die, and neither do they jump over low walls for no particular reason.

_2 The mechanic of stop and pop, although intriguing, seems like it will ultimately become very tired, even within the short 10 hour duration of the game.

_3 Stop and pop really seems to be the onlyn thing you do throughout the entire game.

_4 Friendly AI really doesn' t seem to help you any.

_5 Hope the game does not have that blue tint throughout.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 05, 2006 18:53
Im getting more and more intruiged by the game for each video I see! Download the 8 min IGN video! in it you see the AI helping out, downing just as many as you do!

Also the stop and pop gameplay will be refreshing too an opposition to the run and gun that everything else these days requires, the options of flanking the enemy and the coop play really makes the title shin!

Iv noticed the death animation being a little overdone, but i dont really mind!

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 05, 2006 18:53
They have hardly show anything except how the cover system works,to not spoil the game,same with halo2.

We have only seen basically 2 levels,one from x05 where they walk in a forest,and its to dark to see anything,but when the ight hit you suddenly see weird things moving in a old factory.

very creepy.

And since we havnt seen the giant spider or the giant brutes in action or whatever they have stocked for us,we cant judge the game at all.

Only judge the graphic and the control.

And the graphic is the best looking game coming this year and probably next.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 05, 2006 18:58
I know im being a bitch and all, but lets continue the discussion


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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 05, 2006 18:58
Spiders are for girls. Wait until they show the dragon.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 05, 2006 19:02

Was anyone else?

I was.
But seems its because im a " sony fanboy" and " just want the game to be flawed" .

I will wait until the release to judge the game though.

Question: Will the game hit the PC?I mean its under the " Games for windows" brand right?Wrong?

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 05, 2006 19:05

Question: Will the game hit the PC?I mean its under the " Games for windows" brand right?Wrong?

If it does it' ll be the tail end of next year, though i don' t quite see it working properly on the PC.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 05, 2006 19:08

If it does it' ll be the tail end of next year, though i don' t quite see it working properly on the PC.

They arent currently developing it, that much has been stated, Cliffy B would rather make GoW 2 than porting the same game over.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 05, 2006 19:30
Yepp,they stated that if the game sells good,they prob gonna do a sequal immidetly to xbox360.

But if it sells like crap on 360 you prob gonna se a pc remake.

But it wont sell bad ffs :)
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 05, 2006 19:32
Itll easily outsell Dead Rising!

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 05, 2006 20:07
Hmm. . .
Well i wouldnt mind it being released next year as that would be just about the time when i will get my new PC (if things go as planned).Maybe ill use it as a benchmark!

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 05, 2006 20:10
Sadly for you it wont come.

However seeing how im gonna have a monster pc this year also,im getting unreal 2007 for the pc.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 05, 2006 20:12


Hmm. . .
Well i wouldnt mind it being released next year as that would be just about the time when i will get my new PC (if things go as planned).Maybe ill use it as a benchmark!

I just bought a new laptop and it f**king OWNS my desktop PC. I think i' ll need to buy a new graphics card and another gig of RAM early next year. But i' m waiting to see what develops as far as DX10 cards and multi-core processors go.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 05, 2006 20:28

But it wont sell bad ffs :)

how can you be so sure quez it looks like this game is another overhyped GOOD but not FANTASTIC game.

Will the gameplay just be on foot or we will see Vehicles?

Vx Chemical
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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 05, 2006 20:35

Will the gameplay just be on foot or we will see Vehicles?

There are vehicles but only in the singleplayer part of the game! i think the game looks amazing, i think it will be great, and the next best thing!

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 00:13
I' m not dissapointed by GoW, if only because I' ve seen exactly what I expected. Hectic stop-&-pop gameplay. Dark gritty levels, and chainsaw' s on the front of guns.

Is it a little shallow? Maybe, but it is different, which is appreciated.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 00:44

ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated

I' m not dissapointed by GoW, if only because I' ve seen exactly what I expected. Hectic stop-&-pop gameplay. Dark gritty levels, and chainsaw' s on the front of guns.

Is it a little shallow? Maybe, but it is different, which is appreciated.

Of course, some people are disappointed in Gears only because there haven' t
been any dragons that have popped out of the sky. No limit-break moves, or
double-casting techniques, and because there is always a place to hide as
... Gears is a disappointment.
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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 03:10
I' m more worred that it won' t live up to the hype. But co-op with the neighbor next door will be great and when I get Live...
...Random Madness, Forward...

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 03:18
I' m looking forward to playing it, i enjoyed kill.switch on ps2, which is basically the same gameplay mechanic.

Also it' s hard to fault the game for getting repetative, as most games do, in a regular fps you are running and gunning, in a hack and slash, in a beat em up, in a flight game, an rpg, a sports game... in most games your basically doing the same thing over and over again for a long period of time.

Gears is no different, but if you hate that, give up gaming as a hobby.

The game looks good visually, and it' ll be fun, how fun will obviously depend on your tastes. I' ll get to try this when my friend buys it for his 360 and hope it' s as good as it' s pegged out to be.
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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 04:54
I see what your saying uumai but my problem with this game is that it really dosent offer anything new, yet its hyped so much.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 04:57
Yea I agree with papado on this. Made a thread about it a while ago, but 3rd person stop and pop isn' t new (see ghost recon) and the single player gameplay looks pretty repetitive, (more so than other games imo).

I really hope this game doesn' t end up as just another blockbuster picture showcase for me, because they could really make it a good game, if they would only vary it a little.

-It could do with a bit of exploration gameplay in there adding little details that make the world believable,

-Deeper characters other than the usual baldy ' kikkass' hero guy,

-Getting rid of the ' arena' style gameplay where you have to enter one end and exit another.

In short.. a bit more freedom. I don' t suppose anyone else agrees though.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 5 Oct 06 21:00:08 >

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 05:02

In short.. a bit more freedom. I don' t suppose anyone else agrees though.

Its about a railcoaster with non stop action all the way,its not designed that way with freedom.

They have missions they need to follow,however cliff did say that the game has some sidepaths that you choose to take in many levels.

So that is " freedom" i guess.

and the single player gameplay looks pretty repetitive.

What have you seen so far?

They already told us they are hiding the good stuff.

As i said before i one level they walk in a forest where its picth black,until the lightning hit and you see for 1 second.

And they also found abandon factories in the wild.

VERY EXTREMY creepy,and something was walking in the dark.

As them said,its not about being in urban wuth pop and shot locust horde all the time.

They dont wanna spoil the game likewsie as in halo2,and that is a good thing.

They are showing us,hey look at this intense violent graphical game.
Now buy the game -btw we wont spoil the real suprises and the intresting enemies for you.

I like that.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 05:09
With halo2 we got all we needed to know from that trailer, where cortana says " i bet you cant stick em chief"

hijacking enemy vehicles
battle rifles

The surprise was just the sword, i doubt gears will be any different.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 05:13
I seen some stuff hinting on vehicles in Gears of war.

And since there is a sniper/bazooka in the game there might be some intresting things in the main campaign.

But enough about that,the game is selling on being a GRAW but ten times more blood and violence and having the best graphic coming this year.

So the gameplay is by far not a problem for me.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 05:32
That level with the lightning and stuff looks really cool, it' s also quite creepy,
especially when that thing is crawling in the dark. I love the amount of detail on
that map where the rain is dripping off the side of the buildings..


The surprise was just the sword, i doubt gears will be any different.

Weren' t they marketing the hell out of the sword, labelling it the anti-son-of-a
bitch stick?

Well the only thing Bungie said they wanted to remain tight-lipped about was the
campaign mode, given it was still all about guns, no-one had ANY idea that we
would be playing as the Arbiter. So, in that sense, your claim that Gears will be
more or less the same as what we have seen is a bit up in the air...
< Message edited by Tiz -- 5 Oct 06 21:34:05 >
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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 05:54
The arbiter didnt turn out to be a success.

My point is whatever epic havent shown cant be alot, the core gameplay is bland and unoriginal.

Even with the addition of vehicles its not enough and still not worth the hype.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 06:02
But then MGS4 is unorginal or upcoming Crysis,because those core of gameplay is unorginal.

Even with addition they are then not worth the hype.

< Message edited by quezcatol -- 5 Oct 06 22:02:46 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 06:07
Ok MSG4 is a continuation so that dosent matter.

Crysis would right just another beefed up fps. THE WORLD NEEDS TO STOP MAKING THEM.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 06:09

Splinter cell could have been seen as a MGS clone that wasn' ät intresting,still it took the world with storm.

Since GoW has sniper/bazooka weapon in it,its like a Graw but with a lot more intense violence.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 06:10

The arbiter didnt turn out to be a success.

My point is whatever epic havent shown cant be alot, the core gameplay is bland and unoriginal.

Even with the addition of vehicles its not enough and still not worth the hype.

Im sorry Anita, but it smells like you just want the game to be bad! Sure you might wanna lower your own expectations if thats what gets you going when a game arrives.

So a game has to have totally new gameplay mechanics to be worth anything to you hmmm?

Vehicles, nice action, good graphics, hopefully compelling characters, stylish level design, co-op play, CHAINSAWS!! GRENADES IN MOUTH!!

I cant see anything more worth it coming out! If you dont like what its about, please tell me you hated RE4 as well, because thats stop and pop, just to a minor degree

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 06:25
Its not like i want the game to be bad, its just i heard everyone talking about GEARS OF WAR being so great. Then when i actually see it i am like " is this what everyone was talking about" .

In this NEXT GENERATION yes i do expect to see some Originality.

Vehicles, nice action, good graphics, hopefully compelling characters, stylish level design, co-op play, CHAINSAWS!! GRENADES IN MOUTH!!

ALL the above ive seen in in other games like GRAW or HALO games, so there is nothing new there.

I havent played RE4 but i really do want to i heard its good.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 06:29
You fail Anita.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 06:30


You fail Anita.

Please tell me how?

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 06:36

In this NEXT GENERATION yes i do expect to see some Originality.

GoW is a game that truly use the Cover system to its fullest,how many other games does use it?

or how many other games let you play co-op anytime?
or let you play like BIA with tactical flanking,and have graphic this intense,also as i said,the graphic come into play whenwe see some very bizzare horrible envioprment.
Gonna be very intretsing to see how they implanted the light system,they said something that locust try to say out of it and gets weak by it.

Thus you saw in GoW how they for ex pushed down a big burning car or shot burning barrels,anyhow how the gameplay will work with the lightning system is gonna be very intresting,it gaved me the creep,when Marcus was wandering in the blöack forest,and i suddenly saw something disturbing ahead of them when the lighitning took a hit.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 06:50
Ok quez none of those things you have mentioned there are orginal in any way.
Cover system seen it in GRAW, pefect dark zero etc...

Whether its tweaked or not itz still been done and therefore nothing new.

Ive seen flanking in loads of games, ok graphics/style GOW is awesome but that aint enough i need more than pretty lights. AFTER all im not just watching the game im playing it. GAMEPLAY wise GOW is weak.

Assasins Creed is probably the only example of true next generation gameplay.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 06:53
But then you must agree that Heavbly sword,I-8 and Mgs4 isn' t that either.

Or do you think MGS4 use orginal gameplay because Snake can have a barrel over his head instead of a crate?

Come on.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 5 Oct 06 22:57:38 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 06:59
Well heavenly sword im not sure about but MGS4 your right is probably more of the same thing.

But that dosent matter as its a continuation and theres more than just gameplay which is gonna make it appeal to fans.

Also i dont think they are making MGS4 with the intention of making a whole new style of gameplay, otherwise the MGS fans would probably get pissed.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 07:04
I fail to understand your logic now.
Is it okay to copy a concept and get away with it?
And use an unorginal gameplay?
But new games that have simliar system should come up with something new?
If something works great then i say,stick with it and try to build up on it.

I mean splintercell grew out of MGS,you could argue that SC was more about realism though,but so is GoW its more a horror,violent game of a GRAW.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 07:09
Just heard from a guy whi played the game.

You can double chainsaw combo locuts and players online if 2 players at the same time press " B" .
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Disapointed by Gears of War - Oct 06, 2006 07:21
" Nothing is new under the sun" The word original really doesn' t exist, the fact is the approach is what makes it original. Right now GoW is original, it does seem alot like RE4 or Kill.Switch, but the fact is the approach and feel of the game will be nothing like the two. GoW has originality, innovation however it does not.
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