New Banjo Kazooie.

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Evil Man
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New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 12:51
On X360. Well, obiously since MS owns Rare.

I finally have a reason to own an X360.

For those of you that don' t know, which I bet most of you dont, since you are all brainless mainstream retards that only play GTA and Madden, Banjo Kazooie was a platformer series released on N64 and they were the best games ever made, except for the shitty gameboy versions.

I hope Rare doesnt fuck the 360 sequel.

< Message edited by Evil Man -- 28 Sep 06 4:52:19 >

Agent Ghost
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 12:59
Everyone here knows what Banjo Kazooie is...and at the time it was mainstream as is FF and a lot of the best series hence the reason they' re so popular.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 28 Sep 06 5:00:52 >

Evil Man
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 13:03

Banjo came out in 98, most of you were toddlers back then.

I also remember reading that the Banjo games on N64 sold like shit, I think EGM had a section on it under the title " Best games that didn' t sell" or something like that.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 28 Sep 06 5:05:53 >

Agent Ghost
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 13:19
many of us are in our 20s, and I don' t know about them but I' ve been playing videogames since I was 6.

Evil Man
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 13:24
You don' t act like it.

Still, the game sold like shit, I know it.

This reminds me of Diddy Kong Racing, I loved that shit, it raped MK64, they should make something like that on 360 w/out the nintendo characters,
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 28 Sep 06 5:27:52 >

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 15:41
I loved Banjo Kazooie to my N64,also im suprised that Banjo didn' t sell,since it was one of the most popular n64 games and got avg ratio of 91%.

I loved the kazooie humor in the game,and ofc the great gameplay,and that you could fly in the game.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Vx Chemical
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 16:00

On X360. Well, obiously since MS owns Rare.

I finally have a reason to own an X360.

For those of you that don' t know, which I bet most of you dont, since you are all brainless mainstream retards that only play GTA and Madden, Banjo Kazooie was a platformer series released on N64 and they were the best games ever made, except for the shitty gameboy versions.

I hope Rare doesnt fuck the 360 sequel.

Lol! It' s kinda funny, since Banjo have been mentioned multiple times on the forum as a want for the 360. There are very few praises of GTA on this forum, so you maybe you should chill out and maybe read up on what people here think before you post!

Now there is really only one kid on this forum, and his name is Evil Man, he thinks he knows a lot, but he doesnt really know anything, he says he has money and a job, but i doubt he is in highschool, probably a dumb dropout kid. Did mommy get you a faulty Xbox 360 evilman? Couldnt mommy call mister Stringer and get you a early PS3, is that why you are sour little Evil Man? Or did you just get your first Playstation as a toddler so you could play Spyro and just like all the other little fanboi' s you cant look post your nose to see something else will be worthwhile?

You so pathetic, with the amount of idiocy in your posts im surprised you havent been banned yet. But if you have fun coming here trying to act grown up when your only 14, okay. Im sure being beaten up by all the other kids at school is tough on you, as long as you know, no one takes you seriously.

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 16:10
Sweden agree with VX Chemical.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 16:33


Sweden agree with VX Chemical.

So does London!
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 17:52
He' s right when he says that it sold like shit, especially compared to it' s nearest rival and stablemate; SM64.

The 2 Banjoe Games on N64 were easily amongst the best game of that generation. In fact, the only Rare developed game that didn' t kick as much ass as it should have done was Killer Instinct Gold.

Diddy Kong Racing, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were the best games on the platform.

He' s also right in hoping that " Rare doesn' t fuck the 360 sequel" because all you have to do is look at what they did to Perfect dark Zero and you can see EXACTLY what he means.

What he' s wrong about is thinking of us all as " mainstream retards that only play GTA and Madden" , although there are a couple, the vast majority of our regular posters are well balanced knowledgeble 20+ year old gamers.

This is the second thread he' s posted now that has a valid topic where it' s quickly drifting towards an argument, so...if you don' t have anything productive to say then it' d be best if you didn' t say anything at all. I know you guys were responding to his comments about us all being mainstream retards, but we all know his mannerisms by now and it wasn' t directed at anybody in particular.

Anyway, he can' t have been talking about me since i have a complete disdain for the GTA series and have never played a Madden game. Ha, maybe he was talking about you!!!

Vx Chemical
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 17:55
I know where you are coming from Majik, but his mannerism shouldnt be accepted, i wont accept it! You might wanna go buddy buddy with Evil Man, but id rather see him clear up his act or get lost!

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 18:02

ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical

I know where you are coming from Majik, but his mannerism shouldnt be accepted, i wont accept it! You might wanna go buddy buddy with Evil Man, but id rather see him clear up his act or get lost!

Yeah, i don' t like it either but people have complained already and nothing has been done. Adam obviously doesn' t want to ban him and so the only option would be to edit his posts which would be a pain in the ass. Simply put we need mods, but we don' t have any so since i' d actually like to discuss the new Banjo & Kazooie game i' m happy to let his comments go over my head.

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 18:16
The case with EvilMan is if you just stare him in the eye and then look to the
side and realise " Crap, my attention is still by side, that' s funny, what did you say

Believe me, it works...
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 18:47
What did everybody think of the CG trailer?!

I actually though that Banjo looked a bit strange, but maybe that' s just me.

I think that this... what the game needs to actually look like.

It' ll be interesting to see what the rest of Rare are working on. They' ll either try to redeem themselves by developing Perfect Dark 2, or they' ll give the people what they want and develop Killer Instinct 3.

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 18:54
My brother and I watched the trailer and couldn' t stop laughing... seriously.

I thought they looked a bit strange too, they had that " Viva Pinata" sheen about
them, that flakey sheen..

It was too funny though...
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Vx Chemical
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 19:42
I never played the first Banjo games as i didnt have N64. The models look very likeable and looney tooney' ish. The 360 needs a good platformer!

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 19:44

I never played the first Banjo games as i didnt have N64. The models look very likeable and looney tooney' ish. The 360 needs a good platformer!

I thought that honour belonged to Sonic???
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Vx Chemical
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 19:57
Sonic stopped being fun when they made him 3d, end of story!

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 20:01
....Sonic Adventure?

O.k... you win... damn.
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 20:56
All right. Now that they' re making sequels to N64-generation games, let' s get a Fear Effect sequel too, hm?

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 21:12
I still don' t think PDZ sucked,it was a good fps if you as kme,i had a lot of fun in CO-OP and SP and MP.

Anyhow,PDZ/KAMEO was dev with a Gc in min then XBOX and then rushed for xbox360.

Now RARE has just one mission dev a great plattform title with a 360 from scratch.

Oh and about Evil Man.

Well what he has written and done,is basically a proof that you can' t/shouldn' t be banned from this site,even if you spam or attack people with profanity for 2 years.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 28, 2006 22:55
i heard soemwhere that most of the original stuff behind banjo on n64 had moved from rare, so i hope they will still deliver, cus rare isn' t what it used to be ... at all.

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 29, 2006 00:38
That is not true,the core team beahind Goldeneye left Rare but the team that was left who also did Banjo and Perfect dark.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Evil Man
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 29, 2006 12:03

ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical

On X360. Well, obiously since MS owns Rare.

I finally have a reason to own an X360.

For those of you that don' t know, which I bet most of you dont, since you are all brainless mainstream retards that only play GTA and Madden, Banjo Kazooie was a platformer series released on N64 and they were the best games ever made, except for the shitty gameboy versions.

I hope Rare doesnt fuck the 360 sequel.

Lol! It' s kinda funny, since Banjo have been mentioned multiple times on the forum as a want for the 360. There are very few praises of GTA on this forum, so you maybe you should chill out and maybe read up on what people here think before you post!

Now there is really only one kid on this forum, and his name is Evil Man, he thinks he knows a lot, but he doesnt really know anything, he says he has money and a job, but i doubt he is in highschool, probably a dumb dropout kid. Did mommy get you a faulty Xbox 360 evilman? Couldnt mommy call mister Stringer and get you a early PS3, is that why you are sour little Evil Man? Or did you just get your first Playstation as a toddler so you could play Spyro and just like all the other little fanboi' s you cant look post your nose to see something else will be worthwhile?

You so pathetic, with the amount of idiocy in your posts im surprised you havent been banned yet. But if you have fun coming here trying to act grown up when your only 14, okay. Im sure being beaten up by all the other kids at school is tough on you, as long as you know, no one takes you seriously.

Um, I' m 24.

Thanks for trying though but you fail.

ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical

I never played the first Banjo games as i didnt have N64. The models look very likeable and looney tooney' ish. The 360 needs a good platformer!

I bet you didn' t have one because you weren' t even born when N64 was in its prime. Fucking little 6 year olds, they need to start IDing people before they are let into these forums, make it 18+, or better yet 20+ age required to even post.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 29 Sep 06 4:08:38 >

Vx Chemical
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 29, 2006 14:03

Um, I' m 24.

Thanks for trying though but you fail.

Yeah, hehe Id say that now too if i was you!

I bet you didn' t have one because you weren' t even born when N64 was in its prime. Fucking little 6 year olds, they need to start IDing people before they are let into these forums, make it 18+, or better yet 20+ age required to even post.

Im 26, and i have been playing video games before you could handle a joystick. I had an ATARI and a C64. The reason i didnt have a N64 is that the games were stupidly priced, and at that point consoles could offer nothing that i couldnt get better on a PC.

IMO its only untill last gen, that consoles were even worth considering, since most of the games released wasnt really anything to look at, and the developers who makes games that interest me were only making PC titles. I' ve always been a PC gamer, among people of my age when i was around your 14 years of age, consoles were considered to be kids toys.

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 29, 2006 15:25
I had an N64 as well and I totally agree that games were overpriced or rather too expensive. In Canada they typically ran as high as $80 plus 15% sales tax so that' s approximately $92. Note that $80 is rounded down. Nowadays game prices don' t bother me or my brother as we both work and have more than enough to buy games regularly and use a good system to play it on in proportion to the size of the room. Than and games are more affordable cause there aren' t many " must have" titles these days.

Vx Chemical
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 29, 2006 15:44
You know, there are probably just as many must have titles now as then, with age one gets more picky about what you play, and wont accept playing some of the crap games played as younger.

Also there is a habit of remembering things more positively than they actually are, hence the expression the good ole days, theres never been such a thing, its all in the Eye of the Beholder

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 29, 2006 17:43
I' d hoped for Killer Instinct 3, but now that their next confirmed title is Banjo i couldn' t be happier.

I enjoyed Kameo, even if it was flawed and really short. I think that a game developed from the ground up for 360 will redeem them, or at least that' s what i' m hoping.

However, it' s not been confirmed whether it' s Banjo 3, or whether it' s a remake of the original. Or did i miss it?

Vx Chemical
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 29, 2006 17:50
I dont htink anything is confirmed!

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 29, 2006 20:36
But it' s confirmed that Evil man is a dick head,i just asked the US ambassador.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 30, 2006 04:54

I also remember reading

Now I know he' s lying. No WAY he can read.

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 30, 2006 05:04
If its shit or not, I' ll play it anyway.

Banjo Kazooie' s music is Horribley Catchy.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 29 Sep 06 21:05:17 >
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Sep 30, 2006 20:47

...interesting thread...

....i thought it was only Communists who refused to tolerate those with a different point of view?.........

...wanting some one banned because they disagree with you is the height of immaturity, regardless of the age of those involved......

....and to cite abusive language as a reason for banning someone when you constantly behave in that manor yourself is even worse.......

....some people here should really be ashamed of themselves.... ...maybe Adam should start banning hypocrites instead?........

< Message edited by Bishonen -- 30 Sep 06 13:07:40 >
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Oct 03, 2006 06:25
Well put, brother

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Oct 03, 2006 06:33
for all people who played Okami and banjo&kazooie, i' m pretty sure they will notice some striking similraties between their tunes and somewhat their atmosphere, of course okami' s biggest influence is zelda.

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Oct 03, 2006 06:34
Tru_warrior be more active before you judge someone.

Evil man is hated because he likes to troll and personally attack people and being a fanboy,.

He sucks,that' s just fact.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Oct 03, 2006 06:39

The reason i didnt have a N64 is that the games were stupidly priced, and at that point consoles could offer nothing that i couldnt get better on a PC.

stop right there VX , in fact only this gen that PC is getting much better because of all the ports it gets from consoles, are u saying taht PC offered beter games than PSone and n64 AAA titles !!!??,

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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Oct 03, 2006 06:57

ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane

The reason i didnt have a N64 is that the games were stupidly priced, and at that point consoles could offer nothing that i couldnt get better on a PC.

stop right there VX , in fact only this gen that PC is getting much better because of all the ports it gets from consoles, are u saying taht PC offered beter games than PSone and n64 AAA titles !!!??,

AHEM!!! And the Saturn, I think you missed that one there
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Oct 03, 2006 08:53
Evil Man is a troll simply put, this is actually the first semi-constructive post I have seen come out of him. But the thread is about Banjo Kazooie. I always loved the games, one of the most addicting Platformer series' next to Super Mario. I truly hope it is a continuation of the series over a remake (though I' m not saying I wouldn' t mind a remake). All things aside, I hope for the best.
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Evil Man
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RE: New Banjo Kazooie. - Oct 03, 2006 11:15
Mario 64 doesnt even come close to Banjo Kazooie.