PS3 game prices will be fine.

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 06:01
MikayD is a casual gamer, he' s naive and believes everything Sony says about Playstation 3 because Playstation 2 was so successful.

Xbox 360 is capable of more graphically, but additional power didn' t do much for Xbox, so perhaps we should be evaluating exactly why Sony have been so successful with their first two consoles...

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 06:05
Propaganda? Unless I remember correctly, brazen lies weren' t the staple of the original PS2 & PS launches.
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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 06:08
Marketability in the eyes of 3rd party developers & publishers.

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 06:11
& so far, there has been talk of a difficult development system. I don' t know how accurate that is, but there wasn' t alot of talk about difficult programming for the 360 was there?

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 06:21
but wasn' t ps2 supposed to be difficult?
NiGHTS into Dreamcast

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 06:27
PS2 was difficult to program for but not to the extent of the Cell. With the PS2 devs had no choice but to make games for the console because it had the largest user base by far. It' s what sold the most games.
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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 06:32
They just complain too much, time to ugrage those skills and get to working on it... Sony aren' t really known for being too helpful are they?

All I hope is sony learn from this pre-launch and possibly console generation and really step up to the plate next gen doing more things right.... they have to have learnt by now. M$ is becoming real competition now.... Sony need to clean up their act

NiGHTS into Dreamcast

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 06:37


but wasn' t ps2 supposed to be difficult?

Very. Initially. Until developers started coming up with funky middleware and figured out their instruction sets, it was much harder to code for than either Gamecube or Xbox.

That' s why every generation of games got/gets better and better, because new techniques are found and extra power unearthed.

Sony say PS3 is easier to code for than PS2, but it' s multi-threaded architecture and bottlenecks will keep developers from hitting it' s true potential for a while.

It' d help it RSX wasn' t crap.

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 07:06
rsx is crap because sony were planning on using cell for gfx, right? kinda a last minute change in light of competition or something...

It seems odd to me that sony would consider doing such a thing, regardless of the processors strength and their confidence in it. Would they really think it wise to allow just a processor handle physics, gfx, ai, collision, and everything else it has to do, and still come out on top of M$ who were obviously gonna try and make a machine they know can compete.

Nothing this gen has really impressed me visually, because i was expecting a huge jump, something like the e305 showing sony had, its what i was wanting/hoping for (realistic or not), this gen hasnt been a large visual jump for me. So the visuals aren' t gonna make too much of a difference, i mean my favourite surviving current gen system is ps2, regardless of its crap hardware, i love how it manages to produce more than i thought it could..

PS4 will either rock hard and kick ass they way a (current) market leader should, or M$ will wipe the floor with them without much of a battle.
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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 07:06

MikayD is a casual gamer, he' s naive and believes everything Sony says about Playstation 3 because Playstation 2 was so successful.

I am not a Casual Gamer. I like to think of my self as a hardcore gamer but yeah at times I can come off Naive. (You to come off Naive at times) And its not that I believe the ps2 was great and that the ps3 will be also. Has nothing to do with me loving Sony.

Hell my Washer and dryer would be Sony brand if they made em. I just love Sony Products. That' s all now if I get a ps3 and it blows up and Sony doesn’t give me my money back then its ass whopping time but that’s another story.

But we will see want we

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 07:27
I come off as naive?!


rsx is crap because sony were planning on using cell for gfx, right? kinda a last minute change in light of competition or something...

Multiple CELL processors, 3 or 4, to handle everything.

They found that it wouldn' t work and the results were very poor because even though CELL has enormous computational power, it' s not very good at doing the tasks a GPU handles and is more suitable for things like physics calculations.

RSX is basically an overclocked 7800 with 256MB GDDR3 VRAM and Xeon beats it hands down.

Would anybody here expect Microsoft to drop their game prices by $10 any time soon?!

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 07:55
Yeah i know that about rsx... but i can' t believe sony were so short sighted... they may have some stupid people there, but surely someone must have said to them early on, sorry dude your not gonna get the same visual level as with a seperate gfx card, and multiple cells? if one is bad enough, imagine 3 of them

Ah sony, i love you if not for you, who would give us something to laugh at?
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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 07:56
My nivida geeforce 7950-512mb will kick RSX ass.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 08:12


My nivida geeforce 7950-512mb will kick RSX ass.

Good for you
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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 08:49
Really the differances between the two isnt huge. Its no xbox/ps2 thing.

I am more interested in what the devolpers can do with the Machines.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 09:37

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

I am more interested in what the devolpers can do with the Machines.

Xbox 360

Playstation 3

ike you said, it' s not exactly going to be a PS2 - Xbox gap, it' ll more of a SNES - Mega Drive gap.

There are unimpressive and impressive looking titles on both platforms and in the end, since multi-platform games will look pretty much identical (unless like in the case of FNR3 the developer gets significantly more development time with one platform) it' s going to come down to personal taste.

Anyway, wasn' t this supposed to be about the game prices?

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 10:18
^ More poly count in Gears ftw... :P

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 12:03
This isn' t really known to the public but Kojima already has MGS4 stuff running on a 360. He' s really interested in developing games for it. From what I' ve heard he wants to port MGS4 over. I heard this from a very very good source.
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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 12:20

RSX is basically an overclocked 7800 with 256MB GDDR3 VRAM and Xeon beats it hands down.

you mean xenos, xenon is the cpu. but yeah I agree with you, Xenos has the architecture of a gpu not even out yet plus the embeded ram which is good in a console as they save bandwidth considering consoles have so little ram compared to PC. Hardcore PC fans are giddy about DX10 and unified shaders and 360 players already have it. Xenos is basically and underclocked R600 with 48 shader units as opposed to 64 and Xenos has embeded Ram.

That being said RSX is no slouch, its not as if its a level behind Xenos the way the emotion engine was behind the gpu in xbox. RSX actually has actually more proccessing power then Xenos and in some situations the elegance and flexibility of xenos won' t give it the advantage over RSX.

The bigger difference is in the cpus, its going to be interesting to see how they compare with different situations.

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 12:38
The interesting thing will be the fact that PS3 will get all the good games and everyone' s gonna have to buy one, lolz.

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 14:42
Good games on the PS3? when will they start showing those?

Nothing in the first year of PS3 currently looks interesting except maybe MGS4

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 15:36
I really doubt that PS3 games would cost more then $60, maybe the occasional $70, but I still have my money on mostly $60 games...

--but personally, I still say $60 is kind of expensive for games. Hence why I wait until there is a price drop in the games...

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 17:25

ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

I am more interested in what the devolpers can do with the Machines.

Xbox 360

Playstation 3

You' re not directly comparing those two are you? One is a second generation game and the other is a first generation game. Also, japanese developers are falling behind with graphics, even Kojima.

This isn' t really known to the public but Kojima already has MGS4 stuff running on a 360. He' s really interested in developing games for it. From what I' ve heard he wants to port MGS4 over. I heard this from a very very good source.

I once said that I thought there might be a possibility that MGS would end up on the 360 one way or the other but then Majik called me an idiot and said that it is impossible because Sony helped Kojima with his studio.

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 20:53

You' re not directly comparing those two are you? One is a second generation game and the other is a first generation game. Also, japanese developers are falling behind with graphics, even Kojima.

No, not directly, only as far as things like textures, lighting, modelling etc go.

Also, you think MGS4 will launch withing PS3' s first year?! I expect it to be like Gears and be one of the consoles 1st second generation games.

you mean xenos, xenon is the cpu

My bad. That' s because i was looking at a Xeon vs Opteron article earlier in the day.

I once said that I thought there might be a possibility that MGS would end up on the 360 one way or the other but then Majik called me an idiot and said that it is impossible because Sony helped Kojima with his studio.

It' s simply not going to happen. If he makes anything for 360 it' ll have an online focus.

Sony funded the creation of his studio so they' ll have had " rights" written into an agreement. If MGS4 ends up on 360 in it' s current form, less than 18 months after the PS3 version hits, i' ll eat my hat!

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 21:06

^ More poly count in Gears ftw... :P

PS3 will have UT2k7.

Back to square one.
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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 22:09

This isn' t really known to the public but Kojima already has MGS4 stuff running on a 360. He' s really interested in developing games for it. From what I' ve heard he wants to port MGS4 over. I heard this from a very very good source.

Kojima said many times that MGS4 wont be coming to any other platform. He will devolp for the 360, but it isnt going to be Metal Gear.

Even even said it again at Tgs.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 22:37

PS3 will have UT2k7.

Back to square one.

Mm i know,im getting that for my pc.
I can then play at 60 framerate.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 23:03

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

This isn' t really known to the public but Kojima already has MGS4 stuff running on a 360. He' s really interested in developing games for it. From what I' ve heard he wants to port MGS4 over. I heard this from a very very good source.

Kojima said many times that MGS4 wont be coming to any other platform. He will devolp for the 360, but it isnt going to be Metal Gear.

Even even said it again at Tgs.

I know. I' ve heard the same thing many many times. I was one of the people that made that known on the forums, mainly that he wanted to start a whole new franchise on the 360. He has been testing the MGS4 engine on the 360 and has the game running one it so anything could happen. I hope he does a completely new series just because as cool as MGS is, the first one is the only amazing one imo. It' s slowly fallen from glory. Kojima deserves to create something new and flex his imagination.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: PS3 game prices will be fine. - Oct 01, 2006 23:58

It' s slowly fallen from glory

I hate you.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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