Terry Bogard
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Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 28, 2006 12:16
That' s right! Get your asses on the Marketplace and get that sumb' tch ASAP!!  I am SOOO surprised there wasn' t already a thread raving about it!!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 28, 2006 12:27
Next gen sonic eh? I will check. I' d like to predict that I will be un-impressed, sonic team has sucked ass lately.
Evil Man
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 28, 2006 12:31
Hmm, it seems I left my x360 on top of my HDTV Cable Box, its a little hot on the bottom, I wouldn' t dare turn it on right now because it will probably overheat, you know, typical shitty MS console, cant take a little heat or it turns to shit. Anyway, I will check it out tommorow.
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 28, 2006 14:26
**Double post.**
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 28 Sep 06 7:11:51 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 28, 2006 15:11
God DAMN does this game suck ass or what? Did you hear that music? It sounded like music for a slow war simulation game. The camera moves incredibly slow, the control sucks, the homing attack is overly relied upon and works poorly, it is boring and I certainly will not buy this game. The Genesis Sonic 1 is still the best, followed by Sonic 2 and Sonic Aventure 1. Sonic really needs to retire and never have another videogame again, just like they did to Alex Kidd. Sonic' s day is done. EDIT: What' s with all of these " Bringing it Home" demos up there? There are tons and tons of them! Xbox Live must be getting glitchy or something. Maybe they should upgrade to Windows 98â„¢
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 28 Sep 06 7:12:00 >
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 28, 2006 15:28
i think all x06 stuff will come in 1-2 days now,but probably later today. Anyway...the sonic demo was so-so.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 28, 2006 23:46
The demo was over WAY too quickly and I agree about the camera, I kept trying to readjust it. 3D Cameras has always seemed to be a weak point of Sonic Team. They should have definitely included the running portions of that level just to entice players more, but I' m afraid the short level they included in the demo probably won' t sway those that were on the fence about the game.. They should have just put the E3 demo on the Marketplace.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 28 Sep 06 15:46:58 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 29, 2006 00:10
Wait... I thought that was the E3 demo? Or did the E3 demo have that cool water running bit in it? Argh!
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Terry Bogard
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 29, 2006 00:30
The E3 demo had two playable characters and 2 playable and longer levels.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 28 Sep 06 16:30:44 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 29, 2006 00:42
Did the E3 demo have better music?
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 29, 2006 03:10
I got on live FOR THE FIRST FREAKING TIME at my house, and this was the first thing I downloaded. The visuals were really pretty, and the running segments were nice, but there are definately some beefs I' ve got. The camera is slow, but that didn' t bug me too much. The one thing that did bug me was the diving/homing attack. If you didn' t hit exactly what you wanted to his, you went careening off a cliff. I can' t complain about the uber-responsive directional controls, because I remember someone saying those are to be tweaked.
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 29, 2006 03:24
CRAP!!.. Controls are all over the place and way to fiddley.. Almost to the point where they seem digital. Again WAY too much Rails.. I wish i had the job of bringing Sonic to the next Gen.. I would of Stripped the game back to its 1991 basics and got rid of all the Rails, Based it around sonic 1 on the MD with worlds completely Free-roaming in the style of of say Mario 64. brought back Dreamy synth Music and the old school sound effects and jingles, but obviously in better quality. The new Sonic Games suck.. Totally lost their routs..
Terry Bogard
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 29, 2006 04:04
with worlds completely Free-roaming in the style of of say Mario 64. I would SOOO not buy that game  . I hate free-roaming platformers, I' d like to have an idea of where I' m going and what I' m supposed to do!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 29, 2006 04:27
Graphics, camera, and controls were weak. The whole point of Sonic (to me at least) is to have insane graphics with insane speed and it fails.
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 29, 2006 21:15
I have already dl the demo from XBLM it was around 350+mb, the visual is pretty good, but the gameplay is the same as the dreamcast, I find that the control is kinda off, because I keep on falling down off the cliff, because getting track to another location is like a pin-point where every object is already place and you just have to do it according to the game. From the past Sonic games the only thing I really like is the backround music, it has the theme like pure mood and it really is enjoyable to listen to. I' ll think twice if I really want to buy the game.
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 29, 2006 21:47
Damn it, why did they give us this age old demo with the over responsive controls. Graphically it looks very nice indeed, but the latest TGS demo has been improved and last years TGS version demo' ed by Naka-san didn' t look to have any control issues. If they loosen the controls slightly and sort out some of the collision issues with the homing attack (which have mostly been worse than the original SA in sebequent installments) then it should be awesome. Hopefully they do, as I' ve been waiting for a game to match the Sonic stages of SA 1&2.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 29 Sep 06 13:48:23 >
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 30, 2006 03:05
I believe it' s already been said that the demo' s controlls will be loosened up a bit for release, but I' m not sure they' d be able to go back on something like the music. Falling off the cliff sucks, because it' s not really something you' re doing because you' re bad at it, it' s because of the sluggish camera and that stupid all-purpose jump-attack-make sandwich-play uno-get lai... well, you get the idea.
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 30, 2006 03:26
Am I the only one that is scared by the fact that Sonic can cup the princesses ENTIRE BUTT in one of his hands?
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Evil Man
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 30, 2006 12:10
I played the demo finally... first off the music isn' t that bad, it' s untypical for a Sonic game buts its not the worst music I' ve ever heard. The camera sucks ass, graphics are ok, controls are too unresponsive, you cant expect to have precise control with a a guy that runs at 100mph but it should be better than what it is. But who is that white hedgehog =/ I hope theyre all as fast as sonic, I hated the slow characters in Sonic Adventure, I still have nightmares of when I had to play through the story of that fat ass cat Biggs or whatever his name was.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 30 Sep 06 4:13:29 >
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 30, 2006 12:55
ORIGINAL: Tiz Am I the only one that is scared by the fact that Sonic can cup the princesses ENTIRE BUTT in one of his hands? Yeah, Sonic is supposed to be small. The thing that really bothers me is that the princess looks like a butt. Talk about fugly.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Terry Bogard
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Sep 30, 2006 13:20
I still have nightmares of when I had to play through the story of that fat ass cat Biggs or whatever his name was. You' re definitely not alone on that end.. Both the Big the Cat fishing levels and the Knuckles scavenger hunting levels gave me nightmares!! I hated Sonic Adventure so damm much because of Knuckles and Rogues.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Oct 03, 2006 11:36
Big wasnt near as bad as the emerald hunt levels. atleast with big it gave you something to do other than fly around waiting on a light to flash red. Of course the whole gay frog thing didnt make much since to me.
Evil Man
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RE: Next-gen Sonic demo on Xbox Live Marketplace
Oct 03, 2006 12:15
Why did he have a problem with that frog? I thought the Sonic levels were the best, followed by Tails and Knuckles. Amy, Bigs, and the Robot sucked.