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Summer Time
Jun 14, 2004 14:35
Ah yes, finally the summer time. What games are you guys playing? Its time for me to do catch up with my games. The next games i' m getting aren' t for a while. So I' m getting back into some of my old games that I never beat. I went back to final fantasy X-2, panzeer dragoon orta, vf 4: evo, kotor. I' m also catching up with my xbox live gaming as well. What is everyone else catching up on?
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 14, 2004 14:45
Very first Splinter Cell, man i love that game. Also, im playing Prince of Persia, and Halo on lengendary again I havent completed that dark side of KOTOR so i might do that
< Message edited by ColdFusion -- 6/14/2004 2:46:38 PM >
Mass X
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 14, 2004 15:46
Ive managed to budget out m money so that I can get 1 to 2 games every weekend. Which means I' m giving myself very little time to play all the games to the fullest. Currently I' m playing Top Spin, while often jumping back to the already beat Hitman Contracts...I' m addicted to it. Until my game comes that I won from here, those two will probably keep me occupied along with Amped 2 and ToCA.
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 14, 2004 16:36
I' ve been playing Suikoden III for the past couple weeks. I have about 37 hours on it so far and feel like I' m getting somewhat close to the end. I' m also at the end of Painkiller I have tons more games to go through. Only a little more than 2 & 1/2 months of summer vacation left.
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 14, 2004 16:49
Final Fantasy VI and VII are the first games on my agenda (I' m at the beginning of Kefka' s tower in VI, so I' m almost finished there). After that, I' ll probably be playing Mega Man games until the start of school. This is all assuming, of course, that I have time, what with a month-long absence in July and me being in a local play for most of June.
" The greatest griefs are those we cause ourselves." -from Oedipus Rex
Terry Bogard
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 14, 2004 17:11
I' m playing Kaena and Sega Ages: Outrun, planning to get Gradius V when it releases next month!
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 14, 2004 17:13
1-2 games every weekend? Geez, I thought I had it bad for having 50 games in my whole game collection. I also just got into another clan in wolfenstein, which is always good.
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 14, 2004 17:14
I' m just going to try and get a decent job! I hope I get something soon. And when I' m not doing that I' ll hopefully either playing RalliSport 2 ot TOCA 2... just gotta buy ' em first. 
< Message edited by CapnCrunch311 -- 6/14/2004 5:15:59 PM >
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 14, 2004 18:21
Summer holds little meaning for me, seeing as how I work full-time anyway. But the salary more than makes up for it, and we do get some slightly different summer hours (I get out at 1:00 on Fridays, although I have to work an extra half-hour each day). But anyway, I' m currently playing CoR, which is awesome, and I' ll soon be getting back into CoN. Raven: Have you chosen your Flame Champion yet?
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 14, 2004 18:28
I' m playing Prince of Persia now, I bought it months ago and never got more than 15 minutes into it. Not b/c it isn' t good, but I just had other games I wanted to play. Been a great game so far, with some frustrating parts mixed in
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 14, 2004 18:38
Raven: Have you chosen your Flame Champion yet? Indeed I have. I picked Hugo.
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 14, 2004 18:57
i' ve beaten all my games except for contra:ss, which i' m at the last level on ( normal). other than that, this weekend i' m getting the xb/halo bundle + ninja gaiden.
A fate brings its will back to the original place and awakens the first conscience engraved on the deep valley of memory. This is what drives Ikaruga...
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 14, 2004 19:33
Raven: That makes the most sense, according to the story. However, I picked Chris, just because she' s my favorite character in the game. I have a save right before the spot you choose, and I' ve always meant to go back and choose someone else so I can see the rest of the game through their eyes. Of course, I' ve never gotten around to it, but I' d like to before Suikoden IV hits. Oh, and I think I invested a grand total of about 60 hours into Suikoden III, but that was so I could get all 108 Stars of Destiny (which I eventually did), and so I could play Luc' s story once I beat the game with all 108 Stars. I also wanted to power up my party something fierce, a failing of mine in every RPG I play. LOL
< Message edited by fathoms -- 6/14/2004 7:35:04 PM >
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 14, 2004 22:36
lets see my uber skinned version of Counter-Strike(if you want to know how to skin ask me :)) StarCraft probably a few hundred hours of Morrowind maybe a bit og halo some Dues ex maybe i can get past level 7 on Otogi XD will have to beat hunter the reckoning redeemer
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 15, 2004 00:37
Do you mean skinned on the counter-strike on the xbox or pc version. I have the xbox version.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 15, 2004 02:57
Oh, and I think I invested a grand total of about 60 hours into Suikoden III, Yeah, watching the intro ;)
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 15, 2004 03:44
Terry: Umm...you must be thinking of another game. Suikoden III' s intro. is three and a half minutes long. Actually, the longest intro. I' ve seen for a game isn' t an RPG; it' s Onimusha 3.
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RE: Summer Time
Jun 16, 2004 00:20
that intro was awesome, though.
A fate brings its will back to the original place and awakens the first conscience engraved on the deep valley of memory. This is what drives Ikaruga...