Oops, sorry I left before you responded. Here is how to do it for future use.
Go the the Purple/Settings blade
Choose Console Settings
Scroll down to Auto Shut off.
There it will ask you if you would like the system to shut off after 6 hours of inactivity.
Enable this option and voila!
Hope this helps some of you and that your homes dont burn down in an accidental fire from the overheating or some freak accident

P.S. I actually have never left my system on accidentally so I' ve never been around when it shuts down automatically. But I did fall asleep for 3 hours today during the download for this demo...
The analog grapple moves are so fit for classic ECW type matches. Kane crusifix powerbombed me over the top rope Mike Awesome/Masato Tanaka style. Too bad I didn' t land on a table
Also, let me just say that I really love this message board. I' ve been around here since 2004, havent talked much, but I enjoy my time here.
< Message edited by James_N -- 29 Sep 06 0:40:28 >