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Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 01:38
Did anyone follow the live TGS show each day? They talked and showed us sony TGS key note speak the first whole day,the 2nd they interviewed SONY people,and through the whole 3 days,they showed 2 xbox360 games. Tenchu and fusion frenzy2. No,mention about Blue dragon,Trusty bell,kingdom under fire or Lost odyssey at all. Just that fusion frenzy 2 is out to 360. Gj gamespot,you not only get paid by SONY,but you have to interview sony people 2 days? WTF?! Seriously,wtf?
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 24 Sep 06 17:46:59 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 02:31
Yay! Go Sony! Gamespot is their bitch.
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 03:51
Seriously they are fucked up. I don' t demand them to say anything good about 360,but plz report what is happening for 360.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 04:31
PS3 rules   xbox nah, blue dragon looks so retarded, LO its cool but nah...
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 04:37
ORIGINAL: fernandino PS3 rules   xbox nah, blue dragon looks so retarded, LO its cool but nah... Blue Dragon is going to be ported to PS3.... .... ..... ...... ........ .... I bet that puts the game up on your Most Wanted List now, right beside Kingdom Hearts 2... Tell us why Blue Dragon looks retarded? That " PS3 rules" motto is not doing your intelligence any favours...
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 04:56
i really dont give a fuck if the game is or wouldget ported, Blue Dragon looks retarded, i mean the 360 does have some cool games, GRAW, Oblivon, and Dead Rising (even hough i wouldnt pay more than 40 dlls for this one, and i didnt) it looks so retarded because of the art work, they are kids for heavens sakes, if i would like to play with a kid i would go to a kinder garden or somethig, im so sick of toriyama´s work, they still use the random battle system, the bad guys are so dumb, that stupd purple yoda sucks tail, the robots just look retarded, the turn based battle system its allrigth i guess but we will have to whait
< Message edited by fernandino -- 24 Sep 06 20:58:34 >
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 04:59
They are as old as they are in FF9 for ex. Did you know Zidane was 16? And garnet 15? They felt much older,but was still young. And just because it look " cartoonish" doesn' t mean its just for children ffs.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 24 Sep 06 21:00:20 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 05:04
ORIGINAL: fernandino i really dont give a fuck if the game is or wouldget ported, Blue Dragon looks retarded, i mean the 360 does have some cool games, GRAW, Oblivon, and Dead Rising (even hough i wouldnt pay more than 40 dlls for this one, and i didnt) it looks so retarded because of the art work, they are kids for heavens sakes, if i would like to play with a kid i would go to a kinder garden or somethig, im so sick of toriyama´s work, they still use the random battle system, the bad guys are so dumb, that stupd purple yoda sucks tail, the robots just look retarded, the turn based battle system its allrigth i guess but we will have to whait Copy and paste the highlighted and you' ve openly managed to describe a great majority of the Final Fantasy characters/story out there... But I bet you love Final Fantasy SNAP! Just realised Final Fantasy is strictly on Sony consoles and Blue Dragon isn' t. Hmm.
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 05:10
Yes in fact Shu the main character is 16,so is his girlfriend and that other pal. Zora the pirate hottie is 20 years old. And marumaro the guy i have in my avatar is 14. So...basically if we take the avg age its 16.4 while in FF8 was around 17.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 06:05
No sir, i dont like FF, i loved FF VI, and V, FF VII and tactics where OK but to me all the others where really bad, and dont have plans of uying FF XIII so i would recomend u not to place bets so easily, the RPG´s i do like are Guild Wars, Neverwhinter Nigths, Shin Megami Tensei, Oblivion, Disgaea and im looking foward to Rogue Galaxy, again, i dont guive a fuck if the game its 360 only, or if later will come to the PC, either way the game looks fucking retarded to me, as i said Lost O. looks good but this one looks like thras, i bet its so gonna flop just like N3, Enchanted Arms, Just Cause, ChromeHounds, and kinda Dead Rising Quez in the plot of the game they could be like 600 years old, the deal here its that they look like 10 year old kids.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 24 Sep 06 22:18:38 >
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 06:11
I still can' t belive you liked FFV or FFVI if you think this looks retarded. Let me ask you this,what did you think about CHrono Trigger? ANd what do you think about upcoming Lost odyssey.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 06:30
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL I still can' t belive you liked FFV or FFVI if you think this looks retarded. Let me ask you this,what did you think about CHrono Trigger? ANd what do you think about upcoming Lost odyssey. The reason i liked FF VI so much was because of the characters, first of all, they are no kids, then some of they are pretty damn cool but then again i played thoese games so long ago, when i was a brat, now im grown up, i dont have to much time to play Videogames so i jst wont waste any time in playing a game like Blue Dagon, i loved Chrono Trigger, someone here started a thread about the top 5 games of all time and i posted it in my list, but then again how long has it being since Chrono??? i mean, i can undestand that they want to keep the game turn based, but what about the random battles, or the style of the game, thats just retarded??? Lost Odyssey does look good, im looking foward to it,
< Message edited by fernandino -- 24 Sep 06 22:35:15 >
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 06:33
There is no random battles in Blue dragon,and it use a new skill system. You have been missinformed by someone. Also in FF6,sure the characters was in their early 20' ish but,you know how some reacted,come on. You know the expression and how they looked somedtimes,it was funny,but you gonna say that was " serious" ?
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 07:43
I didn' t know this thread will be that stupid and yes, I knew Quez started it.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 24 Sep 06 23:43:46 >
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 07:48
Says Gangsta,enough said.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Gaius IV
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 09:00
No sir, i dont like FF, i loved FF VI, and V, FF VII FF VI was awesome! infact my favourite in the series.
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 09:02
FF6 is a classic,but i still consider CT and FF7 better,but i do get why many still says ff6 is the best in the serie.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 18:49
If you dislike Gamespot then you shouldn' t visit their site.
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 19:15
In fact, lost odyssey is the game with the random encounters
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 20:46
Ginj i just saw the top 10 most intresting games to GS readers,the only 360 game that was in the top 10,was no wii games btw,was Gears of war. The rest ps3 games. Clearly GS take cares of its sony readers.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 25, 2006 21:28
I never visit gamespot because I think they suck.
Gaius IV
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 26, 2006 02:25
Ign are so much better. Plus they got jessica chobot!!!
what is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women!
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 26, 2006 11:16
I don' t visit much on a regular basis, anything big usually siphons down to the forums before it hits the news pages anyways. When I do, it' s usually gamesindustry.biz & IGN
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 26, 2006 11:51
I occasionaly visit that site to see what the ' tards' are saying. I mean come on 99% of the comments are filled with crap one liners - you probably know what i mean. What i do usually use Gamespot for is to get an idea of what s certain part of the gaming community feels about gaming news in general. I have never posted on that site but felt tempted to take some of those sonyfanboys down a few notches. I use IGN for the majority of my gaming news.
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 29, 2006 08:11
nvm then.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 29 Sep 06 0:34:28 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Gamespot=SONY WORLD!
Sep 29, 2006 08:32
Some lame threads in ere lately.